Automatic & Inspired Writing – Part 1
The first of three articles discusses the basics of automatic or spirit-inspired writing, an age-old method of communicating with the spirit world…
The Inspired Spirit, regular articles covering aspects of mediumship & working with the spirit world.
The first of three articles discusses the basics of automatic or spirit-inspired writing, an age-old method of communicating with the spirit world…
The second of three articles discusses the basics of automatic or spirit-inspired writing, an age-old method of communicating with the spirit world…
The third of three articles discusses the basics of automatic or spirit-inspired writing, an age-old method of communicating with the spirit world…
My partner Jane is experiencing a flair-up of her ongoing rheumatoid arthritis in her ankles. The pain and the accompanying swelling are making wal…
Here is a wonderful way to permanently remind yourself of the memories of someone special in the spirit world. Write a poem about them in which you…
A true story of the rainbow, originally shared on our substack and introduced to this website in March 2023. You’ll never see rainbows the same again.
Spirit communications that originate from a medium’s mind are termed ‘mental’ mediumship – of the mind. The delivery of those communications…
When it comes to talking about this popular topic, I’m the last person to listen to! Living a balanced life of living in the real world and all the…
By the nature of this work, I’m sensitive and that has its upsides and down. For the work we do with spirit, this is a very useful aspect of my …
To be honest with you from the off, when I set out on this incredible way of life, I had no intentions of becoming a medium, healer or communicator…
You’ve chosen to become a medium. You love the work with spirit, the learning and the experience it has brought to you. But you have no desires to …
When I sit for a WFSIW session (words from spirit-inspired writing), it’s often when I should be going to sleep instead. So, what happens if I fall…
I hadn’t been living in the north of England for very long. I was trying to settle into a new community where I knew nobody. After several weeks of…
The role of a medium is to act as a channel uniting the two worlds together for the relaying of evidence showing that someone in the spirit world l…
Learn a few basic tips and techniques to overcome your stage fright and gain confidence in front of an audience. This is an ENVOY ONLY article…
Learn a few basic tips and techniques to overcome your stage fright and gain confidence in front of an audience. This is an ENVOY ONLY article…
Learn a few basic tips and techniques to overcome your stage fright and gain confidence in front of an audience. This is an ENVOY ONLY article…
There is an important difference that we must always have in the front of our minds when we read ‘Inspired’ writing. The words being written are, m…
The role of a medium is, at times, very testing. In front of them is an audience that, first, wants to know if the medium is any good, and second, …
The light-hearted recent article on Egos that I wrote appealed to a few of the readers and created a little response back. The first was from my ow…
At the time when this event happened in 2016, I was a self-employed courier with Type 2 Diabetes. Controlling my blood sugar levels is part of livi…
If the spirit world has always been there, why have we not learned to communicate much clearer in the time that’s passed? Why is communication with…
Apart from being a student of this wonderful subject, I’m also a working evidential medium. That word ‘evidential’ is somewhat important in the way…
We talk about egos almost as a passing thought most of the time. In a somewhat light-hearted way we mention others who are inflating their egos on …
The opinions expressed within the content of this website are those of the author and may differ from other mediums & tutors & sources
Spirited Talk is based in Greater Manchester, UK
General Email : psychictrev@gmail.com
Media & Press : spiritedtalkpodcast@gmail.com