The Preamble
Written on Thursday 4th April 2024
From the very first session onward, I made a decision to remain honest with the results of sitting for communications. It would be all too easy to edit the messages or make out that spirit-inspired writing always yields incredible results. But that is not the picture I want to paint.
The following session was transcribed in April 2022, near the commencement of this series. Back then, I didn’t have a proper preamble section or afterthoughts. So now this session is being imported to this website, it gives me an opportunity to add those features, with the advantage of reading the session as if it’s new to me.
As you’ll read below, this session came to an unintended finish, sooner than I had expected. Perhaps my connections with the spirit world weren’t as strong as they have become over time.
A small reason for publishing these sessions is to share insights into the process of spirit-inspired writing. If nothing else is learnt from today’s session, at least you’ll witness that sometimes things don’t always pan out the way they are intended, and that is perfectly normal.
One of the determining factors for this session’s failure was the speaker’s prompting when he/she reminded me that the day was my father’s birthday. I had forgotten that until the speaker reminded me. Perhaps it’s hardly surprising my mind became distracted.
You took time this evening focusing your mind. We understand you were distracted by the date you wrote. You remembered that this is your father’s birth date.
We do celebrate birthdays over here, but often we need some reminding as we don’t count days, or have calendars.
Usually some other source will remind us. But it is not really a celebration here as it related to a previous life. Many of us, including me, cannot tell you exactly when I passed over to here, and even if I could remember the earth date, it would take me some time to put that into perspective to my life now. I mean, 100 years to you on earth is a very long time, but here, we have no time and so 100 years is immeasurable.
We talk to you a lot about the concepts of time because we know that it’s something that fascinates you. I confess, it certainly is a different concept to get your head around over here. But our lives are much freer without it, so most of the time it’s not something that we give much thought to. We have much other occupations to attend to.
[TREVOR] I am sitting here trying hard to get my mind free for the writing, which I stopped some 5 minutes ago. I’m battling to get my mind out of it. Questions are popping into my head about my father, where is he now, why cannot he not communicate etc.
written on Thursday 4th April 2024
722 days after the session was transcribed
It’s difficult for me not to be harsh about this session when it comes to judging the level of spirit inspiration.

🔷 In the first paragraph, the speaker suggests they don’t have calendars in their world. Considering everything is just a thought from being real, they could have calendars and diaries if they chose, but I suppose they would be useless.
🔷 The speaker’s point about needing to be reminded of their birth dates is an interesting one. Considering their life is no longer measured by the passing of time, their birthday would only be significant if someone from this side told them when it was that date on earth. Imagine if we were able to travel to another planet in our solar system to live where time would be measured completely different to earth time. What point would there be in wanting to know what date it was on Earth?
🔷 When my focus fades, or is lost entirely, as was the case in this session, it is often very hard to recover. It has happened to me many times since, though I’ve learned how to reconnect more quickly than back in the early days.
“I mean, 100 years to you on earth is a very long time, but here, we have no time and so 100 years is immeasurable..”