Mature Home Student


|| This summary written on Saturday 6th July 2024

I have a very good student friend who has commented to me recently about synchronicity—things that appear to happen, like coincidences at the right time. Like me, he is a strong believer in such occurrences.

The wiser I’ve become, the more I’ve realised that coincidences are rare. Everything happens for a reason. When we’re attuned to our higher self or inner spirit, we create a pathway for those on the other side to help and guide us.

Don’t misinterpret that, though. It doesn’t mean that the spirit guides are going to live our lives for us or necessarily tell us what we should and shouldn’t do. Their help is a little more subtle than that. One of my favourite phrases is, ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.’ This translates very well in spiritual unfoldment & mediumship development. 

Sometimes this may be merely ‘the red car‘ syndrome – when you buy a car of a particular colour that you thought was rare, and then you start seeing more of them than ever before. More often than not, however, these synchronicities are the work of the forces at work in the universe, be it our spirit team or other outside influences of power.

In today’s session, the speaker freely discussed my recent reading choices and touched on the direction my learning is taking. This offers comfort and reassurance, helping endorse that my choices are correct ones.

  • This is another of those sessions where, if at the very least, this is my higher spirit talking, the voice within is always one to hear.


Session transcribed on Sunday 19th June 2022 at 4:35 pm

You’re finally understanding that since you’ve been interested in unfolding your inner potential, the right tools, teachers, and lessons have been put in your path. Humans like to call these things coincidences. They’re not. They’re things you need at a given stage of your journey.

You’ve chosen to read a book on this holiday and since reading it, you have learned more about this work you’re doing with the pen. You’ve been reassured by the words you’ve read and now feel more confident about this task you’ve undertaken as part of your unfoldment. Your thoughts earlier were whether you should share the book title with your readers for fear they may doubt your integrity. We say to you that you should.

Remind yourself, why you are doing this. You are hoping others may learn from the words. Then share the title of the book and let those that read the book consider for themselves whether they should read it or not. I say here, if they want to learn more about this ability to write inspired, then they should read it. If they choose not to, so be it.

Before you left home, we inspired you to search the internet with those key words and then made sure you seen the book. It was your choice to buy it, as it was your choice to read it. Perhaps you might consider compiling all your previous writings and making them into a book for others to benefit from. You have all the skills and knowledge to do so. It’s your choice of course.

During these past two weeks you’ve spent valuable time attuning yourself to your inner self. Have you noticed how everything feels a lot clearer moving forward? As I said, you do your part and attune to the inner world and we’ll be there all the time for you.

You have come so far in your unfoldment and you have so much more to learn. Isn’t that exciting? The bigger picture, the deeper understanding, the stronger belief, the greater knowing are all visions that those of you spending time unfolding are looking to explore. I say good for you all. Your life on earth should be one of exploration. Of seeking greater awareness, of perfecting your purpose. What is life, if not to achieve?

My friend, you are at a pivotal in your personal unfoldment. Your hard work is paying off for you personally. Keep doing what you are doing and avoid the doubts that stumble you on the way. As your Bible states, “Seek and you shall find.”

Your temperament changes when you’re on this island. It’s again not a coincidence that you found this place all those years ago. We knew it was a good place for you to unwind. We love the way you call it your spiritual home. One day you’ll understand more about the various climates and locations on your planet and the effects they each have on the inhabitants.

The phrase, “If you want to change some things in your life, you’ll need to change some things in your life” is one you should include in this writing today. There is a reader that is struggling with this concept and needs to accept that she needs to take heed of those words. When you deny something you are closing your mind to opportunities and new openings. We can only help those that are prepared to help themselves first. The action will create a reaction. The inaction will only create stagnation.

I will send you a dolphin now. Stop writing and focus on the distant sea in front of you. Say thank you aloud when you see him.


written on Saturday 6th July 2024
747 days after the session was transcribed

Maybe because it pampers to my ego, or maybe it’s because the message is clearly endorsing my choices, either way, I’m giving this session a decent rating.

🔷I’ve always had a strong belief that when we choose a direction to move with our development, the appropriate materials will come into our path. Whether teachers, events or books, what we need will appear.

🔷 My demeanour changes when I’m on the island of Lanzarote. My work becomes sharply focused, and my direction forward unfolds.

🔷  I don’t know who the speaker is referring to when they suggest a specific female reader who could learn from the speaker’s words. The phrase used is one that few of us truly grasp.

" We can only help those that are prepared to help themselves first. The action will create a reaction. The inaction will only create stagnation."

One Response

  1. Thank you Trevor I enjoyed re-reading this Session and look forward to hearing from you when you receive your Birthday Present from me, I hope it will resonate with you my dear Rainbow 🌈 Warrior Brother. Thank you again to your Spirit Contact/Friend again.

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

“No man was ever wise by chance.”



The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.