Confused Writer


|| This summary written on Sunday 23rd June 2024

Trance Mediumship 101 – rule 1, you aren’t supposed to be making sense of the message relayed through you, only to be the conduit! 

I would normally and quite naturally be aware of that rule when I’m transcribing the words of the speaker from the spirit world. However, on the occasion I transcribed the following session, I obviously allowed that principle to slip my mind. I was listening from the wrong perspective, focusing too much on the sense of the message, rather than focusing only on what the speaker was telling me.

The difference is a subtle one, like a fine balance within the thread of thoughts. Today, 116 days after I transcribed the session, I’m amazed at the power within the words, and I cannot understand why I didn’t realise that at the moment.

My mind activity obviously interrupted the energy used by the speaker, who was forced to end the session, because of me. Hey, life is a learning curve and those that claim they’re not learning aren’t living life to the fullest.

  • I wish similar sources like this website had been available while I was a younger student learning. There’s some incredible philosophy shared with us from the speakers in the spirit world. This session is one fine example.


Session transcribed on Tuesday 27th February 2024 at 00:55 am

There is no greater love than the love from the Divine God of all. No matter what form God may take in your world, God is the greatest expression of love, because to understand and to love beyond doubt is the only way for the warrior on earth.

As I share these words with you and those that read them, I do so knowing that what you seek, your ultimate quest, is God's gift to you. Allow God into your heart and your soul will grow with the seeds of everything.

When you hear my words, do you find yourself lost in the meaning of them? Do you struggle to perceive this life expectation? Good. That is because I have over-expressed my point to you. God isn't a person, it's a force that governs everything, like gravity does on earth. You cannot exist without God, as you cannot live on earth without gravity.

So when my words suggest that the love of God is the ultimate love, then loving yourself is the way to the light. You have God within you. The force of everything good is present in you. Awareness of this power, this force, this all, is how you grow.

As these words are heard on your mind, they are met with confusion. You are struggling to understand them. Then I challenge you to read them once more, when I'm finished talking to you, and perhaps you'll get my message.

This is all about a purpose. A purpose to live, and a reason to believe.

I fear you want me to abandon this session because you don't understand what I'm saying to you. If you don't understand, would that not suggest you have some learning to do on this topic? I apologise for your lack of understanding, and I apologise for not recognising that this message is one too much for you. That is my fault.

Good day.

[ME] Yes, I did ask to end this session. I did not understand what the message was, and I found myself confused with the words I was asked to write. It seemed muddled and unclear.

I'm writing these additional notes after the session ended because I did read the words I'd transcribed again after, and I now confess I had not realised how meaningful they actually were. So, I apologise to the speaker, and hope he/she reconnects again soon.


written on Sunday, 23rd June 2024
116 days after the session was transcribed

I have to award this session with a high spirit-inspired award, because of the reasons I mentioned in the preamble above. Possibly one of the best examples of me being disconnected from the words being shared with me.


🔷  I think there is a sign that my focus was shifting onto the meaning of the words I was hearing, visible in the opening paragraph. The use of the word ‘warrior’ seems a little out of place.

🔷 As I mentioned in the ‘post-script’ section, this session is rich in wonderful philosophy that any platform medium could use in their address to a congregation. So much more meaningful than a weak and unclear message.

🔷  The speaker was obviously becoming aware that my mind’s focus was not right. I was changing the conditions and the speaker had to abandon the session. I feel they would have had so much more to share, if I’d stayed out a little longer.

" ...my words suggest that the love of God is the ultimate love, then loving yourself is the way to the light. You have God within you. The force of everything good is present in you. "

One Response

  1. This is wonderful Trevor, I Love It. It coincides very nice with a Book I am reading “I Am I:” The In-Dweller of Your Heart by David Knight
    He calls it inner dictation.
    God’s wisdom and teachings are laid out before you so you can simply choose and read whenever or whatever your heart needs or desires. I am I entrusts that you will dip your toes into these guidelines, principles and simple directions, then dive headfirst into the waters of your own Divine essence.
    It goes on to say more, but I think you get the gist of what I mean.
    You are welcome to read it when I’ve finished. Best wishes Ann x

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

"Most people in their insecurity seek external confirmation that they are successful and to generate that they must ‘succeed’ on the terms believed to be ‘success’ – money, material things and celebrity. Success in these terms alone is another merry-go-round, another perceptual trap."

The Dream - David Icke


The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.