Akashic Records


This transcription was originally written in January 2022 and published on the Substack platform shortly after. Now, over two years later, importing the notes into this website has allowed me to reconsider and update the accompanying notes.

|| This summary written on Thursday 4th July 2024

This is a session from my archives that, on reflection, asks more questions than it answers. Now, almost 30 months after originally transcribing it, I find some of the notions raised by the speaker as, shall I say, dubious!

The process of transcribing the message from the speaker in the spirit world has to involve my mind. The communication passes through the mind. It needs my imagination to process it. I know that my thoughts can be entangled with the stream of words during writing. Often, they do, specifically when only vague sentiments are received due to the lack of depth of the connection.

I recognise the importance of honesty in this form of mediumship. Unlike many forms of mediumship, inspired and automatic writing is unchallenged by others. It, therefore, lies with me to present my work with a clear caveat. Understand, therefore, the notion within the words you read is viable and open to interpretation.

There are going to be aspects of the continuing life in the spirit world that are going to test our beliefs. Time travel, for example has always been one of the biggest issues to grasp. In this session, the speaker suggests that revisiting past memories is entirely possible. That is an example of time travel surely?

I have grown throughout this experience, from the beginning when I first sat for inspired writing, till now, many months later. My understanding has changed. The depth of the communications has followed that course. So, as I leave you to read the speaker’s message, I ask you to keep an open and objective mind. 

  • One of the events this speaker mentioned is outside of my memory. It might be true, but I cannot recall that event.


Session transcribed on Monday 3rd January 2022 at 3 pm

What a great day it is to use the languages to communicate with each other. Words that have so much power that we can share with you and others that might read them. Words are akin to the proof of memories, when you think about it, except that you visually see them with your eyes rather than your mind.

Your memories, however, remain in your mind, due to the limitation of your measure and use of time. In our world, your memories are real. We can revisit them whenever we choose and be within them to experience everything as it unfolded.

This is something you’ll be able to do when you come here. Can you imagine being able to jump back into a memory and relive it in person? Of course, we cannot change the events of it, merely observe everything as it unfolded on your linear timeline.

Think of a memory from your past. I see it now. I am in that room with you, your mother, and your father. Your sister was due to come to that house but she didn’t make it on the day. I can see the date on the newspaper your dad is reading. Can you see it? No, because it is not part of your memory. Let me tell you, it’s Friday 14th October 1982.

You see, I am part of that memory. I am there and you will be able to be there when you arrive here. You can revisit whatever memories you choose.

Often, your tutors talk of something they call ‘The Akashic Records’. Though many of your tutor’s interpretations are incorrect, such re-experiencing incidents from your linear timeline is completely doable from here.

As you can imagine, there are millions of memories happening all the time across the planet by billions of people. so revisiting particular memories is really only acceptable by the person that created them. But the point is that although you have lived the moments that are now spent with you, they are still available for us here to visit, as you will also be able to.

I started this session by stating how there is a similarity between the words you write and the memories you make. The difference being that written words are physically visible and can be re-read at any time.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this principle I’ve shared with you today. The energy you have created in your cabinet has allowed for this increased detail. Well done. Can we do more of this with you again soon?

When you return to your home in a few moments, Pamela wants you to select a tarot card blindly. It’ll have a bird in the scene. This is your New Year message from her.

We’ll speak again soon. Goodbye.


written on Friday 5thJuly 2024
913 days after the session was transcribed

I’ve never been a believer in Akashic records existing. The evidence supporting such a facility is vague. My mind has not yet changed, even though this speaker suggests there is such a feature. However, based on the other content of the message, I rate the session with the following level of spirit-inspiration.

4 out of 10

🔷 Who am I to decide what is and isn’t true, or even likely? Perhaps this is part of the issue when it comes to accepting truths outside of our science and understanding.

🔷 It’s kinda scary to consider the spirit world, or even I, could revisit the moments from years passed. Like everyone alive, there are things I’m responsible for that I’d rather leave in the past as an ever-fading memory.

🔷  I cannot think back to what I was doing in 1982, let alone specific days in a month! The speaker also got the day wrong. That date was a Thursday, not a Friday. That shouldn’t have been wrong if, as they said, they were reading my father’s newspaper date.

"I am part of that memory. I am there and you will be able to be there when you arrive here. "

One Response

  1. I believe in the Akashic Records, I have seen enough Pre death experiences and many of those that have experienced it speak of them, and revisiting different parts of their lives and are able to feel what the recipients of their words and actions felt as well as their own feelings. These are for life lessons be it good or bad. These lessons have a profound effect on them and sometimes they can choose whether to come back to Earth, sometimes they are told it’s not their time to stay in Heaven.
    I managed to time travel on occasion whilst here and see and experience places and people before “Before Seeing Them For Real” so if we can do that whilst here, why wouldn’t we be able to do MORE ON THE OTHER SIDE?
    We are in linear time, who is to say?
    I do feel it is strange that the Spirit Contact got the actual Day wrong? But then I suppose we make mistakes here, do we loose that ability on occasions to do the same Over There?? Time will tell. Thank you Trevor for revisiting this. x

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

“In the beginning was the Word. The sound! The harmonics. This understanding is both spiritual and scientific. Everything is in a state of vibration. Everything is frequency. Sound can change molecular structure. It can create form."

Healing Sounds: The Power Of Harmonics by Jonathan Goldman


The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.