Like most of us nowadays, and as a content creator, I use the internet extensively for much of my research. Recent advancements in the artificial intelligence industry has transformed the humble search engine.
Artificial Intelligence, otherwise known as AI, has advanced so much in the past few years that it is increasingly becoming more reliable than ever. Results produced by AI should always be checked for accuracy, and when the results of AI research are used on this website, you can be sure the facts have been checked.
Any articles on this website that have been produced with the aid of AI carry the triangle symbol (above). Lines of text directly used in the presentations will be coloured green, for easy identification. Though I make every effort that the information is accurate, I cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies, though as stated above, every effort is made to cross-reference. Where I deem it necessary to include citations and links, they will be made available at the foot of the article.
Artificial Intelligence is not something we should fear in our learning. Nowadays, we have an incredible source of information at our fingertips in the form of the world wide web. Browsing all the relevant pages of information could take hours, days and longer. An AI application does that work in seconds.
AI on this website is mainly used in the section, The Insired Spirit for articles beyond the extent of my knowledge and where I wish to learn and share my finding.