Born Equal


This transcription was originally written in April 2022 and published on the Substack platform shortly after. Over two years later, importing the notes into this website has allowed me to reconsider and update the accompanying notes.

|| This summary written on Wednesday 3rd July 2024

After I reread this session, from over two years ago, I made an executive decision! It occurred to me that the date and time of the original transcription are trivial information. It’s the message that’s important.

I reread this message and realised several important points. When the transcription originally took place, my automatic/inspired writing was in its infancy. I’d only been doing it regularly for a couple of months. I believed that filing these transcriptions in chronological order was an important consideration, perhaps to measure my progress.

Now, over two years later, with more wisdom and experience, I realise I was wrong. The emphasis should not be on me as the person transcribing the messages. I’m only the vessel. The true emphasis should be on the message from the speaker in the spirit world.

I would usually have filed this session with its original date for the purposes of this website library. But today (3rd July 2024) and moving forward, the sessions will be added to the library as and when they are ready for this website. The time and date of the transcription will continue to be part of the record. But the date of adding to this website library will be the date each is produced for publication.

The words of the speaker in this session are timeless and as meaningful today as they were when they were shared with me. They will remain meaningful into the future, too.

  • I was pleasantly surprised when I dug this session from my growing archive. I am so impressed that, even in my infancy with this style of communication with the spirit world, there were powerful words that are timeless.


Session transcribed on Saturday 16th April 2022 at 2:08 am

Let us commence this evening.

Every child, born of the Divine, is equal. There are no favourites, no blessed, no gifted any more than the others. God made all man equal. Any differences that occur in later life are cast upon that person from those they associate with along the way.

Man has a saying that goes, "A leopard cannot change its spots". It is true that the features a person possesses are never going to change. Blue eyes are blue eyes, all the way through their life. But that is the only truth in that saying. Yet it is common for man to use that phrase when referring to a man's personality, his characteristics, his outlook on life, and his morals.

Yet in all of these aspects of a person, none are fixed. They evolve with the person. Their life path, their day to day living style, their prospects, their standing around others, all blend and change who that person was, is, and will become.

Who you are today, and what you stand for, what your beliefs are, and who you have become, can, and often will, change in the future.

Think back to your own personality from, say, ten years ago. Now consider how you have changed since then. Many subtle changes have occurred already, and over the coming ten years many more changes will reshape you. So you see, the person that misquotes the leopard spots saying really is talking from a point of ignorance and displays a lack of true understanding.

Not all changes we make are for the greater good of us. Some are though. Either way, we have evolved, as individual souls, and as free spirits to take whatever path we chose in life.

When this group, here for this session, sit together on other occasions, we like to communicate with evolved spirits in higher realms than the one we're in at this time. The messages we receive from these higher planes are often mind-blowing! These evolved life-forms are ordinary spirits that were once embodied on earth, way before we were born. Their evolution has happened because of their desire to learn more.

My friend, fear not who you are today, for that appearance is only temporary. Fear not where you have come from, and worry not about tomorrow. Your actions today will shape your tomorrow. This is why you'd do well to maintain a clear vision moving forward. In fact, the future lays within your mind this moment.

God be with you. Sleep well.


written on Wednesday, 3rd July 2024
808 days after the session was transcribed

Proof, if ever there was some, that every day is a school day. I revisited this session to import it to this website library and expected it to be of little value. But when I read the words from the speaker, I was taken back by the deep meaning within the message. 

🔷 There are several propositions for us to consider from this speaker. I wonder how many of us really do have a road map for our future. Where are we intending to go with our life? Do we give it thought, or are we just too busy surviving to plan to live?

🔷 The speaker reveals a fascinating insight into their life as a group of mediums in spirit. Imagine what knowledge and wisdom they must be gaining from the higher realms they are connecting to.

🔷  I absolutely approve of this speaker’s words for us about our own future. The future is in our minds already. How true is that?

" Fear not who you are today, for that appearance is only temporary."

2 responses

  1. This some more eternal truth! Which seems to be never “Out Dated” or “Old Hat” as the sayings go!
    I read out an Inspired Writing I received 4 odd years ago (At the time I hadn’t put the date on) I know because my Daughter’s Dog was still here on Earth 🌍 so I was able to tell roughly.
    I read it out in Church tonight and it dove tied very nicely on the Theme of the Philosophy, plus Songs and Prayers. Spirit Intelligence is Awsome!!! Don’t you think? Xxx

    1. Absolutely. Their intelligence is often beyond our comprehension. I’m glad you’re enjoying some of these revived sessions.

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

"When the winds of change blow, some build walls, others build windmills."



The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.