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It’s been another wet week in the north of England. Good news for me! At least I’ve been able to focus on this website and not worry about all the work that needs to be done around the home.

This was the week that I shaved off my beard! Yes, I’d grown a beard to see if I’d like it. I did. Some other people said they liked it. Jane didn’t, stating it made me look like an old man. So I got rid of it sharpish!

This week was the last in which I work to a fixed publishing schedule. From hereon in, I will release new articles as and when they are ready. As I’ve said many times before, the onus is now on the Envoys and readers to visit the website.

With only 1 month until I retire, I’m excited about the changes I’m making to my work online. In a few more weeks, the Facebook group will close and one more door will be shut.

It’s Friday afternoon and I’m about to conclude my work for this week. On Monday gone, I set a goal to complete ten new pages to this website. I missed that goal! I only completed eight. But I’m happy anyway.

I’ve just published a revised and updated article I originally wrote for the substack platform. It was originally done over four episodes. It took me an entire working day to rewrite much of it and edit it suitable for this website. It’s a gem I think! I must say that my writing has improved by no end. That article was written only two years ago, yet it was full of grammatical errors and typos. Thank goodness, I’ve got better at it since then!

As I look out of this sanctuary window, the sun is finally shining and I can actually see blue sky. I know I have a fly door to hang on the kitchen door tomorrow, weather allowing, and there’s a lot of weeding to get done. It’ll make a change to get some fresh air inside me.

There’s a great and true story being shared in Monday’s TIS edition. It really does show the determination of people in the spirit world who are keen to get their communications across.

Anyway, that’ll do for this short diatribe! I’m going in the house for a power-nap. Wherever you are, enjoy every day to the limits and beyond. 

The beard had to go!




Launches & Closures

Since returning from a month away in Lanzarote, I haven’t stopped! I’ll soon be needing another break at this rate!

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Striving AI Image

The Striving

My partner Jane absolutely hates the use of the word journey, when used as anything other than an actual physical...

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Just Chat Changes

On 4th December 2024, the Just Chat section will only be available to logged in Envoys.  This entire year has...

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