A Week In The Sun – In Wigan!

I’m so impressed with everything I achieved this week and none of it was in the Spirited Talk office!

The weather was ‘cracking flags’ to use a northern phrase. Wall-to-wall sunshine from early morning until sunset, for four whole days! So, I used the time to do some much-needed work in our garden and loved every minute of it.

The task list included painting planters, weeding, pruning, hanging a bug-mesh door, getting rid of old fence timber, sweeping, compost spreading, and loads of other little jobs long overdue. 

Accompanying me was my bucket of hand tools and a foam knee cushion. Also with me was my DAB radio tuned to LBC for the voice of James O’Brien and his sarcastic remarks about our pathetic politicians.

Finally, the Sanctuary flower bed, was back to its glorious display with all the weeds banished and the ground looking clean once more. I was so in the zone with the work, I didn’t once want to return to my office (through the window in the picture above). By the way, some people might claim I caught an orb in that photo. That would be nice, considering the Sanctuary is my home for my work with spirit. But it’s not an orb. The clue is in the direction of the shadows on the grass. The ‘orb’ is nothing more than lens flare.

Jane spotted this unusually coloured ladybird friend on her fruit bushes. The gardeners love these little fellas because they feast on aphids.

I love gardening because it allows me to escape from the office work. An opportunity to free my mind of the concerns with keeping to schedule and the woe of wondering who on earth reads my stuff anyway!

I completed my run of work with a binge-clean of my office. What a mess it was too. But now, as I write these words, I’ve rearranged some of the furniture in the office, dumped some stuff and steam-cleaned the floor. I feel so happy with the results of this week’s work.

Sometimes, we all have to take time out to adjust our focus, clear our heads, make new plans and ground ourselves. There’s no better way of doing that than getting soil under the fingernails with a fedora hat on our heads and a bucket for the weeds! Well, it works for me anyway!


One Response

  1. Well Done Trevor. It’s a good feeling isn’t it when you achieve all that you wanted to and More! It also helps when you have the weather with you, 4 days!!! Up North!!! Unbelievable! Lol 😂 Plus rearranging your Sanctuary and Spring Cleaning!
    You are right sometimes you do need to reset and you can’t beat Mother Nature and like you say Earth under your fingernails, what’s not to like? Bravo!

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