The Inspired Spirit, regular articles covering aspects of mediumship & working with the spirit world.

Secret Societies Rule The World?

CAVEAT HOW TO READ In the production of this article, I have used several artifical intelligent assistants (AI) to collect the data. Where possible, I’ve cross-checked it for accuracy and relevance. Anything created through these methods will be coloured like

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The Blindness Of The Seeing

One of the biggest oddities in the world of spiritualists is in how many of them live by the principles of being one. You may need to read that opening statement several times to grasp its meaning. Many mediums and

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The Determination Of Spirit

So here I am. Sat at a table on the patio in the shade of the blazing hot wall-to-wall sunshine. Of course, I’m talking about Lanzarote and not Wigan. The last time I checked in on one of the cameras

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