The Blindness Of The Seeing

One of the biggest oddities in the world of spiritualists is in how many of them live by the principles of being one.

You may need to read that opening statement several times to grasp its meaning. Many mediums and people working with the spirit world remark on this. They often pride themselves on being spiritualists, serving some great Divine force that they’ve been gifted to follow in their life path. But I suggest they are usually delusional people. Either that, or they are blind!

Years ago, when I was driving up and down the roads of the UK, spending up to, and often beyond, 12 hours every day, I drove in every county and on every type of road. In the decade of driving, I completed over 750,000 millions without an accident. But I witnessed many. The most commonly talked about problem was drivers hogging the middle lane!

Everyone I spoke to agreed that this was an issue that wasn’t being addressed. Yet these middle-laners were causing traffic jams and constant issues for other drivers. But here’s the thing – nobody ever admitted to being one! One day I was following a small truck down the M6 and for at least 30 miles the driver didn’t leave the middle lane, even though, where I was, in the inside lane was empty. It happened by chance, that he was delivering to the very same business as I was going to in Kettering. When I arrived, he was already being unloaded in the cargo bay.

We struck up a conversation in which I mentioned how annoying middle-lane drivers were. To my surprise, he agreed with me. Even though I had been subtly hinting about his style of driving, he suggested that middle-laners were a nuisance. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him I’d followed him down the M6 for 30 miles where he only used the middle lane!

This blindness isn’t only an issue with drivers. There are many aspects of life where people say one thing, and do something entirely different. The community of ‘spiritualist’ is filled with them. These individuals that teach one thing, and do something entirely different themselves.

Facts on the table, I’m not perfect! Truth be said, I had a big ego myself. I was once a professional DJ. Not just a DJ though, I was the best in the area of the south coast that I worked. Well that’s what I told everyone. Why? Because I believed it, even though it was not true and didn’t matter anyway. I had created an inflated ego without knowing it at that time.

During a spell of my life where I had to do some self-reflection, I recognised that my ego was bigger than me. It was falsely inflated and, honestly, didn’t paint me in a good light! A few years later, when I found myself drawn to this path of life, I vowed that I would always keep my ego in check. Because I knew the signs for a big ego, I could easily spot one in others. I recall making a big deal to my circle leader about this once. Mark Stone had to put up with me always wanting to learn mediumship without an ego. He helped me understand that an ego is essential, and that we all have one anyway! So why, I wondered, and still do to this day, why are so many people in this line of work always keen to over-inflate their egos?

Although I don’t contribute much to social media these days, I do read what others post. Every day I read posts that serve only to inflate the ego of the person posting it. Are they blind, like the middle-laners? Why are so many people that follow a spiritual path of life, not actually living a spiritual life? Are they middle-laners in denial? Recently, I’ve read poems written by people about inflated egos. Yet those same authors have shown an inflated ego themselves in previous posts. They often can’t wait to post their comments in agreeance with some other well-known medium’s post. It’s like they’re siding up to these big-named mediums in order to make themselves more ‘inflated’. 

One of the main reasons I dropped away from posting on social media was because I was constantly feeling myself getting wound up by the egos and the blindness of others that were saying one thing while obviously not living by those standards they preached. Let me repeat, I am no angel and I’m certainly not a socially popular character. But I am very aware of who I am and where I am going with my life working and studying mediumship. I don’t wear blinkers making me blind to my own faults. I don’t pretend I’m something I’m not. On a good day, I can produce evidence from someone in the spirit world that they continue to live on. On another day, I can’t! Simple as that.

I’m not an international medium, whatever that means. Nor am I a psychic to the stars, or a qualified and certified medium, or simply the best medium since sliced bread! I am just a student of this wonderful work, constantly seeking to improve and to learn, to progress my own abilities, and to stand by the principles and morals I believe are important. At all costs, I avoid the middle lane!

During my student days, I was fortunate enough to be in a closed circle run by the late Joan Dunbar. She wasn’t the best medium ever. Honestly, sometimes her demonstrations were vague and lacking any real signs of evidence. But what she was, was a person that believed in the philosophy of spiritualism by, not just preaching it, but by living it as well. She never bragged about it. She never put herself on some undeserving pedestal. She was, instead, one of the least egotistical people I have ever known. And believe me, that was reflected in her teaching.

Today’s media-needing society is woke-driven. Everyone is told they can become whoever and achieve whatever they want. I’m one of the odd ones though. I don’t believe we can become whatever we dream of. I’m flawed and with limitations. I don’t believe we should be having organisations that push some to consider themselves as non-binary, or without a gender. I don’t believe that being a straight heterosexual person is reason to celebrate, though such an event would upset many of the woke society. I’m just me, little ole me. An ordinary student of this wonderful life path where I believe we do continue to live after earthly death.

It’s time more people made a check on their own egos. It’s time each of us took responsibility – personal responsibility. And to do that properly, we need to have a period of introspection. To be able to look at ourselves and see what others are looking at. If you’re a middle-lane driver, if you’re blind to your own actions, you cannot condemn others for doing the same. But here’s the thing I’ve learnt.

Someone once shared with me a powerful saying that I’ve never forgotten. It’s so meaningful that I refer to it all the time in my own unfoldment. It’s a simple saying, one that you reading these words can prove here and now. Are you ready for the truth?

Put your hand out as if pointing to someone else. A straight finger pointing forward, yes? But now count how many fingers of that same hand are pointing back at you.  Three of them! 

We need to make more effort to remove the blindness we’ve developed in our own personal journeys of unfoldment. Spend less time worrying about what others are shouting about, and more time listening to the voice screaming at us from within. Let’s spend more time deflating our own egos and become instead students of this incredible way of life. Spend less time telling others that they need to sit in the power of the Divine and Self and more time practising it. Spend less concern on serving the Divine, or serving the cause, and more time serving self. It is from there that the growth, the unfoldment, the progression will come.

Let me finish with this thought. The mirror of life is 360 degrees. There are no blind spots. Well, not unless you create them to serve your desire to inflate your ego that is!

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Take a moment to awaken your senses. Stay still and focus on this one minute exercise.

Without turning your head, observe five things that are in your eyeline.
Then, three sounds you can hear, two odours you can detect, and one object you can touch.

Award your achievement with the sensation of happiness within.