Imagine the scene. You decide to stand on a busy street with a display of all your art for all to see. You don’t do it for attention. You do it because you’re proud of your achievements and believe it’s the right thing to do.

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The work on this website has slowed down temporarily due to the ongoing jobs taking my time around our home....

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Evolution & Revolution, two words unlikely to appear in the same sentence, you would think. Today's speaker explains the connection...

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WEATHER Overcast morning, brightened up in afternoon before clouding over for a cool evening DAILY NOTES We went to Snoopy’s...

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3 responses

  1. Hi Trevor
    I can understand your feelings of burnout having experienced it during my working life. Not a happy situation for oneself or for those around us. You talk of giving up but, in my opinion, would not suit you. As you say, you need to be doing something. As regards the numbers who read your material, they enjoy what they read and as a learning source it is invaluable to them, not only for building ones knowledge but for helping them to confront problems with their journey of spiritual unfoldment. I visited a medium many years ago who said to me if something is spiritually meant to be it can’t be bad. Your website I believe, is meant to be and the good that will come from it is immeasurable.


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"Spiritualists believe that one should be free to take what you want from the bible, but not to use its contents as a tool or weapon to condemn others. Such actions are neither spiritual nor worthy of a God that is spiritual perfection and shows unconditional love to all his children, no matter what spiritual pathway they follow."

An Introduction To Spiritualism