It’s all too common a belief that those people in the spirit world are wiser than us on earth. Although...
Read MoreIt’s all too common a belief that those people in the spirit world are wiser than us on earth. Although...
Read MoreWEATHER Mostly sunshine with occasional passing lonely clouds DAILY NOTES Another lovely lunch at home today. Today was Iron Man...
Read MorePREAMBLE I’m an evidential medium and often use my tarot cards to connect to the spirit world. Really? That statement...
Read MoreSUITABLE FOR THE ADVANCED STUDENT CLICK FOR PREAMBLE In the Why series, I debunk myths, reveal truths and ask awkward...
Read MoreFilmed in Puerto Calero, Lanzarote in September 2023 CameraPanasonic HC W580 MusicBy license for Spirited Talk WATCH VIDEO
Read MoreWhy are so many apparently enlightened people acting like they've lost direction in the chosen world? Is it time to...
Read MoreHere is a wonderful way to permanently remind yourself of the memories of someone special in the spirit world. Write...
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“The goal isn’t to eliminate your negative thoughts and feelings; that’s impossible. The goal is to change your response to them.”
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