A Sense Of Lanzarote

Screenshot From Video

This edition of The Inspired Spirit is a break from the usual subject matter, although, in many ways, it’s not!

It might appear to some people that all I ever do is involved with working with the spirit world in some way or another. To a greater extent, that is true. But I do have a few hobbies, the main one being photography. I’m no expert by any means, but I do enjoy capturing things on photo or video, and to accompany the hobby, I have some pretty decent small cameras.

Both Jane and I spend as much time as possible in what we call our second home. That is on the Canary Island of Lanzarote. In fact, as I write this, we’re a couple of weeks from returning there for the month of May.

Whilst there, I enjoy many interests, including walking, reading, writing, meditating, and taking photos or videos. That last one is the basis for this article. Depending on what area of the island we are staying at, I love flying my *drone to capture footage of the staggering coastline.

When I first acquired the drone in 2023 and decided to take it with us to Lanzarote, I had a clear vision of what I wanted to do with it. I wanted to learn to capture footage of the untamed coastline with the intention of making a meditative-style video.

In a few self-indulgent moments, you will view one of the first videos I’ve produced for this theme. The video is best viewed on full screen in landscape mode, with the sound turned up on your device. You won’t get the same experience if you watch it in portrait mode on a little smartphone! We watched this finished production on our 55-inch television, which was simply stunning.

When you’ve watched the video, take a few moments to consider what three words you would hashtag this video under.

# Word 1

# Word 2

# Word 3


* In the location I fly the drone, the airspace is less restricted than most of the island.

The video above is now also available in the video section of this website.


Track 1: Tranquil Seas (AI Produced)

Track 2: “Where The Light Goes – Rebirth” by Josh Kramer


Faro Park, Nr. Playa Blanca,


DJI Mavic Mini


Filmed in late 2023 & early 2024

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Sit or lie comfortably. Close your eyes and breathe normally. Observe which part extends as you breathe in, your chest or your belly?

Now, place your hand over your belly and try to extend it as you breathe in, as if filling a balloon with air.
Observe how your breaths begin to feel deeper and longer.

Choosing to breathe through your diaphragm or belly a few times each day can help you relax and connected to yourself.