One Hundred Percent Trust

I’ve been a medium for a number of years and can openly confess to not fully understanding the processes involved to getting a successful communication. They say that every day is a school day, suggesting there is always something more to learn. That is most certainly so when it comes to talking to the other side. More accurate would be listening to the other side.

Recently I had a situation occur that I’ve had happen so many times in the past. More so, I suspect every medium has this happen to them more frequently than they’d care to admit. Let me set the scene.
Jane and I were strolling along the busy promenade of Playa Blanca in Lanzarote, looking for a restaurant for a meal. We stopped at one we liked and looked at the available outside tables for a suitable place to sit. Jane wanted an empty table at the one end, while I insisted on one the other end. 
As I often do, I ‘felt’ where I wanted to sit. My intuition, I suppose, felt right about this table. We sat down, ordered drinks and food and settled for the evening. From the accents of the couple sat at the table alongside ours, I deduced they were French. Being Jane is able to speak French,  I broke the ice by introducing ourselves, using Jane’s hook as the ice-breaker.
Small talk began and within a few moments Jane was conversing fluently in their language. While the three of them chatted away in French, I asked my Spirit connect what their names were. Immediately, I heard the name Philippe in my mind. I then thought of the name Maria.

A minute or so later, I politely said our names to the couple. Before I could stop him, the man came back with his name. 

“Nice to meet you Trevor and Jane. My name is Philippe.”
Immediately I reacted with excitement and declared I had already known his name. For convenience sake, I told him I’d guessed it in my head moments earlier. Confidently, I turned to the lady and said, “ And your name is Maria.”
No“, she replied in a strong French accent. “My name is Chantal“.
I suppose with desperation I asked if Maria was her middle name, or her Mother’s. The answer was no to either. She knew nobody with that name. I felt a little frustrated with myself. How come I’d been given the man’s name correctly, and the lady’s name completely wrong. In my mind I was annoyed that the spirit connect had only given me partially correct details. 
Anyway, the evening commenced and we had a good meal with a sprinkling of chat between the tables. After the meal, we all left the restaurant around the same time, them going one way and us going in the opposite direction. I mentioned to Jane how disappointed I had been with only getting the one name correct. Nothing more was said about the matter.
Later that night and after Jane had fallen asleep in bed, I decided to sit with the pen for another WFSIW session. With me was my trusted Kindle Scribe, earplugs and music player. I sat on the bed in meditation for a few minutes before attuning to the spirit connect for another session of transcribing the speaker’s words. The speaker had chosen to continue the previous session’s topic about absolute trust in mediumship.
During the session, the speaker chose to use my  psychic event from earlier in the evening as an example of how deep trust should be. Here’s an excerpt from the speaker in spirit’s message.
Your last speaker talked to you about trust, and how it should be 100% all the time. Any less, and interpretations tend to dissipate into the message, causing a dilution.
I had not really understood the preciseness of the speaker’s point, until he said the following:
Yourself tonight, trusted completely the name we gave you for the gentleman sat beside you in the restaurant. We laughed so much at your reaction when he declared his name was Philipe. You were so impressed that you already knew it, yet disappointed you hadn’t said it first!
Yes, even after 25 years of mediumship, I am still amazed when I’m given a name and it is accurate. The wonder of mediumship never tires with me. It makes me feel proud, excited and yet humble at the same time. But what about the wrong name?
You got the lady’s name wrong, because you made it up in your mind. In the split second that we gave you his name, you filled the gap and thought of a name for her. We hadn’t given you her name yet. In your eagerness, you stopped trusting us. It’s subtle, and probably unintentional, but serves as an example of how your eagerness to use your psychic powers overruled your trust in the process.
Of course, I was completely unaware that I had been overly eager to get the woman’s name, yet it makes complete sense what the speaker said. When I review the detail of how that first name, Philippe, came into my mind, it was as if through a back door. It had been placed in my sub-conscious mind by the spirit helpers. From there it came clear to my conscious mind.
The name Maria was, unwittingly, a creation by the conscious mind, to satisfy my need for both names. Yes, I’d made it up. I’d not trusted the proper process enough and had been too eager to fill in the blanks. Of course, the outcome of doing so was to dilute the marvel of real mediumship. If that situation had been in a reading or demonstration setting, relaying the one name would have appeared astonishing to the listener. But getting one name accurate by listening to the spirit world, and guessing the other, by not trusting the process, meant my mediumship would appear to the observer as 50/50.
When the speaker in the spirit world talked to me about 100% trust, I was certain I already practised that. But with this example, I can clearly recognise that my trust was not complete. Could the reasons be because the connection was weak, and rather than spend a few minutes strengthening it, I chose instead to believe I was connected strongly enough? Of course, in this incident, I wasn’t intending to connect for eavesdropping purposes. It was the team in spirit that brought the one name to me after I made a mental curious enquiry. 
If we study the detail of this example, we can learn that the connection to the spirit world is a fragile one, at the best of times. We need to be able to understand where the information we are thinking is coming from. Is it from the spirit world (via the subconscious mind) or is it from our own active and unhelpful mind?
When the spirit world suggested I need to trust them 100%, I didn’t truly appreciate what that entailed. Now I do! And I think I’ve learned one of the most valuable lessons that no tutor on earth could teach with as much meaning. 
The complete transcript from this session with the speaker in spirit will be released in The Lanzarote Sessions – Series 7 late in 2024.

One Response

  1. Thank you so very much Trevor and your Spirit contact, as always this has come at exactly the right time for me. I will be sharing Mediumship tonight with a dear friend and serving a Church, having not done one for a couple of Months or so it has obviously gone through my mind about Trusting Spirit 100%!!
    I have already asked and sent the request to My Team and those wishing to come forward for their loved ones, (which obviously already was understood before my asking) Now to “Trust Spirit 100%” Thanking you both once again, I am humbled and never cease to be amazed with the Synchronicity! God Bless You Both. xx

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Just before you start performing a task during this day, take a moment to pause and think about the end goal. For example, connecting with spirit.

Now, don't focus on on the end goal and instead focus on the details of the task instead.

It can be beneficial to us, and the result, to sometimes forget about focusing too much on the goal and instead focusing on the process.