I’m Filtering My Work

Today, Monday 19th September 2024, I published the 200th article to this website. That means there are 200 pages of content now available for everyone to peruse, should the audience ever come!

I’m proud of my achievements over the past nine months. I’ve built the website from scratch and worked on it every day without fail. As I write this, I’ve only three wonderful people helping with the funding needed. One is a gentleman who has supported my work since the beginning of 2019, to whom I am incredibly grateful.

I estimate that according to the word count, I have produced enough content to fill at least three three-hundred page books. The problem is I don’t have the time to undertake such a big project. Perhaps one day, someone will offer their services and help that happen. I would like that!

At the beginning of this year, I announced on my social media platform of the time that I had around 450 articles I’d written that were spread around a few platforms on the internet, that were to be imported to this site. The process of automating the task didn’t work and so, one by one, each article has to be reformatted manually into the format of this site.

After a few weeks of doing this, I realised that my writing style had dramatically changed. So in January, I started to filter the content more carefully. My original publications were riddled with typos, spelling errors and many other grammatical issues. I didn’t want them on this new site. So, I started carefully filtering what should be rewritten and amended for inclusion.

Along the way, many of the original publications have been deleted for good. Many of the true stories have been rewritten and included in this site. Others didn’t make the grade and were easy for me to delete. According to my weekly schedule, I publish six articles on this website, of which only 2 are probably from the archives. The number of articles awaiting my attention is a little under 150 after I removed many of the poorer ones.

As time has passed, I’ve realised more than ever, how important it is that what I publish is accurate and offers value to a student of this work with the spirit world. Like any worthwhile student of this work, I recognise that I am evolving and growing through the process. So the goalposts can frequently move!

Join me with a gin and tonic as I quietly and somewhat secretly drink to my success so far! The official drink will take place during my forthcoming visit to Lanzarote in the next few weeks. Cheers, enjoy!


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"Life and death are a package deal. You can't pull them apart. You cannot be truly alive without maintaining an awareness of death. Death is not waiting for us at the end of a long road. Death is always with us in the marrow of every passing moment. She's the secret teacher, hiding in plain sight. She helps us discover what matters most."

Frank Ostaseski