Remembering Those Days
|| this summary was written on 18th February 2024
I’m updating this session because I’m moving platforms with it and the original opening notes are no longer relevant. But even though this is nearly two years since those dark days when Barbara passed over, a day doesn’t pass without her being mentioned.
I have the convenient advantage of being able to appreciate that some time has passed since those nightmare days that brought 2022 to a close. I know that Jane and her brother went through a living hell during and after the tragic events surrounding Barbara’s passing.
I’m only human and still hold many grudges with the government of the UK that have allow the NHS to fall into tatters. The ambulance took nearly an hour to arrive at the scene where an aged old lady lay in the gutter, effectively dying as blood filled her skull.
We have, since then, had an apology for the delay from the actual ambulance drivers that attended, but that doesn’t bring a lady back that would have had a chance of extra life if they’d been able to do their job.
That all said, it’s in the past and nothing can or will ever change what happened. Barbara remains integral to our lives today, as does Ken her late husband. They are both remembered with fond and humorous memories with stories that get richer in detail with time!
- If we care to look only at the event of Barbara leaving this world for the next, she suffered minimal pain in the process. She never regained consciousness and passed peacefully in a hospice bed, something that she would have been grateful for.
about the writing
additional notes for this session
The Process
This session contains questions that were sent to my partner’s email address.
At the time of sitting for this session, my partner wrote the questions onto this notepad prior to me sitting.
I did not know who sent the questions until after this session was complete.
The process of reading the questions and commencing writing is continuous.
This session was transcribed during a stay in Lanzarote in December 2023.
4th series of Lanzarote sessions.
The funeral you are attending tomorrow will go smoothly. Wherever we can, there are people here that help those attending with their emotions. There are specialists here that have learnt the best ways to manage grief.
I know you’re aware that your emotions are not as Jane’s are, because it was her mother and not yours. So do try to sympathise with her as she journeys through a tough day.
I know this is no consolation but her mum is only now beginning to accept where she is. There is much anguish displayed from her when she realised her state of being had changed. She was quite forceful in wanting to return to earth to finish her business off properly. She wanted to have the chance to say goodbye, but was angered when told that it was not possible.
As I said, she is now accepting her position and beginning to adapt more freely. Yes, her family are working hard comforting her and showing her ways to adjust. I can’t say whether she will attend her own funeral tomorrow. She knows it is taking place at her old church and she is aware of the slight need to have two services over your two weeks.
I would suspect she will attend, though I very much doubt she’ll be able to show any signs to you all. Her husband has offered to be with her and I know that he has come through to you in the past. Perhaps he’ll give you a sign on her behalf.
We questioned her about her passing and she claims she had a headache early in the morning and it was because of that, she chose to go out as a way of distracting herself. All she recalls is seeing intensly blue lights that blinded her and made her lose balance.
Her mother was the first person she met when she arrived here. But she was confused by this and spoke gibberish for ages as she tried to regain control of her reality. She did mention the blood on her coat. One of the people that was helping her had mentioned the blood to her and had attempted to remove it for her.
I cannot tell you what she will be doing over here because it has not yet been made clear. She will need a longer period than normal to adjust. I do know that when she was reunited with her brother Jack, she hardly recognised him, for he was slimmer and much younger.
I’ve shared these details with you to show you that the continuation from one life on earth to that in this place is quite normal. It is often confusing, as it was for Barbara, to accept that their life location has actually changed. The transition is natural and smooth.
Our thoughts will be with all the family tomorrow and we will be watching over you all, with healing energy ready. Look out for the white flower, like an aster or large daisy.
Sleep tight my friend and allow us to bring the healing and peaceful energy of the Divine force to you all.
Written on 29th January 2023 - 39 days after session was transcribed
There are many thoughts I have on this session, particularly as I’m transcribing it to this edition one month after the words were written. But first, here is my judgement of the connection strength.

🔷 It’s very easy, as a critic, to suggest that most of the conversation contains details that I might have already assumed, as a medium with much experience and knowledge. But that alone does not mean that everything the spirit speaker shares with me must not be authentic. Observe any conversation we have with others around us and note how much of the detail is of stuff we already know. A natural conversation will always contain content that we are already familiar with.
🔷 In the opening paragraph, the speaker suggests:
“Wherever we can, there are people here that help those attending with their emotions. There are specialists here that have learnt the best ways to manage grief.”
When my own mother passed I was by her side. Moments before she died I saw what I would describe as angel forms helping her make the decision to leave this world. I knew she was holding on, yet moments after the ‘angels’ appeared, she died and assumably passed over. This was proof that there are beings in the spirit world that help.
🔷This excerpt describes Barbara’s personality to a tee!
”I know this is no consolation but her mum is only now beginning to accept where she is. There is much anguish displayed from her when she realised her state of being had changed. She was quite forceful in wanting to return to earth to finish her business off properly. She wanted to have the chance to say goodbye but was angered when told that it was not possible.”
I’m not sure I would have had the insight to recall her personality in such a way that sums her up so well. Jane chuckled when I read this part to her. “Yep, that’s mum!”
🔷 Did Barbara attend her funeral service? Yes. I was aware of her presence and reported seeing her to Jane. This is when I saw what dress she was wearing which aligned with what Jane witnessed in her vision some days later. She came with her husband, who was standing aside from her, slightly back.
🔷 On the morning of the service, we received a delivery of a large bouquet of flowers. The main flower was white asters (Asteraceae, of the daisy family).
A final note on this edition. When I’d completed the audio version, I sent it to Jane for her approval. She listened and was visibly moved. Jane described it as remarkable. The only question Jane had was in asking me how much of my own mind had been present in the writing process. I explained what measure the graphic (above) would be. This audio has been approved for use.
"Sleep tight my friend and allow us to bring the healing and peaceful energy of the Divine force to you all."