The Story Of The Rainbow

The Rainbow

This is a true story that was originally shared on our Substack platform and as part of the original Spirited Talk videos. Please note that some of the links and information in the video are no longer accurate. The sentiments and story however remain accurate and true.

The narration in this video presentation will tell the incredible story of what happened during a personal meditation. I had no expectations, however, what I experienced thereafter was beautiful and unique.

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This will take you only a minute or so to do, is easy and effective.

Sit and close your eyes. Bring your focus onto your breathing.

Take an extra big, long and lung-filling breath. As you do so, use your mind's eye to see that fresh, clean air as pure white in colour.
Hold that breath inside your body and visualise the air as an emotion cleanser.

After a short time of allowing the pure white cleaning air to have collected the negative emotional waste, slowly release the now gray air from your body, exhaling every last bit.

You may repeat this exercise as many times as you wish, and whenever you feel the need to cleanse within.