I’m not qualified in computer coding or website design. Everything I’ve learned from trial and error over the years of trying, exploring, and, more often than not, failing!
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I’m not qualified in computer coding or website design. Everything I’ve learned from trial and error over the years of trying, exploring, and, more often than not, failing!
There is an important difference that we must always have in the front of our minds when we read ‘Inspired’...
Read MoreI’m not qualified in computer coding or website design. Everything I’ve learned from trial and error over the years of...
Read MoreOriginally published in 2023, this story is a wonderful reminder of how the spirit communicators are always working with us.
Read MoreTo be honest with you from the off, when I set out on this incredible way of life, I had...
Read MoreThis week, I share a brief update after just arriving back from a one-month visit to Lanzarote. It's a ramble...
Read MoreMediums are often expected to describe the concept of time, particulary with the spirit world. They might claim time doesn't...
Read MoreWEATHER Overcast in the morning, then sunny in afternoon DAILY NOTES I had a day off from preparing snacks, so...
Read MorePREAMBLE I’m an evidential medium and often use my tarot cards to connect to the spirit world. Really? That statement...
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"Life and death are a package deal. You can't pull them apart. You cannot be truly alive without maintaining an awareness of death. Death is not waiting for us at the end of a long road. Death is always with us in the marrow of every passing moment. She's the secret teacher, hiding in plain sight. She helps us discover what matters most."
Frank Ostaseski
The opinions expressed within the content of this website are those of the author and may differ from other mediums & tutors & sources
Spirited Talk is based in Greater Manchester, UK
General Email : psychictrev@gmail.com
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