This post will be the 18th addition to the website in October alone. The website now consists of 229 articles, posts, podcasts, and videos. But with only two months of the original goal left in which to achieve it, it’s not going to happen!

This content is for members only.
This week has been one of those all too common ones where planned entries have not been achieved for several reasons. It’s not that I’ve not had the time in the office, quite the opposite. I’ve had all five days working morning to night on the website. But things just get in the way.

On a plus side, I’m not bothered by the lack of visible results. Stuff is happening around the website that benefits it in the long term. For example, take the new feature now visible at the beginning of every article on the website. 

One of my personal visions is that in the future, other students of this work will be able to access this website and not just learn from the articles but also be able to save it for their own personal use offline without a need to have to visit.  I’ve always been a big fan of pdf files. They’re flexible and loadable on every device and operating system. But finding a way of making that possible has been a challenge. Thankfully, this week I cracked it.

As you can see in the above screenshot, every article now has these three options set at the beginning, below the featured image and above the actual content. This now means that you or anyone that visits an article they like, can click on the little images and will be presented with options to either print the page, email themselves the article, or the best option, save the article as a pdf file on their device. Let me explain why.

An enthusiastic student might choose to collect the pdf and put them in their folders. It might be they create a folder for ideas for philosophy, or FAQs, or even the WFSIW sessions. They would therefore have a collection of topics they might select from for a church service or demonstration they have coming up. The articles can be used for inspiration or learning purposes, and can be shared with others easily. I think this is a valuable addition to the website, but it came at the cost of two days work this week to get the coding installed. If it proves successful, I will register this free version and for a fee will be able to customise the options further. Winner winner for all of us!

The visitor numbers on the website remain very low. Whilst I appear not to be attracting much interest at this time, I tend to focus on the mechanics of the website, adding features, changing designs and making life a little easier in the process. The website is a long-term project and although I won’t achieve my goal of getting all the archived content on this year, I’ll reset the goal and try again next year.

I have a loyal friend and student who visits this website daily for new content added since their previous visit. He contacts me regularly and shares his ideas and comments privately. As nobody else seems to be regular visitors, I feel obliged to keep going to satisfy his hunger to learn. We often share the same sentiments as to why it appears that other students seem to lack this hunger for knowledge. Working with the spirit world is an exciting and enlightening way to live life. But I’m convinced that too many mediums are with the mindset that they know enough. Of course, that will never be so.

I’ve got a couple more of the Lanzarote Sessions series 6 to get published, hopefully in the coming week and will then be able to launch the next series, transcribed in September and early October. Don’t forget that Spirited Talk Envoys can log in and read the transcripts for that series, and other WFSIW not yet published. My friend made a valid point regarding this new feature. He suggested that he prefers to read the full version of WFSIW with the opening preamble and the summaries accompanying the transcriptions. That is a fair enough point.

Anyway, it’s Saturday, and although I’ve been busy this morning in the office, I’m going to the house now to get my feet up and do a bit of reading and telly-watching. Have a great weekend! [/swpm_protected]




The third in a 4th series of The Lanzarote Sessions, transcribed during a visit to the island in late 2023....

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