Spirit Insights



|| This summary written on Thursday 22nd August 2024

There are things that people will never know about us. Secrets that we will take to the next life. Even those that claim to be like an open book will not reveal everything that has made them who they are.

During the production of this presentation, I felt a little nostalgia creeping in. I found myself thinking back over my life, recalling some of the bad things I’m responsible for and considering how it has all turned out for me. This emotion was brought on by the speaker’s reference to Harry Secombe and how he recalls the time he met him. 

My mother and father were fans of Harry. His music would often be heard around our home. Whenever a song by Harry came on the radio, Mum would turn the volume up. 

One of Harry’s songs was “No Regrets,” which is quite appropriate considering this speaker’s topic. Does it matter that many things that have happened in our lives will ‘go to the grave’ with us? I find myself thinking about that in the same light I worry about having clean underpants on when I die! There are things we can control here and now, and there are things we can’t. Accept that fact and live life as best you can today.

  • Proving the continuation of life after earthly death with evidence is a factor that may be essential for a public demonstration of mediumship, but should not be a compulsory ingredients of every conversation with someone from the spirit world.

  • I decided on an alternative, yet  appropriate Harry Secombe song title for this session. I know the speaker would approve.
  • When I asked AI to create the image above, I wanted one depicting a person in spirit holding a Harry Secombe album. AI decided to make the image in the light of Harry!


Session transcribed on Thursday 9th May 2024 at 4:15 pm

SINGING HEARD: " If I ruled the world, every day would be the first day of spring".

I thought you'd like that. When I was down there, I met Harry Secombe once. He was a nice man. Do you know he had a medium friend who used to give him and his wife regular readings? No, I can hear your surprised thought. You didn't know that.

I always thought I was a good medium once. I suppose I had a bit of a chip on my shoulder too. I used to turn on the charm for the ladies. Well, I can see the error of my ways now. Mind you, I've been here a few years now. 1982 in your terms. That was when I had the heart attack that finished me. That was also when I found out who the real people that loved me. Those that were close to me, yet I'd not showed much care when I was there.

That is always my lesson I share with my students these days. Open your eyes and appreciate those special ones that are around you and, certainly in my case, had to put up with me and my ways.

Of all the mistakes I made when I was alive, if I could go back and change anything, it would be how I didn't show my family the love they deserved. Forget all the other silly mistakes - they made me who I became. But the lack of love I shared with the people that deserved it - that was my biggest regret.

I've been told that the last thing you always say before you sleep is to your lady. You tell her you love her. Oh I wish I'd done just that simple thing. It would have made all the difference, not just to me now, but to them at the time.

My wife went on to marry again and thankfully her new man is much better than I ever was. My sister is with me here and she knows how much I still get sad about how I acted about loving others.

Two words I hate more than any others are Arrogance and Ego. I know the latter is something everyone has to some degree, but too many people seem to treat their egos as balloons they like to inflate. Not flattering at all. Yet when I was down there I used to admire the gentle and humble men. I always wished I could be like them.

You might be wondering have I changed. Yes I have, and its through that change I can appreciate how wrong I was. Other mediums have relayed my apologies to Janet, my wife, but she doesn't really accept them. I've tried to connect myself but her spirit won't let me.

Nowadays, I still carry on with my mediumship and I teach a lot too. I teach love and appreciation. Its all that matters in the grand scheme of things.

Would you care to do me a favour? When you type these words up of mine, would you renew the lyrics of the song I sang. Perhaps even print them. Pay attention to the last verse.

Its been a therapy and pleasure to use your energy today. Thank you so much. Remember, love and appeciate everyone now, while you can.



Thursday 22nd August 2024
104 days after the session was transcribed

Sometimes a message from the speaker doesn’t need to be all bells and whistles to make a point. This speaker has used his own words to impress his message home to us, without making it obvious. 

🔷 The way this speaker opened with me was wonderful. I clearly heard the opening lyric of the song being sung to me. This is also evidence that the spirit world will tap into our own memories for appropriate recalls. Imagine if I hadn’t known the song? Imagine how diluted the message would have been without that reference.

🔷 I couldn’t find any information on the internet referring to Harry Secombe and his wife having a psychic friend. But why would there be? Even well-known people have private lives. 

🔷  I did discover that Harry was a very spiritual man, a church-goer and many of his most popular songs were hymns or on a religious theme. One track in particular caught my attention. It was called, “Count Your Blessings”, which is one of the sentiments of today’s speaker. 

"Of all the mistakes I made when I was alive, if I could go back and change anything, it would be how I didn't show my family the love they deserved. Forget all the other silly mistakes - they made me who I became. But the lack of love I shared with the people that deserved it - that was my biggest regret."


Lyrics to
If I Ruled The World

If I ruled the world
Every day would be the first day of Spring
Every heart would have a new song to sing
And we’d sing of the joy every morning would bring

If I ruled the world
Every man would be as free as a bird
Every voice would be a voice to be heard
Take my word, we would treasure each day that occurred

My world would be a beautiful place
Where we would weave such wonderful dreams
My world would wear a smile on its face
Like the man in the moon has when the moon beams

If I ruled the world
Every man would say the world was his friend
There’d be happiness that no man could end
No my friend, not if I ruled the world

Every head would be held up high
There’d be sunshine in everyone’s sky
If the day ever dawned when I ruled the world


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The series of WFSIW has been rebranded to Spirit Insights. A few minor tweaks have been added to the new design for a cleaner look.

The actual sessions remain the same and they will all be indexed together as one collection

How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

"When you don't come from struggle, gaining appreciation is a quality that's difficult to come by."

Shania Twain


The WFSIW sessions are usually published some time after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and the ability to critique better.


As of January 2025, the original WFSIW page design has been updated, and every session added after that date uses this new format.

The series is initially only available in full to the Spirited Talk Envoys, who are paying subscribers. After six weeks, the page is made available to everyone.