|| This summary written on Tuesday 20th August 2024

Consider that today’s message from the speaker in the spirit world was dictated to me several months ago, when you read the powerful and apt message.

As I write this preamble introduction for this session, social media is filled with the conflicts that this religion is currently facing. Politics, in-fighting, disagreements, and leadership challenges, are dragging the movement of spiritualism through the proverbial mud. This morning during my breakfast chat with Jane, I mentioned the chaos that is bringing so many different points of views from all and sundry on Facebook. One or two people are obviously positioning themselves in the hope of a role with power, whilst others are commenting, for the sake of it.

I am proud that I’ve kept quiet during this storm. I’ve kept my opinions to myself, knowing that someone somewhere might be offended if I were to post something they didn’t agree with. It is not the way I want to present myself, or the work I do for spirit. Instead, I prefer to concentrate my focus on my growth, my education, and the things I need to do to make my world better for me, and hopefully others.

It was quite a surprise to me this morning when I loaded the original pdf notes for this session onto my computer screen ready to prepare for this presentation. The speaker in the session you’re about to read, touches on the very topic I’ve mentioned above. The words are not directly related to the issues within the movement, but more generally aimed at where we should start, if we want change to our environment.

When you read these words, as I have, you could take on board the sentiments and appreciate how right the message is. Or you could dismiss them without a thought and carry on with your day as normal. Let me leave you with my thoughts. Change doesn’t begin with actions – it begins with attitude. Without the correct attitude, without belief, without making the personal changes, nothing else matters. That is basically the message today’s speaker shares with us.

  • This session ties in beautifully with the recent sessions covering the topic of betterment. When we ask the spirit world for answers, are we in a position of mind to hear them?


Session transcribed on Thursday 9th May 2024 at 00:51 am

Good evening to you. Or should I say good morning? I'm your chosen speaker this time. I was asked to talk because of something you remarked to somebody else today.

When discussing the state of your world at this time, you suggested that you as an individual could do nothing about it. That is how it seems to you and many others. Nobody is prepared to accept responsibility because it is always someone else's problem.

Have you ever thought that the other person might be you? Of course you're not able to change the entire planet as an individual person, but the changes have to start somewhere, and why not with you.

Are you doing everything in your power to protect our planet, or are you inadvertently and unintentionally adding to the issues?

If you're not living with care for the planet yourself, how can you expect others to? The way you see the issues is as a global problem. Forget that viewpoint. Global means collective and collective comes from individuals as groups, families, communities, districts and onwards.

Yes you can make a difference, as can every individual person alive. When enough individuals make changes to the way they live and treat the planet, global changes occur naturally.

I'm in no way blaming you for the mess of your planet, but lets be honest, at some level, no matter how small, you have at some time contributed to the issues.

You drive vehicles that pollute your air. You eat cheap foods that are mass produced at the cost of the planet. There are many chores you carry out each day that, if examined closely, have some small effect on your environment.

So the next time you think you can't do anything to save your planet, think again. You can, and you should. So should everyone that reads my words, and every and that doesn't.

Your society's attitudes have to change and when they do, greater things can be achieved. Every one of you, every person, violates the best practice for living with care for the planet, every single day. From the moment you wake and choose to have a shower, the likelihood is that you showered with processed water that you contaminate with your chemicals, you call them for personal care. You dry with towels made from an overfarmed resource producing cotton. You drink tea that has been shipped many thousands of miles before being packed into a little bag, for your ease of use

Need I go on? Every day, in some small way, you, and thousands of others like you, abuse your planet . You cannot have your cake, and eat it. That is what you're doing when you continue to live a lifestyle that is not good for your planet.

Your discussion shouldn't be how you cant do anything to help the planet's environment, to a discussion about what you are doing to change things.

I've said enough on the subject. Just remember that if you want to live in a more stable society, one that cares for the planet, the starting point is you.

Thank you for this opportunity to speak. I wish you a fond farewell.



Tuesday 20th August 2024
102 days after the session was transcribed

A friend of Spirited Talk recently asked me if the spirit world could send messages that were ahead of the present time. I suggested that the WFSIW sessions worked that way. The speaker knows exactly when and to whom a message is aimed at. Today’s session proved this to me without any doubts.Β 

πŸ”· I often seek reassurance that the way I have chosen to work with the spirit world is correct for me. My solid morals and principles drive me in this work. I fully appreciate the sentiments from this incredible speaker today.

πŸ”· This session reminds me of the old adage that when we hold our hand up and point a finger, we fail to see the remaining three fingers pointing back at our self.

πŸ”·Β  I can’t help but feel proud of my relationship with those in the spirit world that have chosen to work through me. I have so much more to learn during this current life cycle.

"Every one of you, every person, violates the best practice for living with care for the planet, every single day."

One Response

  1. This s very Powerful Session Trevor, your Spirit Friend “tells it as it is” and I must say I’m feeling guilty as I write this because I like quite a few cups of tea through the day!!! Coming from thousands of Miles away and putin little bags for me to enjoy. Wow that has hit home! I do try now to buy more Locally Grown Fruit, Vegetables and Salad. I suppose you have to start somewhere don’t you. Blessings to you both and thank you again.

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

β€œIn the beginning was the Word. The sound! The harmonics. This understanding is both spiritual and scientific. Everything is in a state of vibration. Everything is frequency. Sound can change molecular structure. It can create form."

Healing Sounds: The Power Of Harmonics by Jonathan Goldman


The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.