My Healing Guide Answers

Benny The Van

At the time when this event happened in 2016, I was a self employed courier with Type 2 Diabetes. Controlling my blood sugar levels is part of living with the illness. Being aware of when the blood glucose is too high or two low is a constant worry as control is important.

When I was working as a courier, the job involved every day waiting for the phone call that offered me an urgent logistic needing taking somewhere in the UK – literally! Each day I would have breakfast at home and never had any ideas where I’d be having lunch or tea, or even if I’d get a run!

On this particular day, I got a phone call at around 11:45am requesting me to pick something urgent up in Liverpool and take it non-stop to Felixstowe – a journey taking around 5 hours each way.

As was normal, I grabbed my dispatch bag and a flask, kissed the monkey (Jane) goodbye and set off, with only a rough estimate that I’d be back home in 12 hours.

I picked up the load and set off south on the motorway network. I was on the M6 toll near Birmingham when I suddenly felt that my blood glucose was getting a little too low. There are specific symptoms, including giddiness and a sense that my mental focus was slipping away.

I had just started on the M6 Toll road and was questioning myself as to whether I should eat my sandwiches now or hold back until I was further into the journey. Long distant trips such as this means that managing on-board food supplies is important. My non-stop service was part of why I was hired for these types of logistics. The company would know that once the cargo is in my van, it is both safe and moving nearer to its destination every second. Stopping the van was not an option as deliveries were timed.

But I was hungry. I was unsure of my blood glucose level and was aware that if I ignored symptoms I could pass out and crash. Yet if I ate now, I still had around 3 hours to travel and without any food, that would be a big ask. What should I do?

I decided to ask my healing spirit guide, Saki. In my mind, I asked for a sign as to whether I should eat now or later. I asked for a sign on the next lorry that passed me. For example, a food lorry would have meant I should eat whereas any other lorry would mean I’m safe to hold off. In hindsight, this may appear a dangerous move, but I’ve asked spirit similar questions before and always get an answer.

The M6 toll was quite busy, as it always is. My focus was on concentrating and monitoring my own feelings. Within a few moments of asking Saki, the most incredible miracle happened. I’m not overstating it. What happened next was nothing short of a miracle and absolute evidence that the spirit people working with us are listening, and where necessary will respond in the best way they can.

As this incident happened I grabbed my camera and took the following photo. The image is self explanatory and you can guess what I did next. How amazing is that?

The Saki Van

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This will take you only a minute or so to do, is easy and effective.

Sit and close your eyes. Bring your focus onto your breathing.

Take an extra big, long and lung-filling breath. As you do so, use your mind's eye to see that fresh, clean air as pure white in colour.
Hold that breath inside your body and visualise the air as an emotion cleanser.

After a short time of allowing the pure white cleaning air to have collected the negative emotional waste, slowly release the now gray air from your body, exhaling every last bit.

You may repeat this exercise as many times as you wish, and whenever you feel the need to cleanse within.