|| This summary written on Thursday 8th August 2024
I’m sure there are many people that would correctly query whether there really is a disconnect between the meaning of a message and my own personal thoughts.
All I can say in defence is believe me, there absolutely is. If this is your first read of one of my WFSIW sessions, let me briefly explain the process I use. Firstly, I never know what words are to be written. I don’t allow myself to have any pre-conceived ideas of a topic to write about, or any thoughts of what the message should be.
I start each session, particularly these in the Lanzarote Sessions series, exactly the same way, every time. I believe that having a ritual helps the people in spirit become aware of my intentions.
The first thing I do is ‘admin preparation’. I start up my digital notebook, (for this session, a brand new Kindle Scribe), and prepare a new notepad with a lined template. I name it with the date, the time, and the number it is in the series. The unit is then set aside with the first blank page ready.
I put on my headphones and a specific piece of music is started on my mp3 player. For around 15 minutes, I will sit in the power of my own energy, focusing only on creating a mental picture of me connecting to the world of spirit. I then await a sign that the connected person is ready. This usually comes in the form of a repeating phrase or words, a song title, or something similar that I believe is the person’s sign that they are ready too.
I open my eyes, pick up my notebook tablet and stylus pen, and write whatever I hear in my mind. For the first few minutes, the connection gains strength and becomes clearer. I am then lost in whatever the words I’m hearing are. I don’t know what I’m writing, though sometimes I do know the sentence form. It’s a bit like a collaboration between my mind and that of the spirit person connected. If I write something wrong, or make something up from my own thoughts, the speaker will tell me and often instructs me to delete those words.
After 30-45 minutes, the strength of the connection weakens. I become tired, and the spirit person knows it is time to end the session. When the session is over, I close the digital notepad, remove my headphones, and return to normality. Within a short while, I’ve already forgotten what I’ve just transcribed. The only time the message lingers in my mind for a little longer is when I believe the message to have been very powerful. My mind tries to recall details of it. I never revisit the notes again until time comes to digitise them for publishing.
Today, as I write this preamble, it is 96 days since I transcribed this message. This is the first time I’ve read it since. So I am experiencing the original message as if I’ve never heard it before, because I certainly cannot recall writing the words!
That’s all there is to it! It’s a process I’ve been doing for a number of years and I am confident that the messages are far removed from my own imagination and composing. Every session is completed using the same tried and tested ritual.
I’m not sure that this is the first time this topic has been raised by someone in the spirit world. However, the message is spoken with such meaning and purpose that I was both excited and shocked when I reread it for this publication.
Well well, who's a jolly sailor. You wanted a noticeable introduction. Was that good enough?
There are countless times in your life when you'll waste a lot of time with someone in, what we know as, small talk. Even the humble hello and goodbye are really just words we tag onto sentences to conclude or commence a conversation with someone.
But there are endless times where the art of small talking is stretched beyond necessity. One of the worst occasions is when we communicate with the Divine. God doesn't need to hear the small talk. He needs to hear what it is you really want to say.
I'm not proposing rudeness when you talk, merely to get to the point and omit some of the nonsense. Some people seem to wallow in spouting off big words praising the Divine. He doesn't need to hear it. If he were to talk to you, he would not want you addressing him as the almighty, the saviour, the presence ruling all life. It means nothing to hear those words. Let's be honest, some people just say it with the hope of impressing him. It does no such thing.
In the same light, some people like to suggest that God is here to serve us, or that God will punish, banish and cast karma on us. Really? Those are the words from someone that does not understand God or the part he plays in our life.
Even as you write my words for me, I feel your hang-ups about me referring to God as him. Does it matter? He is neither,-truth be known. Nor is he a person in the Image of mankind.
God is God. The Divine if you must. But God is not responsive to titles or descriptions. Sometimes I view your world with fraught and anger with the way everyone has gone mad about political correctness. I say again, God is God and defies titles and descriptions.
This is why so many people fail to embrace the essence of God. They are seeking some wonderment that does not exist. Yes God can use your language, and yes God will speak. But not as that thing, that model, that being so many people believe he is.
Do you want to bring God into your life? Then do as he does and accept him without preconditions or notions as to what you expect from him.
Do you expect a dog to have manners at a meal table? Of course not. A dog is a dog, and the same is so about God. God is god and all you have to do is
recognise him and know that he is already part of your life. He always was, and he always will be. No titles, no fancy names, no highfalutin description of what he is or isn't, because you'd be wrong on all counts.
That is my message to you today. When you embrace the message from my words, then you will grow stronger and become more aligned with the word of God.
I hope I've made some sense today. It has been a wonderful experience for me today and you have done a good job writing my words as you have.
I sent you love and peace, always. Now go and embrace God with the nakedness he expects.
Goodbye for now.
written on Thursday 8th August 2024
96 days after the session was transcribed
What an incredibly powerful message from this speaker in spirit to kick off this sixth series of The Lanzarote Sessions. Today, digitising this one, filled me with pride that such good words from the speakers in the spirit world are shared with me (and you). I hope you agree that the following high level of spirit inspired graphic is justified.

When I was digitising the notes earlier, I noted that in one paragraph, the speaker was referring to God. I always capitalise the word out of respect. But the writing shows the word as god. Just as I was about to correct it, I realised that the point being made by the speaker was exactly the reason I had been inspired to write it without the capital beginning.
I hadn’t thought about it beforehand, but we humans do appear to place God on a pedestal all the time. Of course, the speaker is correct in saying that that is not what the Divine force wants from us. The more I give this thought, the more I realise that the word ‘worship’ is out of place also.
There are so many powerful one-liners in this session. This speaker comes across with authority and a feeling he or she knows what they’re talking about.
"Do you want to bring God into your life? Then do as he does and accept him without preconditions or notions as to what you expect from him."