What If (Updated)

What if signpost

The topic of this article was originally released on the Spirited Talk Substack platform. This version has been updated.

The title of this article consists of two simple words: What If. These two questioning words contain so much hidden potential while revealing both negative and positive incentives. Acting like a roadmap, What If, allows us to foresee dangers or possibilities ahead. What If could be blocking our progress or visualising our potential future?

The What If phrase reveals our self-doubts, our lack of confidence, our lack of trust, and inner beliefs. Equally, What If reveals our inner visions, our desires, our goals, and our commitment to our spiritual growth. 

What if I were a better medium?

Straight off, that is a negative use of the phrase. You are already a better medium than you give credit to yourself. Look in the mirror behind you on this proverbial journey and see how far you have already come. You already are a better medium. You’ve come this far and this pathway you have chosen has brought you to this point. If you still think you’re not where you want to be – excellent. Keep on with the journey, and you’ll progress toward your desires.

But What If I fail?

Have you failed so far, or have you progressed forward? Who’s telling you you’ve failed? Who’s telling you you might fail? Who’s driving you forward, ever nearer, ever-improving and ever-growing? You aren’t going to fail. Every experience is an achievement, even the night when you weren’t aware of the spirit being with you. They were – you just weren’t in a state of readiness. That’s not failure, that’s life. 

What if I change the way I think?

That’s a good What If! The statement I always remind myself of is I am where I am because of previous choices. Where I’m going is set by today’s choices. There’s another wonderful (though often annoying) phrase that goes, “If you want to some things in your life, you’re going to have to first change some things in your life.”

That means changing the What Ifs. We’re all aware by now that we are the result of our past thinking. Imagine if we used different What Ifs.

 What if I knew I couldn’t fail?

Think about that for a moment. What if you took to the platform at your next demonstration knowing you could not fail. You’ve changed nothing, only your belief in yourself and the power of the spirit world to be there. 

But what if the messages don’t appear to fit?

They do. You just haven’t found out why. That’s exciting, not negative or failure. That’s learning in action. A better approach when it happens would be to ask yourself, What If I ask more questions of my spirit to help me sort this out? Refer back to your earlier What If. What If I knew I couldn’t fail?

What if we accept without question the spirit world is always there to work with us? What if we accept that as a given and stop doubting ourselves? What if I make that decision right now?

Remind yourself that you are the result of your past thinking. You are in control of your future. Change the what ifs into positive statements that will work for you. 

  • What if you stopped filtering everything that comes into your mind during your demonstration?
  • What if you shifted your focus inward instead of relying on reactions from your audience?
  • What if you stopped worrying about your ego and what others think about you?
  • What if you approached your work with a confidence that could be visible to others in your swagger.
  • What if you lowered your high expectations to a more realistic level?
  • What if you only passed on one or two ‘gold nugget’ pieces of evidence that could change your sitter’s life?


In the original version of this article, I ended it by making a suggestion—one that I have and still use when I’m preparing for a reading session.

Find a cue card, or make one from an old celebration card. Make it the size of your shirt or blouse pocket. Then, with a marker pen or felt-tipped pen, write the following in capital letters across one side of the card, “WHAT IF

Make that card important by ensuring you take it with you every time you’re about to do a reading session. In your final preparations, take the card out and remind yourself why those words are there for you. Allow that to become your positive input before you speak. Use it constantly to remind yourself of the positive What ifs you now believe in.

As a bonus, what if you were in a situation where you needed something philosophical to address your audience with? The answer is in your pocket! Talk about the what if message on it, why you use it, and the power within those two words. How inspiring would you be?

Here’s my final words: What if this article makes a major shift in your direction going forward?


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