The work on this website has slowed down temporarily due to the ongoing jobs taking my time around our home. I’ve completed the assembling of units and worktops in Jane’s greenhouse. On Monday we had a new small sentry shed arrive. Monday was spent assembling that and today we finished it with a coat of black paint.

This content is for members only.

I’m still battling to find a few leaks in the roof. I’m beginning to wonder if I will be able to make it waterproof inside the greenhouse. I’ll keep going and try to eliminate them as they appear.

I’ve not had much time to spend around the garden either. That said, I did have a few moments earlier today to admire the hydrangea outside of my sanctuary office window.

I have a new TIS article near completion that I hope to be able to publish before the end of this week. The subject matter was inspired by my southern friend, Jon, and touches a topic about mediumship I’ve not talked about for a while.

Polite Warning

As you’ll know, I don’t comment a lot on social media these days, but I do read what others have to say. Sadly, this week I’ve removed two long standing friends from my Facebook. Britain is facing awful events across the nations at this time with feral hooligans causing havoc in our towns and cities. The two friends I removed are alleged spiritualists, yet posted comments in align with agreeing with the extreme right wing actions.  Their comments were offensive and upsetting. 

This is not how we as spiritualists should be publicly presenting ourselves. Our personal opinions should be kept personal. So be warned. What you say on social media matters and could offend others. We’re all entitled to our own opinions about immigration issues, boat people, government cuts and the like. But when you air your views as words online, they always incur consequences. 

I appreciate that even in me saying what I’ve just said, I’m sharing an opinion. But I want to live in a world of peace and love. Therefore I will not endorse or tolerate others views that relay the opposite feelings. 

Comments Are Now Moderated

This website has been slowly getting more visitors over the past few weeks. With that has come some unwelcome visitors that have chosen to leave comments that, although stating nice comments about the website, have been placed with URL links to cryptocurrency websites. 

I’ve therefore had to reluctantly switch comments to a state of requiring approval before being allowed onto the site.  So if you post a comment, innocently or to promote something other than spirit related, be aware that it will not show on the website until I have approved or edited it. Sorry.

That’ll do for this Just Chat update. Let us pray for peace in our communities. [/swpm_protected]



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