lone figure


Session Update 2024

|| this summary was written on Tuesday 27th February 2024

I sat for the following session nearly 18 months ago, as I prepare this update. I’ve been consistently practising this form of writing ever since, sometimes on a daily basis.

Over the time, I have grown in experience with the art. The aspect of the work that has grown the most is in how much I now understand about the processes of letting go of the mind during the process. Even explaining that way is not really accurate, but it’s the closest I can get.

Reading this session again for the first time since it was originally published, I can now detect where, or what parts, I might have had a mild influence over during the transcribing process.

I don’t believe it offsets the message enough for me to be concerned though, but I can detect where my mind might have completed partial sentences as they were being transcribed.

That is the very nature of growing through education. We should not be embarrassed or ashamed of our previous work, merely be able to recognise that we’ve grown since and our viewpoint has probably changed.

  • There are still some poignant messages within this session that I’m confident were beyond me. So although I can recognise my potential input, I also believe the sentiments of the speaker are still present.


about the writing


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.


additional notes for this session

The Process

This session contains questions that were sent to my partner’s email address.

At the time of sitting for this session, my partner wrote the questions onto this notepad prior to me sitting.

I did not know who sent the questions until after this session was complete.

The process of reading the questions and commencing writing is continuous.

This session was transcribed during a stay in Lanzarote in December 2023.

4th series of Lanzarote sessions.


Session transcribed on transcribed on Monday 6th June 2022 at 01:34 am

It is good to know our messages through you are reaching others that are equally wishing to improve their own qualities in the pursuit of better communication between our two worlds.

Mediumship is the word we both use to describe the facility of connecting the two worlds for purpose of communicating. By the nature of the act, this tends to be us talking to you more often than not. This is because people living on earth are not always comfortable with being seen to be talking ‘to the dead’. The mystery lies in receiving the messages from us, rather than the messages coming to us from the earth.

This is the unbalance that we are come to live with a lot on both worlds. Earth people feel there is only gain or value in receiving messages from us because it has some basis of proof or evidence within it. But we do like to receive your messages, infrequent as they are. And you should understand that all requests are heard, all sentiments of love, loss and grief are also heard loud and clear this side.

Your better tutors often remind their students that this communication is a two-way process. Most mediums to ask questions when they're aligned to us. A few mediums will pray, as you do, to the greater Divine, most with no expectation of a response. Fewer mediums still will provoke a real conversation with their connects this side, instead just asking for answers.

You know this to be true, because you do it yourself. But tell me, when did you have a normal conversation with someone you love that's over here? Why is that do you think?

Within that answer the line is one of the problems you all create, and that is your true lack of belief that your conversation is reaching its targeted person. When did you last spend a few minutes outside of your working with mediumship to have a conversation with your father over here? Yet, when it suits you, you will tune to your team over here and expect all the conversations to be clear and evidential.

If you want to live your life with the ability to talk to us, then why not try talking to us. I am not going to refer to those mediums that approach the mediumship half-baked, ill-prepared and not truly working for the greater good. All I will say is that they serve a purpose.

I am instead referring to you personally and all those wonderful students that are dedicating much of their life to improvement and betterment. Your friend, Bill, who is asking fair and sensible question about how he can improve that connection with us for a greater relationship. Those people that simply dip in and out of this whenever it suits them are never going to achieve much more than they already are. But you, and your friends reading these words, who are seeking a better understanding of who I am talking to.

Your better tutors often talk about spending time "sitting in the power". I'm afraid I'm not a fan of that phrase. It has been overused and little understood anyway. The wording of has added some mystique into it. Power? What power? Far too overstated and therefore less likely to appeal.

So let me help you out. Trevor, I know you like exercises and simple things you can do to improve yourself. And perhaps some of your readers might appreciate this too.

The first thing you need to do is make a commitment to yourself. Make a plan, like you would for any other tasks you perform. Write the following, one word at a time please.

”Today and every day I will spend time with myself and my spirit helpers improving my understanding of my potential"

Thank you, that was almost as I wanted you to write it. Now, agree the length of your time, but make it reasonable and achievable. May I suggest you start with 15 minutes every day? Find a place to take yourself. Make sure it's not weather dependent or somewhere you are disturbed by others.

Sit and make yourself comfortable ideally without light to distract and most certainly without noise. Now for that period of time, talk as if it is the voice of your own spirit. How? The decision to do so is enough, and it will be.

Talk to your loved ones or your spirit helpers. Just chat in your mind. Make the sentences complete and clear. Talk about what you're doing with this work.

Talk about your achievements and what areas you want to improve. Ask if they may offer help or guidance. Just talk naturally and without expecting responses, answers, signs, proof, and other limiting baggage. Make your conversations real, as if they are there with you in person. They are. But you must not seek that as validation.

See it as your building or even rebuilding your relationship with them. Do this exercise every day without fail. If you find you have nothing to say, then just say enjoy their company as if they are there with you. They are. We are.

We like to be spoken to. Enjoy the silence together with no expectations. And don't forget to say goodbye when you finished.

Now I know what I've suggested here will not be as your tutors would suggest. But remember, they are your side and I am here. Perhaps I can offer something from our perspective. If you would trust my words and do this for a period of time, you would experience a greater connection with this side.

I'm sorry my friend, I've kept you writing for longer than the session, but we feel these are precious words that will help you, and your friends reading this, to develop a better understanding of this wonderful gift of communication.

The gaps between you writing my words are extending and I am aware that you are losing focus. So we'd like to bid you farewell for the session.

God is with you.

This is one of the many WFSIW sessions that have been transferred to this website from the archives. My opinions may have changed and the notes have been adjusted to reflect so.


written on 27th February 2024

This session was relatively early into my public versions of inspired writing. I did set ground rules from the beginning, particularly when it came to forwarding questions to the spirit speaker, as in this example.

During this fresh summarising, I am more able to judge how much of my own mind influenced the words, in comparison with the work I continue with this day.  I am therefore downgrading the award based on these considerations. 

4 out of 10

🔷The basis of this session was around a question that was sent to me by a reader which, you’ll find, is written in the original notes. It was around that topic that the speaker addressed me.

🔷 I completely agree with this speaker when they suggest that talking to the Divine doesn’t need to be in a formal format coloured with fragrance and fancy words. A Prayer is nothing more than a personal conversation directed at the Divine.

🔷 The last line is quite revealing from the perspective of a person in the spirit world.  At this point in the session, I was obviously struggling to hear the speaker clearly and my focus is drifting. The speaker sees this as gaps in my flow of writing and recognises that I’m losing it.

“If you want to live your life with the ability to talk to us, then why not try talking to us.”

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

"The two most important days of your life are the day that you were born and the day you find out why. "



The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.