- About The Cabinet
In my home office, I have a corner that is curtained off. Within the space is a chair. The space is dark and where I occasionally spend time in meditation. The cabinet allows energy to build, and enhance the ability to connect with the spirit world with more clarity.
|| This summary written on 29th November 2024
It occurred to me just this very moment. It came to me in a flash, as I contemplated what to write for this preamble. I’ve just realised the biggest mistake mediums make.
I’ll come to what I’ve realised in a minute or so. But first, are you one of us medium types that wishes you were better at connecting with the spirit world. Perhaps with more clarity of connection, or more trust. Or perhaps more of a knowing that you are connected to that invisible world where we so want to believe the afterlife exists.
It’s probably the number one request from student mediums the world over – how do I know I am connected to the spirit world? Of course, there will be the lucky few, you might call them gifted at birth, who are genuinely clairvoyant (clear seeing), who were born with an heightened sense of awareness. They’re the ones that act like the over-enthusiastic donkey in the credits of the original Shrek film, jumping up and down shouting “pick me, pick me“. They often ooze a sense of cockiness as they metaphorically look down on their students. You can almost hear them declaring, “I’m brilliant at this, and you’ll never be as good as me.”
Us mere mortals stuggle on trying to learn, waiting for the breakthrough moment when we either see, hear, or feel the presence of spirit. Good luck with that one!
As I’ve written about in the past, mediumship is more of a by-product, rather than something we can directly learn. There’s room for tips, techniques and ways to present a communication to be taught. And we should all actively be involved in learning them. Mediumship, the actual act of connecting and relaying, works far better when the conditions are in place first. Meditation, spending time in the power, learning about oneself, changing expectations, accepting changes, and so on. There are the conditions required for mediumship.
Here’s the realisation I came to a few minutes ago. Here’s the most important thing I might ever write. Here’s the reason why mediums don’t progress and continue to beat themselves up, day after day. Here’s the secret if you like. But first, let me suggest that if you read the next paragraph and don’t take the message on board, you might as well stop having expectations for your own mediumship abilities. Yes, I’m a tough teacher! My dad always said, “The truth often hurts.” For that I make no apologies. Are you prepped for it. Here we go!
Your abilities as a medium are completely dependant on your relationship with your higher Self.
There it is! Are you able to sit silently and listen to the inner voice talking back to you? That inner voice is often your higher Self. Your higher Self, the essence of your own spirit resides in the spirit world and yet remains connected to your earthly being. Here’s a challenge for you to do. Sit quietly for a moment in complete silence and without distractions. Then listen to what your higher Self is telling you. Listen to what it tells you that you need to do. There you have all the answers you’ll ever need! And I didn’t charge you a bean for it!
In the following session, I was sitting in my cabinet in my sanctuary. I had spent a few minutes in the power of my own energy (perhaps created from my higher Self). Then I began to write the words I was hearing in my mind. This is an example of classic higher Self. But one difference I am aware of beyond others, I’m not ego driven and I am prepared to be openly honest. It’s your call, your life, your journey. Do with it as you may.
If you’re one of the majority who read that preamble and are disappointed you didn’t get it – that’s how 95% of people will be. So from that aspect you’re no different. If, however, you get the message and act upon it – your future has just got brighter.
I'm sure you're aware that you need to spend more time on your personal unfoldment. It has been some time since you last sat for yourself. We have much to achieve together and so much we want to share with you about our worlds.
Time is something that only we have in abundance, but not you. Remember that. Much of your unfoldment is better completed on your earth in the life form you are in.
Life for you is based on experiences. Everything you do is an experience, and experiences, like lessons, are important. Take a moment some time to consider what experiences you hope to live each day.
Everything is an experience. When you rise in the morning, when you dress, when you look through the window and see the new day. They are all experiences. Each have a value and each are part of your journey.
People often wonder if we maintain memories of our previous life on earth. Indeed we do. We often renew them as experiences too. Sometimes we recall experiences to help us in what we are learning. You have a word for that on earth. Nostalgia.
We too are selective in what we choose to recall. When we pull on a memory, we are able to experience it with the energy strength of when it was originally created.
I have heard it suggested from souls this side that when we revisit a memory from our life on earth, we became part of that moment again, as if we were actually in it once more. It certainly feels like that at times. I've recalled some of my own earth experiences and have felt like I was literally reliving it again.
Of course, we can take time to create new experiences in this form too. They're different though. Too confusing for me to put into your words, but experiences here are somewhat different.
I shared that with you because I want you to work on our relationship more. Sit in your power and allow us to blend together more often. There is so much awaiting your mind.
Your life on earth is often considered three dimensional. Indeed it is. But ours is more. Multi- dimensional. Our form allows us that ability. To be in more than one place in the moment, you might suggest.
God gave us all the miracle of life. But let me tell you, life is more full, more focused, more complete, then you will ever understand on earth. The limitations you inherit on earth are that way so you can fulfil your life with ease.
Thank you for choosing to pick up the pen this night. I knew you were coming of course. Use your time wisely and consider your priorities, in alignment with your long term desires.
Peace be with you.
Good day to you.
Friday 29th November 2024
20 days after the session was transcribed
The graphic below is often based on the value of the message within the session and to what extent I believe it was from another source other than my daily mind. In this session, I believe the message was poignant and meaningful – to me at least!

🔷 I am making more effort to find the time and sit in the cabinet to build my own power. Like most of us these days, it’s all too easy to come up with excuses to justify not doing so. But needs must, and I am listening to my higher Self.
🔷 I can appreciate the speaker’s description of what it’s like for them when they revisit their earth memories. I suppose, our physical body is always going to hinder our ability to revisit past memories. Without the body, we’d be thought alone, and could merge with any other thoughts. But don’t take me as gospel on that!
🔷 I think the thing that this session also reminds me is that many people, including some of my like-minded friends, are truly invested in their spiritual journey, preferring instead to remaining on the outside looking in, rather than being in the mix and shaking it up.
"The limitations you inherit on earth are that way so you can fulfill your life with ease."