|| This summary originally written on 19th November 2023
With whatever I do in my mediumship, I always expect some form of evidence. My character is not one that wants to live in a world of fantasy – an imaginary world created by my mind. So the evidence has to be present for me to be convinced. In my world, that is healthy mediumship.
As every medium should already know, evidence from mediums doesn’t always transfer to others. In other words, I might judge what a medium tells me as evidential, because it is personal to me. Others won’t always accept that as straight evidence. Instead, they might consider it as “Evidence Once Removed”.
Again, simplifying my point, if you have faith and belief in my words, then you might choose to believe the personal evidence I receive as being true. That would therefore be evidence once removed.
Today’s session is a perfect example for you to consider. In it, I am transcribing the words from a lady in the spirit world who claims early in that she knew me when she was living this side. Within seconds of my continuing to transcribe her words, I became aware of who it was. I felt all the same sensations as I would during a normal reading. I knew without the tiniest of doubts who this lady was.
The speaker was one of my favourite mentors from way back in the early years of my development. Joan was a true spiritualist that was certified through the Spiritualist National Union education system. She was hugely respected in her home town of Christchurch, Dorset and had taken her mediumship teaching as far away as Canada.
Joan was what is termed, ‘old school’ in her teaching and her high standards of true spiritualism. She taught me, and no doubt many others, on solid foundations of mediumship. The outcome of my personal mediumship journey is largely due to her personal attention in the training she passed on to me and other students.
I recognised that I must have been a favourite student of Joan’s. She spent extra time working with me, often outside of the official circle meetings. I was honoured once, when Joan invited me to her house to give her a personal reading.
In those days, I had endless enthusiasm to learn everything I could from Joan. She would often give me books to read, such as a hard back book of Harry Edwards called “A guide to the understanding and practice of Spiritual healing”. When I returned the book after I’d read it, she told me I could keep it. It remains with me today as one of those treasured books in my collection.
One book she advised me to buy was called, “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch. Joan had met Neale and was a strong ambassador for his work. So, I had to buy the book! When I read it, I was hugely impressed with it, and learnt so much from the author.
Perhaps, in hindsight, it would be easy to consider that book as the start of my own journey into spirit-inspired writing some eighteen years ago.
In the session with Joan today, she suggests I should read the book again. So, I’ve taken it from my book collection and it will come with me on my forthcoming trip to Lanzarote, where I will do as Joan suggests, read it again.
Earlier, I mentioned to you that, for me, I was certain I knew who the speaker was. After you’ve read the session notes, ask yourself if it qualifies for you as ‘evidence once removed’. I look forward to reading your comments.
- When I learned that Joan had passed across to spirit in 2019 I was deeply upset. I had hoped that one day I might see her again. I had no thoughts of her connecting with me through my mediumship.
- As I prepare these notes, there is something in my mind that believes I might have already spoken of Joan in a previous article I’ve written. If I have, and some of today’s notes are a repeat, I apologise.
You appear to be enjoying your life at this time. Before you start writing my words, I want to make it clear that I am a lady, and always was. I know your mind translates the words with your mind voice, which is of a man of course. Believe me, I am of the female gender. You may even have known of me when I was your side. There's something for you to think about!
You were thinking in your mind a short while ago, about where those people that have some growing to do go, as they don't all merge into the higher world. The wrong-uns are the people I'm describing.
Your mediums often talk about our world as being made up of levels, domes, or regions. The challenge you have when you use those types of terms, you automatically picture those worlds as just that. Levels suggests floors, for example. Domes suggest separated areas. Can you see the problem?
All the descriptive words are somewhat correct though. May I try and offer my simplified version, as I have come to understand it?
There, of course, is the first challenge - we don't have access to others not in our living world. On earth, you have transistor radios and my favourite ones used to be those with a tuning knob that moved an indicator along the marked dial.
Where I am living in my world is akin to one of the radio stations at a given frequency. But when you turn the dial on the radio, sometimes only a little bit, you tune in to another radio station. That is how to best consider this life here.
The majority of people that cross back here, return into this world where I am living. But the very bad ones from earth, and I do mean the very bad, transcend to an alternative 'radio frequency' where they might continue to learn and grow.
Equally, those few that have devoted their living to God, The Divine, and the betterment of others, may transcend to another 'radio frequency' place.
Your mind is asking me so many questions. Give me a moment to explain. No matter what frequency people transcend to after earthly death, each still has access to their loved ones, if they choose. Often they don't. However, those loved ones are not residing in their dimension.
May I suggest, as I always used to, that you take time to read 'Conversations With God' once more. It has been a long time since I told you about that book, and you reading it.
You've come a long way since then. It would be useful for you to brush up. Yes my boy, you were very quick in realising who I am. During this session your mind has been filling with all the memories of your past.
I heard about the work you were doing and wanted to be part of it for this session. I do keep an eye on some of my old students, but from your group, only one or two have pursued with this work. I always knew you would.
Would you allow me to drop by again soon? Well, you need to revisit the book I talked about. I'll know if you read it again.
I'll talk again soon my boy.
written on 19th November 2023
47 days after the session was transcribed
My belief in knowing who this speaker was has resulted in me having to award this session highly. The tone and the phrasing of the words exactly that which Joan would have spoken. Apart from the power felt in the connection, there are other small clues within her words that convince me.

🔷 I only remembered during the production of this presentation that there were one or two occasions when I visited Joan that she had an old style radio on in her lounge. I took no notice of that at the time, but now realise how important it was for her to use that as part of her analogy in this session.
🔷 The three asterisks I’ve added to the notes above are where my mind had worked out who it was that was speaking to me. When I confirmed that, the energy connecting us was strengthened and I knew without question Joan was with me.
🔷 When I took the book out of my bookcase to take to the room where I place things for packing into the suitcase, I quickly flicked through the pages. There are a lot of my highlighted sentences in the book, so I will report back, when I’ve read the book again, as to whether any were relevant to me nowadays.
“I want to make it clear that I am a lady, and always was. I know your mind translates the words with your mind voice, which is of a man of course. Believe me, I am of the female gender. “