Spirit Insights



|| This summary originally written on 17th November 2023

At one time in my life, I believed I would go to heaven taking much guilt with me. Thankfully, I’ve been allowed to stay on earth and grow older and a little wiser! So it’s music to my ears when this speaker today suggests there’s no room for that emotion above.

I used to have a serious hang-up when my tutors of mediumship would tell us that we will all have to relive much of our life when we cross over. The Akashic records, as they are allegedly known, are an apparent record of our life on earth that is used to review our progress, lessons and mistakes, when we get to meet our maker.

OMG, I thought! Really? I don’t want that, I couldn’t face it. Perhaps I could avoid that day!

Since those naive days of my development, I’ve learned much, and have a greater understanding. There are two areas I’ve progressed in my understanding that combat this old issue. One, there is little or no real evidence of there being such an event of life reviewing when we cross. Those that suggest there is, will often complete your learning with the statement, “don’t worry, nobody will judge you.” Then what would be the point! So for me, I have not seen any concrete evidence to support such claims.

The second area I’ve progressed in is in my own wisdom, understanding and maturity. I’m now a young oldie, rather than an old youngie! I am how I am, and who I am, because of the life I have lived, through good and bad, through tough times and leaner ones. I no longer allow guilt to be a burden I carry on my back.

Perhaps I’m lucky because of my knowledge. I wonder how many people do carry guilt around with them. I wonder how many people cross over with regrets, disappointments, and a burden of guilt. According to the speaker today, quite a few it would seem!

  • If we were to take an hour and write down all the emotional states we are aware of, I wonder how many people would include guilt as one.


Session transcribed on Sunday 1st October 2023 at 2:15 pm

Hello my friend and all.
One of the emotions that many people suffer with when they cross to this side is that of guilt. Yes, guilt is indeed an emotional trait and one that can drain so much positive energy.

The cause of the guilt that many people display when they cross is that caused by what they individually believe is, under-achievement.

It is true that when we, this side, are overseeing our students of your world, we always expect more from them. You see, we know that each person can achieve so much more with their life, if they chose to devote more time and energy to it. We would not be doing our best for you if we suggested you take it easy and don't worry about educating yourself.

We want each person to achieve as much as they can, in their time on the planet. Most people that care most about their education are the ones that experience the most guilt on arriving here.

But I want to offer you some words of comfort. No matter what you achieve in your life on earth, or even what you don't achieve, you'll be treated with the utmost love, when you come home.

Guilt is just an emotion you place on yourself with no help needed from anyone else. Yes of course you should always strive to better yourself, and that is all that is expected of you. It's not about what you did achieve, but what life you lived and how much effort you put into it.

Nobody this side will make you feel guilty. You'll be loved as equal as the next person.

I believe one of my colleagues has spoken in the past about negative energies, and how they drain the energy away. Guilt is responsible for much energy being negatively lost. Don't let it, please.

What you have achieved is what you managed to. Well done for that. That really was all I wanted to share with you today. I hope it made some sense and that you can learn from it.

Thank you for writing my words down.

Goodbye friends.


0:00 / 0:00
Guilt Stays On Earth


written on 16th November 2023
46 days after the session was transcribed

There are times when something that happens defies explanation. More to the point, how difficult it can be for us to explain the importance of the event to someone else. That’s where I find myself today. So, based on the series of events after this session was written, I have to award the words as highly spirit-inspired, and I will make no apologies for doing so.

🔷 The speaker suggests, “Most people that care most about their education are the ones that experience the most guilt on arriving here.” I had to think about that line today for a while. It appeared to be contradictory. But with thought, I realised what the speaker might have meant. One has to be educated to some level to understand morals, rights and wrongs etc. Consider all the louts and yobs we have in our societies these days that seem to be lacking those basic ingredients.

🔷 I couldn’t agree more with the speaker when suggesting that negativity weighs heavily on our emotions and can act like a mental baggage. Guilt is a negative emotional state.

🔷 Another nice and short session where the words are concise and to the point.

“Guilt is just an emotion you place on yourself with no help needed from anyone else.“


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The series of WFSIW has been rebranded to Spirit Insights. A few minor tweaks have been added to the new design for a cleaner look.

The actual sessions remain the same and they will all be indexed together as one collection

How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

"When you hold resentment towards another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel."



The WFSIW sessions are usually published some time after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and the ability to critique better.


As of January 2025, the original WFSIW page design has been updated, and every session added after that date uses this new format.

The series is initially only available in full to the Spirited Talk Envoys, who are paying subscribers. After six weeks, the page is made available to everyone.