Spirit University


|| This summary written on Tuesday 2nd April 2024

I originally transcribed the session below in April 2022. Nearly two years later, I moved it from where it was originally published to this final resting place.

A lot of time has passed since those early days of producing these sessions, and along the way, I have learned so much about the processes involved. As I produced this presentation, I read the transcription as if it were new.

From the writing, I can detect how much better I have become at letting my mind free of my own interpretations. The word ‘inspired’ was more key back then. Due to my lack of experience at the time, I could not recognise how much of my mind was involved. Nowadays, I can detect my input more easily, which makes looking back at older samples, such as this one, interesting and inspiring.

I’ve always believed that we can all learn something from anything we create, and that applies to this session as well.

  • Artificial Intelligence created the image above after I suggested an aerial view of a university, surrounded by lakes, where students in the spirit world might attend for further education. My theoretical notion is soon dispelled by the speaker today.


about the writing


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.


Session transcribed on 10th April 2022 at 02:19 am

We are sorry we interrupted your reading this evening. We wanted to take this opportunity to talk to you about the learning process on this side.

There is this common misconception on earth that when someone passes to this side, they somehow become the all-knowing. This is not so. The only thing that we first know that is different, is that life does indeed continues. But beyond that, our knowledge banks, that is, our individually accumulated knowledge remains the same as it was.

Of course, we then have a period where we have to adjust and, if you like, acclimatize to the new way of living.

The process by which we can continue to learn is entirely within our own free will. We know that some spirit people report to earth that there are great learning centres, big universities, where many can gather to learn. Well, that is neither entirely correct or entirely wrong. The ways that we can choose to learn are up to the minds of the individual.

While one spirit being might want to attend such a place for learning, [it is] they [that will] manifest that place by thought alone. All the others that may appear to be there with them are indeed learning, but their [individual] perceptions of that establishment would be whatever they think it to be.

I might choose to learn with a group of fifteen to twenty others that are friends. Three of the group here with us now go studying together. We’ve chosen a more simple concept for our ‘establishment’. It’s a plain room, bare in decorations and distractions. But one where we can share a similar experience. Though of course, each of us may believe the room to be bigger or smaller than the others! It’s just a concept.

Some of us choose to visualise books to read from, while others enjoy hearing the information. These methods are not important, they’re just a chosen template. The learning, the knowledge itself is something each of us absorbs in our own way and at our own pace.

We have heard that some of the more advanced minds can create their own laboratories for learning and these places are much the same for each of them. But they have more advanced minds and more importantly, more stable thought processes.

But learning, accumulating knowledge is a personal choice. There are some people that have been here a long time and still haven’t grasped the need to learn. That is entirely their choice. This group here tonight have all got a passion to learn how to communicate to earthbound people. We don’t really refer to it as mediumship, because it’s a different process. But perhaps we’ll talk more about that at another time.

As you know, the concept of time is different here. We don’t really have a yesterday or a tomorrow because we don’t have the boundaries of time to mark it by. We kind of live in the moment. This is the nearest and best way to describe it to you. In the moment is everything we’ve done and everything we will do. But we know how strange that sounds to you because you are locked into your linear time model. But learning is a natural ingredient that all life has - the ability and desire to learn, whether while living on earth as a solid or living here in a thought dimension.

Advancing one’s abilities is a natural driving force and how much an individual wants to learn is entirely up to themselves.

The restraints of living a life governed by time on earth restricts so many people as to how much knowledge they accumulate in their lifetime on earth. Here, those boundaries don’t exist.

We mentioned to you recently that we are happy living here. If you can imagine an infinite life with no boundaries set by the passing of time, it is easy to understand why we have a happier outlook generally.

Before we let you go for this occasion, we are aware that you did try to research the word we gave you. Why were you so disappointed to discover it does not exist in your language? Your language is limited only to the words you have devised. But here, we have so many other words in our vocabulary to choose from. This is why we do sometimes have a challenge talking to you, because we are restricted to use only what you can understand.

My friends and I have enjoyed working with you this session. We wanted to clarify that about the acquisition of greater knowledge.

I hope it has helped you understand.

God be with you my friend.


written on Wednesday 3rd April 2024
723 days after the session was transcribed

Reading this afresh today, all this time later, I am staggered by the number of details this speaker shared. The way I am approaching this is two-fold. One, as if I didn’t own these words and they were from someone else following the process for spirit-inspired writing. Two, how much of the information could have come from my knowledge of the spirit world. Here’s the graphic I’m choosing:


🔷 I can just about understand the concept of living in a world of thought, but I find it difficult to comprehend when someone else is sharing that space with me, whilst viewing their space differently. The speaker mentions three of the group attending a class together and choosing a plain room for the experience. But even with that scenario, how does each deal with the alternative dimensions thought by the other members. Perhaps I’m over-thinking it.

🔷 The folks of the spirit world often throw a curve ball at us here by suggesting there is no linear time measurement in the spirit world. Yet in this session, the speaker refers to someone he or she knows that has resided there for a long time. Surely, that’s a measure of time?

🔷 I do appreciate the point about our vocabulary being restricted and therefore limiting the speaker to use only words I know. However, I do know that mediums can often speak in an alien language whilst in an altered state of being. 

"If you can imagine an infinite life with no boundaries set by the passing of time, it is easy to understand why we have a happier outlook generally."

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

"You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in."



The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.