Introducing WHY

I’ve always been the person who asks why! Why does this happen? Why does that happen? Why do we do it this way? Why do we think there is an afterlife? Why should we accept what others tell us as fact?

Over the years, my probing and seemingly difficult questions have annoyed many of my mentors. More often than not, I receive the response, “It just does!” or similar dismissive answers. I’ve learned from experience that these stock answers come from people who either don’t know the answer to my question or have no interest in knowing why.

Throughout my unfoldment, the questions I’ve asked have become increasingly more difficult to answer, getting more complex as my knowledge has grown. In the early days, I would ask more basic questions, such as why, if a medium is connected to someone in the next life, can’t they relay basic details, such as names, dates, addresses etc? Why are mediums in churches so hit-and-miss with their communications? Why is the vibration of the spirit world so much higher than ours on earth? Why does the spirit world not understand time in the same way as we do?

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

Questioning is a healthy habit for improving our understanding — an exciting way to learn and appreciate our craft better. But of course, asking questions can also slow our unfoldment down at times. Occasionally, things work better if, while we’re learning, we learn to trust our mentors and our spirit team.

I’ve improved my basic mediumship abilities to a reasonable level of understanding. I know the answers to such questions as those I listed earlier. Yet, the more I learn, the more questions arise, leaving me seeking increasingly rare answers. This is the development side of mediumship that works alongside the unfoldment.

Being able to do something is often not enough for my personality type. I want to know the answers, the whys, and to question the established beliefs. Many questions have remained unanswered over the years that call me to want to explore possibilities. The challenge I face is in appreciating that anyone cannot answer many of my deep questions with absolute accuracy. Answers are, therefore, heavily based on opinions and experience.

These answers should be considered as ‘fluid’ or unfixed based on a bias determined by the known facts. In this new series, I will explore some of these outstanding and often annoying questions. I’ll often use propositions and suggestions that, although not directly answering the questions, open up possibilities that might open your mind a little.

This series is called ‘Why‘, for simplicity purposes and will allow me the space to share some of my thoughts. I always tell others that my opinions are just that – mine and mine alone. You should always seek your own truths. Many more people have a far deeper understanding than I, a mere student. So when you read the pages in the ‘Why‘ section, you don’t have to agree with me. In fact, that would be unhealthy. Instead, ask yourself why you disagree with me and what foundations you base your disagreement on.

There is no schedule for releasing these articles to the ‘Why‘ series. So, whenever you visit this website, check the section for new releases. The first article will look at the question, “Why is the next world about love and light?”

As always, I welcome your comments, though that facility is only available to the Envoys.

One Response

  1. This is fabulous Trevor, every day is a School Day and it encourages us more to as you say “have an enquiring mind, to ask questions and that it should be fluid” Something that sits right today may not sit right with your understanding tomorrow, life moves on and I feel we should always be the Best Version of Ourselves that we can whilst being in our Earthly Bodies. We are here for Lessons after all. I am very much looking forward to YOUR take on the “Why’s and Wherefores!” Thank you Trevor.

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