Spirit Insights

I DIDN’T LISTEN [incomplete session]


This is the tenth of the seventh series of Lanzarote Sessions, transcribed during a break to the Canary Islands in September 2024. During our frequent visits, I sit in the power of the spirit at least once every day and allow the spirit connect to share a message with me.

|| This summary written on 21st February 2025

As I’ve always done with this form of mediumship, I always try to be honest with you.

Sitting for inspired writing has become a habit I adhere to as often as possible.  I enjoy the experience, and over time, I have learnt how to trigger sessions more quickly than I once used to. When I’m on a break away from home, I find the process easier to fit into my less busy schedule. During the breaks, I set myself a target of how many sessions I will complete, knowing they will become part of a new series when I return home.

I try to aim at two sessions every day, the first being very late at night or in the early hours of a new day and the second being complete during the daylight hours. It’s a routine I like. But sometimes, I don’t consider how tired I feel before I commence. This session is one of those. I knew somebody in the spirit world was keen to connect and share some words with me. So I opened the digital pad, said my prayers and waited for them to speak to me. But I was more tired than I thought. It was 1:40am and I should have just gone to sleep. Instead, I thought I could fit one more session in, and set about it with as much enthusiasm as I’d typically have. 

The problem of me being overly tired took over after just a few minutes of beginning the session. As often happens, the speaker in the spirit world was aware that the energy needed to keep us connected was weak. The effects of that result in me not being able to hear the words clearly whilst maintaining that dedicated focus. This speaker, knew I was not fit to continue talking to and sharply ended our session. I was asleep within the same minute!

In alignment with my intention of being honest with you, I’ve decided to include the session anyway. I do hope the speaker returns again soon.


I appreciate the sentiments of this speaker’s message. Truth be told, I know I was difficult to teach. I had the attitude that if I thought I knew something, I would stick with what I knew and unintentionally close the door on learning better or more. This is a trait I now see in others learning this subject. The trick is in keeping the mind open and receptive all the time, and not just when it suits you.


transcribed on Thursday, 3rd October 2024 at 01:40 am

Hello. Your previous speaker talked to you a lot about wisdom and how it should be considered as advice to act upon. I was listening to the words and it reminded me of a time where I believed I knew it all. I wasn’t hearing what teachers were telling me. I knew better.

The problem came some time later down the road when I got into a mental quagmire with my work. Even my own spirit guides were screaming at me, telling me to heed the words and act upon them. Looking back, this was a sticky patch for me.

I began to lose faith in everything to do with working with, what I knew, then, was my own spirit helpers. I would estimate that my refusal to listen to wisdom I was receiving was responsible for my lack of growth during this time period.

Looking back, I wished I’d listened to the people with wisdom more. Their advice was going beyond my understanding and I gave no importance to what was being taught me.

The mediums on earth that are struggling to make progress are in that state by unintentionally help blocking …

You are falling asleep. I have to stop to let you rest. Come back another time soon and we’ll continue this conversation. 

Sleep soundly.



written at the time of this presentation

 🔷  This speaker makes a good connection between wisdom and advice in his or hers opening words. I relate to the point that although teachers may have been talking to me,  and I was receiving the sound of their voice, I wasn’t actually listening to the sentiments. WIth time, and my own wisdom from living longer, I now have a completely different approach to the words spoken by others. That’s not to say I always agree, because I don’t! The opening image above shows one person with their hands over their ears. Are you like that?

 🔷  Again I completely agree with the speaker when they suggest that not taking advice will slow or delay one’s unfoldment and development. Someone once said that to do something differently, you must learn to do something differently. Within that phrase is a key to succeeding in anything in life, not just mediumship.

 🔷 One of the symptoms of falling asleep when involved in this form of mediumship is in the strength of the connection and the degree to which I’m having to use my own mind to keep writing.  Here’s a secret: Often (though not always) the closing salutations are written by me, because the speaker has already left me. That certainly happened in this session.

“Looking back, I wished I’d listened to the people with wisdom more.”

These newly branded Spirit Insights, from 2025 onwards, will be only available to the Spirited Talk Envoys for the first 2 months after publishing before being made public.


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The series of WFSIW has been rebranded to Spirit Insights. A few minor tweaks have been added to the new design for a cleaner look.

The actual sessions remain the same and they will all be indexed together as one collection

How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

"The Lie said to the Truth, "Let's take a bath together, the well water is very nice. The Truth, still suspicious, tested the water and found out it really was nice. So they got naked and bathed. But suddenly, the Lie leapt out of the water and fled, wearing the clothes of the Truth. The Truth, furious, climbed out of the well to get her clothes back. But the World, upon seeing the naked Truth, looked away, with anger and contempt. Poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared forever, hiding her shame. Since then, the Lie runs around the world, dressed as the Truth, and society is very happy..... because the world has no desire to know the naked Truth."



The WFSIW sessions are usually published some time after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and the ability to critique better.


As of January 2025, the original WFSIW page design has been updated, and every session added after that date uses this new format.

The series is initially only available in full to the Spirited Talk Envoys, who are paying subscribers. After six weeks, the page is made available to everyone.