Spirit Insights



|| This summary originally written on 6th November 2023

Today’s speaker chose a subject that I love. It’s connected with our unfoldment. Our toolbox as mediums contains many things we can use to improve our abilities and increase the depth of the message.

It goes without saying that those lucky mediums that were born aware of their gift have already spent their lives attuning their abilities and therefore the message from today’s speaker may have no relevance to them. But speaking for myself, I didn’t become aware of this way of life until I was in my early forties.

One of my favourite tutors from those early days, Mark Stone, used to have us students doing exercises which involved learning to heighten our senses. His friend and mentor, Glyn Edwards, was big into this aspect of the work too.

I recall being taught how to listen beyond the sounds around me. Mark’s guidance often asked us to listen to the noises beyond the room we were in. To hear the traffic, to hear the voices of others on the street outside, to listen even further away than that. We became so attuned that it was often possible to hear the blood flowing through our ears!

We have six prime senses in our toolbox. Can you appreciate how much more information is available to us if all of those senses are heightened? Have you ever noticed the momentary pin-pricks of light that appear around us when spirit is present? Or smelt the cigar, the scents, the fragrances sent to us from the person in spirit – just for one very short second of time?

How attuned are you to the senses within your own body happening when you’re in the power seeking validations? Do you report every tiny twinge, every ache, every muscle movement? Do you question the spirit connect as to why you felt whatever it was?

The world of mediumship is exciting, especially when we have all our tools in action. So much more information is available to us, and so many more opportunities are available for the spirit connect to use.

The key to better mediumship is in us using the tools we have – our six senses.

  • Take a few moments before you read on to close your eyes and listen to the sounds you can hear around you. Make it a goal to do this until you have identified at least six sounds. Easy? Should be. Try it now.


Session transcribed on Monday 25th September 2023 at 4:15 pm

The storms on the horizon offer warnings of impending weather changes. The colour and density of the clouds in the sky. The noises around you, such as the sounds of the songs from the birds and animals. The quantity of traffic on the roads within your earshot.

The sound of church bells, or rainfall on the window. The sounds from footsteps, or from workers busy with their tasks. Even in the midst of darkness, the air is filled with information for your senses to digest.

I could go on for many more minutes describing your environments and your opportunities to heighten your senses. But people have created this habit of ignoring so much of their surroundings, instead relying on just that, that appears important to their needs at that time.

Is it hardly any wonder that so much is missing from their daily lives. You are a sensitive, as are those that have chosen your path through life.

When you chose this way, had you realised that much of the information you might need was around you, and available all the time?

When you wake up, what information from your senses could tell you what day of the week it was? Why is this important? Because learning to appreciate your surroundings and the information that it gives, increases your opportunities to observe, and even detect sensations that are out of place.

When people this side of their life want to send a message to those on earth requiring it, they use what is available more often than not. But the communication often doesn't reach the intended person, because they are unaware of that around them. They are only hearing, or seeing, or sensing that what suits their needs at that moment.

If you left space for more information, you would awaken your senses to a richer world, where information and communication would flow more freely. Sometimes people that want to improve their communications with our world, are trying to do so with only a fraction of each of their senses being used.

Ask yourself why some people can see auras while others cannot. Why some can hear the voices in their mind and others don't. Why some only forward half of a communication , while others relay more details.

Part of that hidden or missing ability is due to their lack of focus on the information around them. May I address your reader for a moment?

Stop reading this and sit for a moment where you are. If there is a window, look through it. What do you see that you've never seen before? What sounds can you hear that you've never realised were there? What odours are around you?

Now, what words would your nearest and dearest in our world want to say to you this moment? Hear their voice as you remember it to be. See them dressed as they were. Make space in that room for them.

Is there a chair they could sit on with you now? Then invite them to. But use all your senses - you're going to need them. Don't just rely on your gut instinct, instead sense them. Truly sense them. If you invited them to come, then they will. It may only be for a fleeting moment, but they will be there.

Tomorrow brings a new day for you. Use it and get more from it. Observe like you've never done before. Take everything in and realise the richness of your world. Appreciate that in doing this, you are like the carpenter sharpening his tools. The sharper the tool, the better the job.

Thank you for relaying my thoughts my friend.



0:00 / 0:00
Heighten Senses


written on 6th November 2023
42 days after the session was transcribed

I love this aspect of our work as students of spirit communication. I did wonder where the speaker was going when they opened with news of a storm on the horizon. I was sat in the glorious evening sunshine with a cloudless sky and heat in abundance. What storms, I thought? But soon, the words flowing to me made complete sense. And I was so happy to hear them.

🔷 There is always something we can learn from the spirit world. But I did find myself agreeing with everything being told me. This was stuff that I was already doing. I realised therefore that the words shared are for more than just my eyes.

🔷 Isn’t it so true that the sounds and the atmosphere are so different in the middle of the night. Why do you think that is? Have you noticed how you can always hear a distant train at night, even if the line is many miles away?

🔷 I do hope that someone reading these words today will take time to work harder on the sensitivity of their six senses. See more, hear me, smell more, sense more, and experience so much more out of the moment.

"Sometimes people that want to improve their communications with our world are trying to do so with only a fraction of each of their senses being used.“


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The series of WFSIW has been rebranded to Spirit Insights. A few minor tweaks have been added to the new design for a cleaner look.

The actual sessions remain the same and they will all be indexed together as one collection

How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

Simply put, your concept of yourself is everything that you believe to be true. And everything that you believe to be true about yourself has landed you precisely where you live and breathe every day of your life. Your beliefs about yourself are like the ingredients in a recipe that you use to create your self-concept. Those ingredients or beliefs fall into two categories: your order self-concept and your inner self-concept.

Dr. Wayne Dwyer


The WFSIW sessions are usually published some time after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and the ability to critique better.


As of January 2025, the original WFSIW page design has been updated, and every session added after that date uses this new format.

The series is initially only available in full to the Spirited Talk Envoys, who are paying subscribers. After six weeks, the page is made available to everyone.