Spirit Insights



|| This summary originally written on 5th November 2023

May I introduce a scenario that for me is like a double-edged sword. Today’s speaker wants to share with me some exciting insights into an aspect of the bigger picture regarding the forces that make up the fabric of our two worlds. But as much as I am excited to be internally hearing their words, I have to work extra hard to stop my own understanding tainting the words.

An example of this happening during the writing occurs in the first paragraph. I wrote exactly what I heard, then wanted to correct a particular word. I was told not to. Even in the rewriting of this process for this edition, I changed the word once more, before realising that I must leave it as it was, even though it’s contrary to what I believe.

The word ‘finite’ is written in the opening sentences. But I changed it to infinite in the belief that I had misheard. Surely infinite would make more sense? Maybe my mind misheard it. The conclusion is, I finally left it as I originally transcribed it, finite.

Those two letters make a vast difference to the meaning of the message. The words are literally poles apart in meaning. If the speaker is correct with that word as they wanted me to write it, then it suggests that our universal forces are contained within fixed parameters.

Another challenge with this kind of sharing of knowledge is one the speaker has with me. They have to put everything in such a way that I can understand it. They have to use my vocabulary and draw upon my knowledge bank. They also have to go beyond the barriers I would naturally set as acceptable facts. Talking gobbledegook to me would be dismissed by my own self beliefs.

Of course, I’m open to learning stuff that could be considered as science fiction, but I lean more towards wanting science facts. That’s the barrier the speaker has to overcome. During the process of writing their words, these mind forces are at work and can make the process of transcribing somewhat harder.

You might be correct in suggesting that I should trust them more and to not argue or get involved. But that is easier said than done. I deal in facts, truths as I understand them, and almost always find it difficult to accept unknowns as being so.

This battle, can be seen present, if you read between the actual words of today’s session. They’re not as fluent as they should or could have been. There’s several contradictions within the words, perhaps influenced by me.

Whatever the answer, I found today’s topic very exciting and you’ll read a few things that make entire sense.

  • It is my belief that when I connect for these sessions, I do so wanting more than just words that can be brushed aside as just philosophical. Wishy-washy content that means nothing. This desire for deeper messages can bring with it the challenge of requiring less of my active mind in the process. There within is the learning!


Session transcribed on Sunday 24th September 2023 at 4:15 pm

There are many forces within what you consider as the universe. But, by the way, the universe is more finite than your science can possibly understand at this time in your history. Forces of varying types are everywhere. They are collectively known as the force of life, though there are many forces within this one.

You would do good as a student to use your own mind and knowledge to consider what forces you are aware of. I can hear your imagination screaming 'gravity' at me. Yes that is one such force. But there are many more such forces existing in your world. Some are combined forces while others work alone.

Let me ease your curiosity with an example of a combined force that you will be familiar with. Force one would be that force that works to keep two opposing magnets apart. But that one force is working with the force of gravity. That therefore is a combined force.

Use your own time to see how many forces you can list. I would be impressed if you could name a dozen, even though many more exist.

I share this with you so you can broaden your mind and accept there are many forces that we have here this side of the veil, that you don't and won't ever have. Again, as an example, the force of gravity does exist here, but we are able to control it. As we don't have a mass and therefore don't weigh anything, the need for the full force of gravity is surplus to our requirements.

This side, we can harness many of our forces to benefit our existence, in the same way you have learnt to harness many of yours. When we communicate with you and anyone else on earth, we have to negotiate our way through a number of forces, several that conflict with each other.

For the most part, when someone passes across the divide between the two worlds, they won't be aware of any changes to them in the forces. It is only after a period of time here that they begin to question certain aspects of life here, and then they become accustomed to the different forces that are new to them.

All of the forces I have become aware of from my time on earth and here in my new world are controlled by the Great Force. You can call this The Divine Force.

So you have been correct in that labelling, but have been incorrect in your understanding of what the great force is. Now you know.

To give you a clue of how many more forces there are than you consider writing, you would have to first appreciate the science, as you call it. Every force is the result of energy at its root. So, energy creates forces. Every thought, every spoken word, every vision are all from forms of energy and therefore create their own unique forces.

Without forces you would have nothing, a state of stagnation. There is no stagnation within any of the Divine's forces. But although I'm not in the know on this, there are believed to be forces that are at work outside of the area you know as the universe.

No, you are wrong. Evil is not a force outside of the great force. It is an integral part of it. My knowledge does not extend beyond what I know of our two worlds. However, I am studying to understand what we know as alien forces, forces that probably exist outside of our universe. Our current understanding is that these alien forces cannot have any impact on either of our worlds. That, I find of some comfort.

I hope you've enjoyed my talk with you today. You have transcribed my words perfectly and I thank you.

I am aware that you and some others are interested in this subject and I hope you give thought to how many forces you are aware of. I will return again soon dear friend.



0:00 / 0:00
There Are Forces At Work


written on 4th November 2023
42 days after the session was transcribed

I’m giving this session quite a higher award for spirit-inspiration. Why? Because this is a topic that I would not have been brave enough to consider, if it were me that influenced what is discussed.

🔷 This speaker today is obviously someone that had a mind similar to mine when they were on earth. A querying and probing mind, wanting to know more about the whys and how. That characteristic has obviously followed them to their new world and they are continuing with that investigative nature from their new place of living.

🔷The speaker brings together the phrases ‘The Great Force’ and ‘The Divine Force’ as being one collective force, just labelled differently. For the purpose of clarity, this is very important in my opinion.

🔷 It was interesting in the way the force of evil was suggested as being within the great force, or the Divine force, and not an alien force from some other potential outside domains.

"Evil is not a force outside of the great force. It is an integral part of it.“


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The series of WFSIW has been rebranded to Spirit Insights. A few minor tweaks have been added to the new design for a cleaner look.

The actual sessions remain the same and they will all be indexed together as one collection

How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

You don't get anything clean without getting something else dirty.

Cecil Baxter


The WFSIW sessions are usually published some time after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and the ability to critique better.


As of January 2025, the original WFSIW page design has been updated, and every session added after that date uses this new format.

The series is initially only available in full to the Spirited Talk Envoys, who are paying subscribers. After six weeks, the page is made available to everyone.