Spirit Insights



|| This summary written on Saturday 27th July 2024

What a pleasure it was for me today to read this WFSIW session that I transcribed two years ago. A wonderfully simple lesson, yet one we’re all guilty of not adhering to.

I’ve just finished an article for the WHY series in which I suggest that you don’t need fat pockets filled with money to become a better medium. Everything we need is already within us. All the assets are on hand in the form of our senses. 

I often wonder if some students wanting to become mediums expect their connections with the spirit world to operate like the smartphones they carry in their pockets. The voice from the spirit world blasting through a speaker as clearly as a voice in the room. It doesn’t work that way.

Students should work on understanding the depth of the word ‘communication’. We should stop limiting it to the language of words alone. An interesting exercise might be to spend an hour or so outdoors and observe how so much of nature is communicating without a voice. 

Perhaps another exercise might be to spend a moment or two observing your partner and appreciating how remarkable that person is. So for me, and I hope you too, the message from this speaker in the spirit world today opens your eyes – literally. 

  • Science suggests that it is only the front vision from our eyes that contains colour receptors. Our lateral vision is received through non-colour receptors. It is our brain that adds the colour to the images we see in our mind. How amazing is that!


Session transcribed on Sunday 17th July 2022 at 1:15 am

Of all the senses that humans are born with, the least used one may surprise you - it is the one of sight. Yes, humans do use [their eyes] them to see, but more often than not, it’s to see and [often] not the entire picture available to them.

During their lives on earth, those that are blessed with eyesight use them less and less as they age. A child notices everything and this is often evident in the child’s reactions. But as a being grows older with more knowledge about their surroundings and a stronger sense of awareness, they use their eyes less, instead allowing their own brains to fill in the missing information.

Of course, for the normal person this human created restriction offers no general problems. But it does mean that a person is not as observant as the could be. Think back in your own day just passed - how much did you observe today? Let me help with the answer. You only observed about one half of what your eyes presented to you. You dismissed things that you weren’t focused on, or weren’t important enough to get your attention.

That man visitor you had today to replace the broken window - did you notice the scar on his hand? Did you observe what shoes he was wearing? I suspect you can’t recall even the colour of his shirt and trousers! You only observed what you wanted to see - enough for that period. We appreciate it would be pretty difficult to be observing everything you see at every moment your eyes were open. You’d be walking around goggle-eyed! And your brain would working in hyperdrive all the time. But the point we’re making is that you, and all humans on earth, are selecting what they want to see based on the circumstances of the moment.

There is so much more that passes you by every day unnoticed or unobserved. It would be good for your unfoldment if you made more effort at times to truly experience the details of the picture. Heighten your vision by making an asserted effort to see more. It’s a clever technique [for] slowing time down too. Perhaps not in alignment with your fixed linear time frame, but instead in your personal movement through time.

We know that you have often used the story of how us spirit people might well be amongst you all in plain sight at times and unless you went around physically touching everyone, you’d never really know. But this story highlights our point to you this evening. If you want to see something that is unusual, something that might be a sign or message from us, then you have to make conscious effort to acknowledge everything your eyes are seeing, rather than just the basic information that you expect at that moment.

Here in our world we have much better vision that we’re blessed with. Our minds can process more information faster. Often we see things before they’ve actually happened too. But that’s probably going to confuse you!

What we’re suggesting demands no special skills or anything more than those you already have. But use them with more purpose and a sense of awareness and you will be welcoming more information, and more detail about and from your world and ours.

Don’t put boundaries on your vision, instead learn to stretch the abilities of your eyes. Seeing beyond your spectrum is entirely possible. It takes practice and commitment.

I hope we’ve ‘opened your eyes’ with our words today. See how you get on tomorrow.

Sleep soundly friend.



0:00 / 0:00
Eyes See More
written on Saturday 27th July 2024
740 days after the session was transcribed

A bonus from creating this website library for me is with the need to re-read and re-present my work from days gone by. Some of that work doesn’t make it. Some, like this example, renews my passion for this work. I love the message from this speaker.

🔷 I wonder if our choice to see only what we’re focused on is connected in some way to our belief that we have infinite time ahead of us. Without seeming too morbid, would you spend today observing more through your eyes if you knew you wouldn’t be here on earth tomorrow? That’s an interesting thought.

🔷 I once read somewhere that people without the use of site have a richer experience of life and their surroundings. Surely that suggests that those of us with sight aren’t using it to the maximum capacity.

🔷  Mental mediumship involves using the imaginative part of our mind. That is how the connection is made to the spirit world. If we are choosing not to use it, isn’t that akin to holding a transistor radio to our ears, without putting batteries in the unit?

" If you want to see something that is unusual, something that might be a sign or message from us, then you have to make conscious effort to acknowledge everything your eyes are seeing, rather than just the basic information that you expect"


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The series of WFSIW has been rebranded to Spirit Insights. A few minor tweaks have been added to the new design for a cleaner look.

The actual sessions remain the same and they will all be indexed together as one collection

How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

"Most people in their insecurity seek external confirmation that they are successful and to generate that they must ‘succeed’ on the terms believed to be ‘success’ – money, material things and celebrity. Success in these terms alone is another merry-go-round, another perceptual trap."

The Dream - David Icke


The WFSIW sessions are usually published some time after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and the ability to critique better.


As of January 2025, the original WFSIW page design has been updated, and every session added after that date uses this new format.

The series is initially only available in full to the Spirited Talk Envoys, who are paying subscribers. After six weeks, the page is made available to everyone.