Spirit Insights



|| This summary originally written on 16th November 2023

“Synchronicity, a concept introduced by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, refers to meaningful coincidences that occur in one’s life, seemingly without any causal connection. It suggests a meaningful connection between inner experiences and external events. When working with the spirit world, synchronicity takes on a unique and profound significance.”

That was an opening paragraph from a forthcoming TIS article on this subject. I am blown away by how many times synchronicity plays a part in both my mediumship work, and my written work.

A few days ago, I was inspired to write another article for TIS on the topic of ‘creativity’, after reading a remarkable article on it. I realised how important the topic was, particularly within our working with spirit. I drafted an outline of the article, learning so much in the process, as I often do.

I placed the draft article in my schedule and for the moment, forgot about it! That is, until I printed up today’s session. As I’ve mentioned many times, after I’ve completed a spirit-inspired writing session, I almost always forget about it within minutes of closing the notebook.

Can you imagine the smile on my face when I opened today’s session PDF file from 46 days ago and discovered the topic chosen by the speaker in spirit was about creativity. How on earth does that happen! Well of course I know that’s the way the spirit world that are working with us, guide us down a particular path they want us to follow.

It’s these sort of not-so-random events that excite me more than anything else in my mediumship unfoldment. Forget your standing on a podium, in front of tens of staring faces wanting a message from the other side, then forgetting it ten minutes after leaving the event. Forget wanting to be a famous medium with an ego the size of weather balloon. Forget all the trappings of public mediumship. Instead, focus on the wonders and amazement of knowing there are people in the spirit world guiding, supporting and inspiring you every day of your life.

Of course, it takes two to tango, as the saying goes. So we have to remain alert and observant, ready to accept the signs, no matter how subtle they may appear to be.

  • I am sometimes lost to explain how the spirit team work with me. When I sat for today’s session many weeks ago, I had no idea I would be writing an article about the topic later down the road. I’m beginning to appreciate that synchronicity really is a powerful tool in our box when doing this work with the spirit world.


Session transcribed on Saturday 30th September 2023 at 2:15 pm

Thank you for this opportunity to share my words, and for them to be heard in your world. I want to talk about the natural gift of creativity.

All life on earth has the spark of creativity within it. Think of even those weeds, as you call them, that make their home in gutters and cracks, in walls and pavements. The spark of creativity used by the plant.

Creativity is evident in many species of animals too. Humans however, choose to believe that some people are more or less creative than they are. This is not entirely true of course. Creativity isn't limited in quantities in accordance to your genes. Creativity is in equal proportions in all.

Limitations are imposed only by the minds of the individuals. If I were to ask you if you could draw, for example, you most likely would declare no. Yet you can draw, as can every human alive. The restrictions you impose on yourself are often because your art doesn't reach the standards of someone else. Or the opposite might be the case, where an individual's art is superior to others, thereby elevating their thoughts.

It's not just in drawing, or any of the arts that this happens. It's visible in any tasks that humans undertake that require the spark of creativity. The limitations are imposed by the individual. When people embrace their creativity, great things can happen.

We inspired your own creativity a while back when we embedded a solution to something you were giving great thought to. You picked up on that idea and your own creativity took over.

Please, don't accept it when you believe your creativity is limiting or not as high as you might dream it to be. Instead, learn to accept there is nothing beyond your own creativity. Find the inspiration, fuel the desires, and open your creativity up to achieving much more than you often limit yourself within.

We all know that there was only one Mozart, and Van Gough. There was only one Jesus too. Not everyone will achieve those higher accolades, but everyone could if they desired to enough.

Your creativity acts as a driving force throughout your life. Why limit it with thoughts that you aren't good enough. How is that helping? Instead, realise that often the answers lie untapped within you, waiting for you to make a positive decision. I can do this, I am creative. I will do this for me because I have the creativity within me.

Perhaps you might take note of how many times over a period you fail at something, because of your doubts in yourself. There is nothing you can't achieve, if you fully embrace your creativity, no matter who you are, or what limitations you put in your way to stop yourself.

My dearest friends, my medium is quite a creative person, and I suspect you know that. But he too, often allows his own doubts to block his way. But what about you? What one desire have you right now that is something you would like to achieve? Well, do so.

Don't doubt yourself. Just do it, and the only person that will be truly impressed is yourself.

By the way, every person reading these words at the moment is a great medium, a wonderful healer, or an inspiring philosopher. If you don't think so, you have found your problem - you don't think so.

I must let my medium free now. Think on my words and fulfil your lives, while you are there.

Goodbye friends.


0:00 / 0:00
Talking About Creativity


written on 16th November 2023
46 days after the session was transcribed

There are times when something that happens defies explanation. More to the point, how difficult it can be for us to explain the importance of the event to someone else. That’s where I find myself today. So, based on the series of events after this session was written, I have to award the words as highly spirit-inspired, and I will make no apologies for doing so.


🔷 In the opening sentences, the speaker refers to the creativity of a weed that makes its home in a wall, a crack in the pavement etc. I find myself wanting to explain that as a mere biological process of a seed wanting to germinate wherever it lands. Perhaps there’s some process involved that does involve creativity from the plant, though I don’t understand what it is.

🔷 I guess that I probably am a creative person, more obviously visible than in others. I read a quote the other day that stated, “Geniuses are rarely content with their work.” Well, I don’t think of myself as a genius as such, but I get the sentiments of the phrase. My creativity rarely allows me to be satisfied 100%.

🔷 Surely doubts are part of the fuel of creativity? I doubt I’ll ever spirit-draw as good as Lynn Cottrell, but I can at least try!

“Creativity isn't limited in quantities in accordance to your genes. Creativity is in equal proportions in all."


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The series of WFSIW has been rebranded to Spirit Insights. A few minor tweaks have been added to the new design for a cleaner look.

The actual sessions remain the same and they will all be indexed together as one collection

How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

"For his television series The Enemies of Reason, the well-known debunker and atheist Professor Richard Dawkins interviewed Nicholas Humphrey, Professor of Psychology at the London School of Economics. Humphrey – also an atheist – stated that, even when using traditional medicine, most of the cure is usually from within the patient’s own body. He went on to say that, for some patients, alternative medicine can be more effective than traditional treatment and that, therefore, people should not be dissuaded from seeing a healer."

Sandy Edwards - 'Spiritual Healing in Hospitals & Clinics


The WFSIW sessions are usually published some time after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and the ability to critique better.


As of January 2025, the original WFSIW page design has been updated, and every session added after that date uses this new format.

The series is initially only available in full to the Spirited Talk Envoys, who are paying subscribers. After six weeks, the page is made available to everyone.