|| This summary written on Sunday 28th July 2024
Since officially retiring two weeks ago, I’ve been busy sharing my time between the sanctuary and outdoor work. Being busy with variety is opening doors to many opportunities.
Every day, I do handyman work around our home. Jane calls me a Macgyver character because I can find solutions to most problems. Aren’t solutions just opportunities waiting to be discovered?
In this episode, the first of the third series of Lanzarote Sessions, the speaker talks to me about opportunities and how we should be aware of them when they appear. We can do this by broadening our understanding of the forms of opportunities. As I mentioned above, finding solutions to problems is another way of opening up opportunities. Adapt that view of opportunities and you’ll realise that most days are filled with them, be they large or small.
When I first published this WFSIW edition, my preamble notes were completely different from this updated version. Even in those ten months that have passed, I’ve learned to understand opportunities with a different outlook.
Good morning. Like so many things in life, you have to take the opportunities when they arise, and that can sometimes be not that often. I've been invited to speak to you today through this ether that separates our two worlds, using the subtle flow of energy around your mind.
It's been a little turbulent recently, you might say, and things now seem to be allowing the energy of your mind to settle down a little. It's good to be able to get this opportunity.
Life is full of such opportunities, whether your side of life in the material world, or here in the world of vibrancy.
Opportunities arise from circumstances that are often changing. We are all supplied with a natural ability to experience such opportunities as they arise, to consider them, and to take advantage of the circumstances or to let the moment pass by.
Every living being will be able to share many stories of when they were faced with opportunities that could have changed the course of their life, if they'd acted upon them. What's the Latin phrase? "Carpe Diem" - seize the day? You check that one, I've never been that good with Latin!
The limitations imposed by our thinking can often be the only obstacles we face when opportunities arise. It is us that rationalises the circumstances of the situation and choose whether we should use the opportunity that has arisen, or decline it for whatever our thinking decides is a good or bad reason.
As we move through our lives in our various states of being, we create new paths that are aligned with new opportunities to help us on our way. It is always our choice whether to seize that chance or ignore it.
Every moment of life on earth is filled with opportunities of varying scales and size, that can be taken advantage of to enhance the journey through life. Some such opportunities might only seem small and insignificant that we might feel them not worthy of appreciation. To smell the fragrances of a flower on our path, to listen to the song of a bird, to admire the clouds and determine their direction. These are small opportunities to enrichen our life at that moment in time. Small, but not insignificant , wouldn't you agree?
And then there are those bigger opportunities that appear in front of us, aligning with our thoughts and decisions, and tempting us with opportunities for change. Some might offer a new direction, while others might be fuel for our current path. It is us as individuals that have that choice to use the opportunities or to ignore them.
May I leave you with this thought? Today in every moment of your woken hours, you will have opportunities surrounding you. Some, as I said, will be only subtle small opportunities. It is your choice whether you experience the opportunities that arise.
Being attuned includes being able to recognise and act upon these opportunities. Some will bring change, while others will bring new aspects. Spend today appreciating the opportunities you have been given and where possible, use them to enrichen your life.
Thank you for giving me a voice this day. Goodbye.
written on Sunday 28th July 2024
316 days after the session was transcribed
I have upgraded this graphic since publishing this session on the previous platform. In the 10 months since transcribing the message, I have come to understand opportunities with a broader spectrum, as I suggested in the preamble notes.

I wasn’t aware that my energy had been ‘turbulent’ of late. Perhaps being busy with so much before leaving the UK had caused some turbulence in my energy fields. An interesting insight from the speaker.
The speaker’s message is clear in promoting the natural opportunities we have around us, such as making an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of nature around us.
Perhaps, if we keep a journal or diary, we should have a space each day to write down the most memorable opportunity that we’ve been given that day. The problem wouldn’t be in recalling any, it would be in choosing one above them all.
" The limitations imposed by our thinking can often be the only obstacles we face when opportunities arise."