|| This summary written on Wednesday 17th July 2024
Creating content for the Internet is the choice I made as a way of presenting my work to a potentially global audience. I’ve been using this outlet for a number of years. But it comes without financial rewards.
Thankfully, I’ve not chosen to do this work as a means of making money. Nowadays the majority of people won’t pay for anything they can get for nothing elsewhere. Throughout the years of building the Spirited Talk brand, I have put thousands of hours of work into creating the content. My reward, after nearly five years on this project is fewer paying subscribers than there are fingers on one hand.
The side effect of this dedication has often driven me to the depths of despair. I’ve questioned myself and my motives many times as to why I should continue. The world where I virtually live is a lonely one. Who really cares? What’s the point? Why even bother?
Answer – because I want to share my mediumship knowledge with others who might be remotely interested. My rewards are the few regular subscribers that follow my work. Of course, there’s not enough financial return to pay the bills, but there’s more to it than that.
I recently left my social media outlets. I’ve removed the negative consequences of running a group where nobody wants to interact. I’ve officially retired and will soon receive my state pension. This journey has indeed been difficult, but I’m at peace with myself, my decisions, and my direction in life.
When this WFSIW session below was written, I was in the midst of a mental crisis, as I often have been. I was wanting to walk away from this work and retreat to my proverbial cave. I had no money in the bank, and yet was using every woken hour to create content. I look back now, 2 years later, and can appreciate how dark times were back then.
Financially, these are no better nowadays, but at least I’m at peace with myself. Spirit speakers often offer words of comfort, as the person in today’s example did. Their message is one for any of us when we’re struggling to see light ahead, or are questioning our decisions. Yes, these preamble notes are written two years after the WFSIW session, but in that time I have grown and learned how to love myself more.
As a caveat, I often remember that even if these transcribed words were, at the very least, from my own higher spirit, they remain of value.
Hello again. We've been waiting for you to join us. You've been a bit down in the dumps, as the saying goes. We've known about that on this side and were concerned you might not be joining us for a while. So it's wonderful to have you back.
Yes, we know times are tough for you right now. I wish we had the answers for you, but sadly we don't. You have to do what is right for you. Some of the darker thoughts you've been having have not been good, but we knew that your character is strong and we are confident you'd not do anything silly.
I want you to understand that your work with us in the spirit world is good for you and your recent project of Spirited Talk has helped many people. But we recognise the issues you've been having with the lack of money and the apparent silence from your audience. You're a true sensitive and it's quite natural for you to respond and react the way you have. You carry strong views of what is expected from individuals working with us, but you must understand, everyone is unique and has their own unique patterns and ways.
You feel that your time with this project has come to an end and you carry a burden filled with disappointment. Don't, please. Your work served a valuable purpose and will continue to be remembered after you've moved on from it.
Your personal journey over the years has been one of constant change and adapting to the circumstances. Perhaps you'll see this period as such a transition. We do feel that now you have stopped worrying so much about the project and have apparently made a mental decision to move on, your life will flow freer. Your writing has become more important to you these days and we believe this is a healthy focus for you. Of course, we also know that we're going to benefit more from having your attention a lot more as you continue with your own personal education.
We know of a wonderful writing opportunity coming your way soon, so keep doing what you're doing so it can come into your path. We want you to bring this notepad with you and sit in your cabinet a lot more, please. We'll be there in concentrated energy ready to work with you. There is still much planned for you with us. Regarding your Spirited Talk Podcast project, remember that old story you used to share about how things move on? Write the story now in your words.
[me] To understand how important you may think you are, imagine your finger in a glass of water. Then remove your finger and see how long the hole remains where your finger was. The water fills the hole immediately as if your finger was never there That is the same in life.
Yes well done though you wrote that a little harshly towards yourself. But the sentiments remain the same. Perhaps you see your finger going into another glass of water very soon!
You just stopped writing because you thought we'd gone. We hadn't. Your mediumship gave you visions of us around a table and clapping you for what you've done. That was true. We were. We thank you for the work you've done so far. Walking away from the Spirited Talk Podcast is going to make way for the next opportunity. You've done good and nobody appreciates it more than us. The time has come for you to release the worries and let your future unfold again in a different direction.
Look out for the baker coming your way.
Time to sleep now, my friend. I know you want to write more, but not tonight, please. Rest up and return to us as soon as you can. Remember, utilise your cabinet in your sanctuary. We'll be there. Goodnight.
Our love comes your way, as does the love of your family over here.
written on Tuesday 17th July 2024
735 days after the session was transcribed
My postscript note above hints at my thoughts about this session some two years later. If the session was a transcription from my higher self, it remains a valuable message. Most people would benefit from listening to their higher self. However, I have chosen to downgrade the original inspiration award from a 7 to a 6.

The story I was asked to write about a finger removed from a glass of water is profound. I’m as guilty as the next person in believing I must carry some voice worth hearing. I’ve learnt that what matters is what I think of myself and not what others think. The hole for the finger may have been filled immediately, but the finger lives to create another proverbial hole elsewhere.
I’ve come to understand that when the speaker in spirit prophesies a forthcoming event, it is often a sign that my own mediumship energy is coming into the session. This can happen towards the end of a transcription. These predictions are, more often than not, inaccurate. On this occasion, there was nothing related to a baker that entered my life in the days or weeks that passed.
As I suggested above, I believe that we’d all benefit from listening to our higher spirit a little more. We do indeed hold the answers within, but often doubt and fear stop us hearing.
" Your mediumship gave you visions of us around a table and clapping you for what you've done. That was true. We were.."
One Response
Hi again Trevor, I know that there have been dark periods of time during your working on Spirited Talk, plus all of your others. You are an inspiration Trevor, I do feel privileged to have had YOU plus Your Spirit Team in my life over these many years. I am a little late reading this WSFIW, but do remember it from 2 years ago, thinking how lonely it has been for you on many occasions doing this work.
The time you Organised The Dogs For The Blind Auction was a hoot and brought a lot of us together. Thank you for allowing me to Read my Poem from my Mum after her passing to Spirit, as well as Inspired Writing from my friend Gwen Long who has been in Spirit for Many Years Now.
Please know you are very much Valued by me Trvevor and I will always sing your Praises for ALL OF THE SERVICE GIVEN TO US AND SPIRIT. Thank you my Dear Friend Always. Xxx