- The Lanzarote Sessions
This is the seventh of the seventh series of Lanzarote Sessions, transcribed during a break to the Canary Islands in September 2024. During our frequent visits, I sit in the power of spirit at least once every day and allow the spirit connect to share a message with me.
|| This summary written on 6th January 2025
Should we believe everything that the spirit world suggests to us? Should I believe everything I transcribe from the speaker connected? Are the people in spirit always correct?
Those are the types of questions I often consider. We tend to assume that because someone has passed from this world to the next, they become all-knowing people immediately. That is not so. The personalities of people remain with them into the next phase of life. Their education continues and over their time, they learn and evolve.
I don’t know if I’m correct in this next statement, though I want to believe it’s true, and at the very least, most likely. Those who connect with me to share their thoughts are qualified to do so. Would I, for example, give so much weight to the messages if they came from my father in the spirit world? No, they would appear out of character and, therefore, less believable.
But does that mean every word a person shares in spirit will always be valid and worthy? Not necessarily. A tutor once told me that we must never forget that we live in this world and the personalities in spirit in their world — two different forms of living. In today’s session, the speaker suggested something I find hard to believe. If the speaker is correct, and he or she might well be, then their statement is profound, at the very least!
It’s worth mentioning that during the transcribing of this message, a part of my own mind was battling with doubts that the message was accurate. But then, during the preparation of this presentation, I remembered an important fact – we are nothing other than energy. Emotions are energy forms we control and create. That single fact gives weight to the speaker’s suggestion being true. Either way, the suggestion is more than just a philosophical statement, it’s a blueprint to a better life.
Today’s sample shows that I do not write the words from my own thinking. If that were the case, I would never have thought of such a statement with my knowledge. I don’t expect others to believe everything I write without question blindly. That would not be healthy. But I do suggest that strong evidence suggests these messages come from an alternative source to my own consciousness.
transcribed on Sunday 22nd September 2024 at 4:05 pm
Hello Trevor.
I have a question for you. Do you think harmony is an emotion or a reaction? You may write your answer please.
Thank you. Would you be surprised if I told you it was, in fact, an emotion?
Most people want to believe that harmony is created or produced and that harmony is therefore the reaction from, or cause. But consider other emotional states and how they come about. Surely if harmony is a reaction, all the other emotions must also be?
I can sense your brain whirling away, trying to grasp that. Don’t worry, it’s more obvious the more you give it thought. Instead of tiring your brain out, consider what difference knowing that could make to your life.
Another thought for you. What do you think the opposite of harmony is? Chaos perhaps? No. We call it Dis-harmony. The emotional opposite state of harmony.
Now I’ve shared that with you, what obvious conclusion can you reach from knowing that? Let me remind you. Emotional states are controlled by the individual. Not by others, but by yourself. Any emotional state is governed by the individual. Harmony is an emotional state.
You see, when someone says they are seeking harmony in their life, they are looking for outside influences to bring it. If they looked within, the harmony, like any emotional state, exists and lays waiting to be administered. Thank you, I was struggling to think of a word there.
There are many other emotional states that people don’t realise or appreciate are with them. Everyone knows greed, envy, jealousy are emotional states, but few give thought to an harmonic state of presence.
I hope I’ve given you food for thought this day. Open your mind to the world of emotional states.
Bye Bye
written at the time of this presentation
- Isn’t it one of the roles of philosophy to explore alternative approaches to topics? At the very least, this speaker’s suggestion offers something we could, and should, debate and explore more.
- My mind was trying to control the flow of this conversation as I was receiving it. I was finding it hard to believe and was concerned that the words I was transcribing were too disputable to be accurate. However, I stayed with the power and allowed the speaker space to continue.
- Now, 105 days after transcribing the original notes, I have distanced myself enough from the transcribing process that I now consider the message an excellent insight.
“When someone says they are seeking harmony in their life, they are looking for outside influences to bring it. If they looked within, the harmony, like any emotional state, exists and lays waiting to be administered.”
These newly branded Spirit Insights, from 2025 onwards, will be only available to the Spirited Talk Envoys for the first 2 months after publishing before being made public.