Spirit Insights


Psychic Reading Notebook


|| This summary written on Tuesday 23rd April 2024

As a medium working with the people in the next world, it is all too easy for me to believe that everyone over there is wiser and more advanced than us here on earth. That is not always the case.

When I sit for spirit-inspired writing, I’ve realised that, more often than not, the speaker from that side just wants to have a simple conversation and enjoy the experience of the connection with me.

We mediums tend to believe that every word, every message, and every connection we make with our invisible friends must contain profound words of wisdom. That is not always so, as is obvious in today’s example session.

We know that when we pass to the spirit world, our life continues from where it left off on earth. Our personalities and our characters remain the same for at least a while. Therefore, our knowledge and abilities pick up from where we were. If we weren’t a medium on earth, we wouldn’t initially be one in spirit. Well, not until we learn the craft, at least.

So, I find it refreshing when, occasionally, the connecting speaker is someone who is trying it out for the first time. How exciting is that? 

  • Mystical wonders are often man-made. I find myself wondering if the people of the spirit world continue to have such mystical experiences in their new lives. More to the point – is there evidence of such things in the spirit world?


Session transcribed on Saturday 17th February 2024 at 4:10 pm

That is a loud racket in your ears. I can't believe you can even think above that. I suppose you don't actually want to be thinking though, do you? Thank you for inviting me to speak through your mind and pen. You're not using a notebook in the same form I remember from my time on earth. Rather fancy, you might say. But it is good to see new technology playing a part in your personal learning experience.

I was aware that you might be sitting for words today, and I asked if I could come along and experience the occasion for myself. They said you write quite fast, and as I hear the echo of my words in your mind, I realise for myself how good you are. But I've been advised to keep my message short.

They described you mind like a sponge. You start dry and ready to absorb everything. And then you can take no more. I'll be on the lookout for the signs. You see, my friend, I don't have much of a message for you. I just wanted to experience this process for myself.

I know that you like philosophical messages that inspire others, and offer light on their personal paths. That is all that is required of you and anyone else seeking Divine interventions. Carry the lantern forward through your life and the beautiful presence of the Divine will light the lantern. It's a two-way habit. Carry the lantern, and allow the Divine to do the rest.

Your mind wandered then, I think. I sensed our connection weakening. It's back now, good and strong.

Let me say to you and all that read these words in your future, that what lies ahead for each of you, is beyond humanly explanation. The love, the beauty, and the wonder of this eternal life that you are preparing for, is inexplicable using your limited words. Many of us here have got used to living with smiles on our spirit faces. This world is beyond anything we ever imagined. We are reminded constantly that the wonder of the Divine's work stretches beyond the canvas.

You have become weak in our connection, and your mind is being distracted from your current situation. I believe you are in some wonderful paradise island somewhere south. What a life you have. But that is nothing compared to ours here.

Thank you for this exciting and very interesting experience. It has been an occasion I will treasaure for so long.

I hope you find something in my words to offer you encouragement and hope for your future.

Goodbye my dearest friends and thank you once more.


written on Tuesday 23rd April 2024
65 days after the session was transcribed

I love the normality of the opening sentences from this speaker. He or she finds time to comment on the loud music that I had filling my ears. I don’t recall the track, but I can be certain it was one of my usual new-age tracks. The speaker makes us think it was thrash metal or something similar. Full marks for mentioning it though!

🔷 The lack of any strong evidence from the speaker has meant I’ve had to lower the Spirit-Inspired graphic above. 

🔷 I get the impression from this speaker that, although their words are light-hearted, they’re not the type of person who always speaks with intensity, instead choosing a more friendly and light-hearted approach. 

🔷 I’m quite flattered to be compared with a sponge. It’s good to know that is what they think of me over there. I am like that, though with age, much of what I absorb soon drips out of my proverbial brain!

"Carry the lantern forward through your life and the beautiful presence of the Divine will light the lantern. It's a two-way habit. Carry the lantern, and allow the Divine to do the rest."


2 responses

  1. That was a wonderful message. My brother absolutely didn’t believe in the after life but very shortly after he had passed he came by to experience the wonder of it all.

  2. That’s great Trevor, long may we all Be Sponges, carrying Our Lanterns forward to be lit by GOD doing the rest!!! Thanks going to yourself and your Spirit Friend who was having “A School Day” in Spirit! I love it!!! Xxx

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The series of WFSIW has been rebranded to Spirit Insights. A few minor tweaks have been added to the new design for a cleaner look.

The actual sessions remain the same and they will all be indexed together as one collection

How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

"Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by tears once in a while, so we can see life with a clearer view again."

Alex Tan


The WFSIW sessions are usually published some time after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and the ability to critique better.


As of January 2025, the original WFSIW page design has been updated, and every session added after that date uses this new format.

The series is initially only available in full to the Spirited Talk Envoys, who are paying subscribers. After six weeks, the page is made available to everyone.