Worried Seer


So Obvious, So Ignored

|| This summary written on Monday 8th April 2024

One important ingredient I recommend to anyone doing spirit-inspired writing is leaving the completed notes for several weeks before reading them back. By the nature of my processes, I always do this and get far more from the messages shared with me.

The session today was transcribed 74 days ago. I’d pretty much forgotten all about it until today. More to the point, I can’t believe I wrote it, although technically speaking, the words aren’t mine personally.

The speaker’s sentiments are simple yet so very true. I won’t spoil it for you in this preamble. Suffice it to say there is a superb lesson for all of us. As the title of this section suggests, it is an obvious message, yet one we often ignore.

I used to get annoyed with my old mentor, Mark Stone when he answered my constant questions with all-too-simple answers. I was seeking gritty answers to my queries and often became frustrated when he offered straightforward, easy responses that you might suggest were common sense. Of course, common sense is often not that common, especially when it comes to getting me to learn something!

When you read the following session, perhaps ask yourself if this works for you. Another phrase Mark used to use with other students and me was, ‘To know and to not do is the same as not to know’.

  • Sessions, such as today’s sample, give me a feeling of pride for my work with the spirit world. The message may be simple, but sometimes, we have to be told something many times before we learn it.


Session transcribed on Wednesday 24th January 2024 at 02:30 am

Good evening. It's nice of you to join us. We've been waiting some time for you. I know you've been under a little pressure with your work so we do understand.

Interesting, when you think about the use of the word pressure. On earth, that tends to be the result of varying masses on objects. Water through a tap, books stacked on each other, hands holding hands. In fact most of life is based on pressures, one way or another. In the same vein, pressure is related to stresses. Place pressure on a branch and stress it into a bend for example.

Have you ever wondered why humans have adopted those symptoms from a physical meaning into being related also to invisible biological symptoms? People claim they are under pressure at times, mental pressure, and almost always associated with stress. The two usages, physical and mental are similar in many other ways too. When a physical object is put under pressure and stressed, it loses some of its integrity. It becomes less strong, and is more prone to failing. These symptons also occur with the mental meaning too.

Oddly enough, some humans claim they work better under stress, but that is not so. That person merely enjoys the challenge of achieving something faster, thereby feeling a sense of achievement.

Mediums are amongst the most common of people to suffer stress and pressure. These symptoms, remember, are affecting the integrity of the mental state. So, a stressed medium, under pressure to bring over a communication is defeating theirself before they've even began.

You yourself have failed to connect to us on more than one occasion before in the past. That was due to a self-imposed stress from the pressure you put on yourself. Thankfully, in recent times, you have learned to relax and avoid pressures doing your mediumship. And I'm sure you'd agree, the mediumship quality has been much greater, with pure messages and evidential communications.

We experience these stresses and pressures that mediums put themselves under. We sense it in the same way that talking into a facing wind would be to the voice. We have to try harder in these stressful connections, and the effectiveness and subtleties of the message we want to share are 'lost in the wind'.

The best advice we can offer to any medium that finds themself becoming stressed and under pressure during a connection is to step back, take a long deep breath. Acknowledge you have become stressed and under pressure. Spend a few minutes breathing and telling it to leave you. Then when you connect afresh, the connection will be clearer for both the medium and the communicator. A few minutes well spend and most certainly worth doing.

Perhaps you might like to write some words on this topic. I'm sure you could find enough from your experiences to make it a worthy essay. My tips are beneficial for using in many other situations where stress is involved. Learn to recognise it when it arrives. Address it and dismiss it. Mediums have to learn to be in control of such symptoms.

I've said what I wanted to say on this occasion. I'm delighted that you've picked up your pen again. This is something you should get back to doing more frequently. Sleep well.



written on Monday 8th April 2024
74 days after the session was transcribed

A tiny detail in this form of writing the words of the spirit communicator is how the transcriber’s memory bank is called up occasionally for examples. In the opening paragraphs, this speaker tries to pull on my memory bank for examples of pressure at work. Because I’m not using my active mind, I can’t bring any to mind, so the speaker gives a couple of examples instead.


🔷 I set many targets in my work, working with a list of things that need to be done every day. Some while ago, I realised that not completing everything on the list wasn’t important. I enjoy the challenge and avoid the stresses.

🔷 Isn’t that so true regarding mediums putting themselves under pressure to perform when an opposite approach might yield better results?

🔷 It takes a brave, wise medium to step back from the moment if it’s not working and reset themselves before starting again.

"We experience these stresses and pressures that mediums put themselves under. We sense it in the same way that talking into a facing wind would be to the voice. We have to try harder in these stressful connections, and the effectiveness and subtleties of the message we want to share are 'lost in the wind'."

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

"Most of our troubles come from ignorance, and from lack of knowledge of how we all should live together wisely, happily and contented, free from sickness, poverty and war. As ignorance is the root of most misfortunes which beset us, nothing is more important than the increase of knowledge, because this leads to wisdom, the source of happiness."

Arthur Findlay


The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.