The Evidential Grunt

Psychic doing reading on computer

Many people believe that mediums have excellent self-confidence in their work with Spirit. This is not so. Actually, it’s quite normal for some less experienced mediums to lack confidence, especially when they have a huge responsibility to bring forward evidence of the continuation of life.

This is magnified even more when the medium works one-on-one in a private reading. There’s no audience to scoop up random cliché remarks and save them.

I have found that the spirit team will not let me down when the pressure appears to be on and when the seeds of self-doubt have grown into mental monsters. They step up to the challenge and often reveal their presence miraculously. One such incredible incident happened on 18th February 2022.

I was in my sanctuary at 1:45 p.m. The private reading was due to take place at 3:00 p.m. Everything was prepared. The Zoom connection was ready, and the Spirited Talk logo showed on the screen with a piece of quiet meditation music playing in the background. The virtual waiting room was switched off so my guests could join whenever they were ready.

I opened my Tarot card box, rang the little bell, and took the cards from the silk. I closed my eyes, prayed and spoke to the Spirit team while I shuffled the cards. I often use the Tarot to find out a little about the client by asking the spirit team to give me a bit of information that might be useful during the forthcoming reading.

Many people will state that using the Tarot is simply tapping into an earthly energy along with the medium’s intuition. That is, more often than not, true. It’s a psychic tool. But some years ago, I realised that the Spirit world was able to use these cards to communicate with me. The tarot, for me, is a gateway to the Spirit team. They, through the cards, are rarely wrong. That said, it does rely on my intuitive interpretations at that moment.

When I felt it was right to stop shuffling, I opened my eyes and dealt three cards from the top. For the system I was using, the first was the ‘Now’ card. The second card I placed to the left of it was the ‘Past’ card. The third card I placed to the right of the ‘Now’ card was to be the ‘Future’ card. I then place the remaining pack down, ready should I need more explanations.

The first card immediately confirmed that my client wanted to hear from a parent in the spirit world. I assumed at this point that it must be their mother. The cards did not tell me that – that was my assumption. I made a few notes of my feelings for all the cards. After a few moments, I stopped.

The clock showed I had 30 minutes left before my client was due to connect. I used that time to settle quietly, close my eyes, and connect to the Spirit world. I started with a prayer, ‘The Lord’s Prayer.’ This established my intent to work for the greater good.

I then started my inner conversation with my spirit team. I asked that I be as pure a vessel as possible for their communications. I then asked my client’s mother in the spirit world to draw close and communicate with me as clearly as possible.

Suddenly, and very loudly, I heard a male voice grunt. The sound came through my studio monitors. I jumped in shock. I opened my eyes, expecting to see my client connected. He wasn’t and actually couldn’t have because although I’d thought I’d switched the waiting room off, it was, in fact, still on. I quickly checked all the equipment to determine where this voice originated. There was nothing live that could have caused it. Yet I clearly heard a man grunt in the room and through the monitors.

After eliminating all other possibilities, I started to think. “Could this be the voice of spirit? What was that all about and why?”

And then it hit me. I knew beyond doubt that it was not my client’s mother in the spirit world but his father. He wanted me to correct that and had made himself known physically – not in my mind, but really – in the room. I was so excited by this correction and was ready to start reading as soon as my client connected.

A few moments later, my client appeared on the screen. I knew nothing about him. I’d deliberately limited where I went on social media all week for fear of stumbling on anything relating to this person. I didn’t know where they were speaking to me from, what they did for a living, their relationships, nothing. This person was a blank canvas for me – how I wanted it to be.

I planned to have a long chat before the reading to establish my working methods, what they could expect and all that normal stuff. But that all went out of the window.

I excitedly started the reading almost immediately. Without watching their reactions on screen, I had my head down and shared with them the findings of the cards I’d dealt with around 30 minutes ago. I told them I believed they wanted to hear from a parent in the spirit world and that I’d initially thought it was the mum.

I explained that I’d changed my mind because of something that had happened a few moments before he connected. Somewhat embarrassingly, I shared the story of the grunt I’d heard from the Spirit world, rectifying my error. Then, I stared at my client on screen as I declared I thought their father was correcting me with physical evidence.

I could see that my client’s face was filled with emotions—they were excited and happy. Over the following hour, I shared everything the father was telling me in detail. The father recalled stories from the past containing details I could not have known. The essence of the dad was with us, without any question or doubt. It was the tiny details that made all the difference that others might not have voiced for fear of being irrelevant.

I would love to share some of those details here for you to read, but I have no permission to do so, and I respect the client’s privacy. During the summing up from my client at the end of the hour, they revealed an important detail. Their father had suffered a stroke at the end of his life. (something I had not known or revealed). He had lost the ability to communicate through words. But what he did was grunt – loud and clear. Those around him learnt to know what he was trying to say. The father’s grunts had various meanings.

I can reveal one final detail from the reading. Towards the end of the reading, my client’s father revealed to me what he was doing now. He said that he was playing bowls with his mate over there. He told me he’d not had time to play bowls when he was this side of life but was enjoying it now.

My client revealed that once, when they were on holiday, his dad decided to play bowls with his mate, who was with them. It was the only game he’d ever played, but at the time, he said he’d love to do it again at some point. He was now doing it with his old mate, who was also now in that world with him!

I’d love to share so many other important ingredients from the reading, but for privacy reasons, I won’t. But this one incident proves the power of the Spirit at work. My confidence was low before the reading. However, I followed my normal rituals and asked for the support of spirit to be with me. Although wavering, my trust remained such that I knew I should be ok with the reading as long as I trusted myself. The spirit team had wanted me to get it right, and so stepped in and made sure of a good start.

I completely understand it when others tell me they lack confidence. I know because I still occasionally do, too, after years of study and doing. Confidence, or lack of it, can be overcome with trust. Trust that spirit is there. Trust that the spirit world will do all it can to help you. Trust that your messages will be good so long as you keep your mind out of the interpretations. 

In this example above, you’ve read that the cards had told me right from the moment I revealed them that a parent was in the spirit world. It was me who assumed it was a mother in my need to narrow it down. I would have been wrong on this occasion if it had not been for the physical voice evidence that straightened it out before the reading. So, if I’d declared I had a parent in the spirit world, I’d have been correct. But declaring it was a mother would have been wrong and potentially made the reading difficult to recover from. That did not happen in my case because Spirit stepped in before the reading and sorted the error out.

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For example, you can give someone your attention, reply in a kind way, and sprinkle your sentences with encouraging words.

There are lots of ways to be close to our loved ones, and others, even if we cannot touch them.