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A Speaker With Passion

|| this summary was written on Thursday 22nd February 2024

Today’s session is one with depth, passion on display, and strong advice for all of us. During the process of writing the notes to digital for this session, I found myself completely hooked to every word the speaker to me/us.

I can, however, appreciate a few of the obvious comments that some people might introduce to counter this speaker’s lecture. Such as life itself can get in the way. We have families and other daily chores that take precedence sometimes. When I worked as a courier, I wasn’t always able to be focused on mediumship improvement. Though, in fairness, I did listen to appropriate spiritual related podcasts when I was in my van and miles from home.

I suppose the best way of doing what the speaker suggests today is to embrace every opportunity when it comes. Find spaces in our daily life for the little things that will help our progress. I hesitate to suggest that we should treat becoming a better medium and an overall better person like a hobby. But when I say that, I’m referring to a hobby that absorbs us and one that we make time for, especially when there doesn’t always seem time to.

Make of the speaker’s message what you may, but there are certainly plenty of hard-hitting lessons for us all in it. I wonder, if you were marking your own progress, like a teacher, would you give yourself decent marks or would you be writing what used to be on my school reports, “must try harder!”.

  • One thing we don’t always appreciate about our greater mediums amongst us today is how much dedication and devotion they spend on their own abilities. It’s easy to watch them demonstrate with class, stagecraft and accuracy and suggest they are naturally gifted, when the truth might be that they have spent years studying their craft.


about the writing


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.


additional notes for this session

The Process

This session contains questions that were sent to my partner’s email address.

At the time of sitting for this session, my partner wrote the questions onto this notepad prior to me sitting.

I did not know who sent the questions until after this session was complete.

The process of reading the questions and commencing writing is continuous.

This session was transcribed during a stay in Lanzarote in December 2023.

4th series of Lanzarote sessions.


Session transcribed on Sunday 17th December 2023 at 4:40 pm

Yes Yes, I've been ready and waiting for a while dear boy.

Now, I want to cut to the chase with today's words for you, and in particular, your readers. The one or two will know I'm talking directly to them. Good. Take my message and use it.

Some of your readers have come to the belief that what it is they need to know is entirely about improving that personal connection to the spirit world. They believe what they want to hear is the how-to's and nothing else. Everything else is of no value to them, they think.

Well they couldn't be further from the truth, and in thinking that way, they are showing their lack of understanding in the growth they need to make.

Although I'm not talking directly to you, my medium, let it be known that you were once that bad too. I know I'm sounding a little tough over this, but let's be honest, sometimes you have to shout to get deaf ears to hear.

Earth is filled with mediums that have learnt the fundamental techniques for connecting. A few of them are quite all right too. But the vast majority have only a shallow understanding of their roles as mediums.

Their focus is short range and lacking vision and knowledge. You'll hear them say, "I can do readings, but I'm no good at philosophy." And there, my friends, is where their problems begin and end.

They don't understand the subject they are suppose to represent. If you want me to tell you easy how-to fixes for your mediumship improvement, I just have! Broaden your approach. A trawler dragging a fishing net that is only a few feet wide, is only ever going to catch a few fish. The trawler with the super wide net will catch more fish, every trip to sea.

The medium with only a basic understanding of their work with spirit, will only ever get a few connections now and then. But the medium with the broader experience, the wider net if you like, will always get better connections, deeper communications, and greater clarity in their work. So let me tell you what way forward will bring you better results, and greater understanding. I'll make it simple.

1) Educate yourself on this subject. Become obsessed if you have to. The best mediums always were.

2) Put what you learn into practise, until you own it, and it is engraved in you.

3) Drop the word trust, and replace it with know. You know spirit is with you. You know they will be there every time you need them. You know their signs, their signals, their methods.

That's my three pointers for you. Those should take you under a minute to read, but should be your daily chore for the rest of your time on earth.

Now, tell me, what are you reading to advance your knowledge? How well do you know your Self? Yes with a capital letter please. Your Self.

How passionate are you about your work with spirit? Do you wake up every day and know you will learn something that day?

I was passionate on earth about my mediumship, every single day and night. I still am, as you can tell. You need to be too. Be passionate about yourself and your Self.

My medium today seems to want to use a portion of his mind to try and work out who I am. Dear boy, how is that important? I'm not going to apologise for speaking today with my passion displayed. If you want it all pretty, there are plenty of teachers where you are that will do that!

Heed my words today and let the changes begin forthwith.

I want to thank my medium for transcribing my words at such speed today. I only had to correct him once! Nice work friend.

Goodbye to you all, and remember my words. The secrets to your future as a great spiritualist medium are written in these pages.

That's all.


written on written on Thursday 22nd February 2024 -
67 days after session was transcribed

There were only a few moments during the transcribing session where I had a little thought about whom the speaker was. But they picked up on that and mentioned it. It’s obvious to read from their message that they were obviously well informed and possibly someone we all know by name. That said, the message was extremely powerful and I learnt lessons from it for myself.


🔷  When the speaker connected to me, they obviously tried to cut through my normal checks and get talking. The tone of the speaker is set right from those opening words.

🔷  As someone that used to take copious notes when around knowledgeable people, I imagine that if this session had been in a real classroom, I probably would not have been able to write fast enough, and I suspect the speaker might have told me to listen, rather than to write.

🔷  Yes, it’s annoying when I hear mediums claiming they can’t do philosophy. Surely they know enough about spiritualism or mediumship to be able to string a few sentences together, laced with a bit of passion from their heart?

“A trawler dragging a fishing net that is only a few feet wide, is only ever going to catch a few fish. The trawler with the super wide net will catch more fish, every trip to sea.”

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

"If you want to see something that is unusual, something that might be a sign or message from us, then you have to make a conscious effort to acknowledge everything your eyes are seeing, rather than just the basic information that you expect"

Speaker in Spirit from WFSIW on 17th July 2022


The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.