A Written Question


Changing Office Mess

|| this summary was written on 22nd January 2022

I’m writing this edition from the new office in the Sanctuary, as vaguely visible in that terrible photo above. It’s the first writing session completed here. There is still much sorting to do, but the basics are up and ready! For those few of you that have actually been in the original studio for podcast purposes, you’ll be shocked at this transformation.

It took 8 days of hard work to transform this room from the Spirited Talk studio that it was. Behind the camera remains the cabinet, the cupboards and wall units containing all my ‘psychic’ stuff and a few boxes waiting to be opened. I must have walked up and down the house stairs a thousand times carrying all this stuff into here. But, how does it feel working in here?

Wonderful! I am immersed in the energy that this sanctuary has. I have all my toys around me. Adam Berry’s massive framed wall image is behind me. Shelley Youell’s painting is finally back on the wall (top left). My homemade tarot teaching poster is above my desk. I have natural light from the window if I chose to open the blind. All my cameras are in here. My keyboards are playable now. My huge collection of books is near me (just off the photo). I’ve even got walkie-talkies to connect with the house and access to the house camera.

Spiritually speaking, I am in my world in here. It has everything I need to work and continue learning. Now when I come to the Sanctuary, my focus will be clearer and less distracted. I wonder if you’ll be able to tell as a reader.

  • I often wonder if I share too much with you! I guess it’s my personality to involve others as much as I can with how I work.


about the writing


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

This edition was transferred from the original Substack platform and may have been amended during the process.


Transcribed Tuesday 6th December 2021 at 01:09 am

[ME] I would like to put a question to you that was asked by my friend, Marlene. She says that when she was younger, she could sing. But nowadays she cannot. Why is that, please?

Hello and welcome back my dear friend. We’ve not felt your connection for a while, since Barbara passed to this side. You know she is safe and well over here and still finding her feet, so to speak!

I, nor any of this group have met her yet. We just know she is okay. That is a feature of this life. We automatically know things of relevance. They’re sort of downloaded to us when we have reason to know.

Your question from Marlene is interesting. I will speak with the knowledge of knowing Marlene will read the words. Would you please write my words as I say them and don’t filter them. I will not say anything to offend or upset.

You have never met Marlene in person and so don’t really have much insight into her character. She’s a canny lady, and always was. She likes to test the abilities of others, including yours dear friend.

Marlene has always dreamed of taking her talents to the limits of her abilities. This is so of her mediumship, you know. Marlene wants the best of herself and expects the best from others too.

Marlene can sing and could always hold a note well. Yes, she can still sing. What has changed is her lack of consistency, as with other activities she once focused on with more time. Singing to a higher level [standard] takes practice and repetition. She has let both of those vanish from her life.

I am assured that if Marlene were to find time alone with her microphone and sound system, she would easily start retraining her voice if she really wanted to. I must remind you that everyone has a voice of sorts. Some are more naturally able to sing in key without effort, while others would need some coaching and training.

One of the difficulties that Marlene has often let get the better of herself is her self-belief. Like you, she has often had such nagging doubt in herself that she has manifested it into her life. This is something that many people don't really appreciate enough. The seeds of doubt start out as just seeds in the mind. But seeds germinate and grow, as do doubts and fears. In growing, they are manifested into reality.

The doubts people have, the fears and disbeliefs in themselves, start out as just sees that are nurtured into reality. If Marlene were to admit she could never really sing, she would be right to herself. If she were to say she was a good singer, she would be right to herself. If she were to suggest she cannot sing now, she would be right to herself. If she were to say she can still sing, she would be right to herself.

My friend, the human mind is powerful. Far more so than most realise. As one thinketh, so one becomes. You have allowed many seeds of doubt to germinate in your mind until you too have come to believe you are not good enough.

I say this with all my love and forcefulness. Please stop doubting your abilities. The same goes to Marlene and everyone else that believes they are falling short of their real potential.

You used to teach a phrase:

“What would you do differently if you knew beyond doubt you could not, or would not fail?”

The doubts must be eliminated. I’ve done my best to give you a satisfactory answer. But please don’t let your ego stand in the way with this answer. Marlene still has an active team of people working with her from this side. She has had many different helpers over the years. Some have come and gone, while three that she is aware of have stayed with her for many years. She would do well to attune to their resonance a little closer.

You have some testing times over the coming days. Rest assured that Jane’s spirit will be comforted and guided through the difficulty times ahead, as will John and yourself. You have an advantage of knowing we are always here supporting you. Jane and John don’t have that advantage, so it will be with you to relay our love and support in the best ways you can.

Goodnight from us here.


Written on 22nd January 2023 - 46 days after session was transcribed

I feel like so much has happened in my life since this transcription was given by the spirit team working with me. As I write these afterthoughts, I have only a vague recollection of sitting with this question in mind. So, as I re-transcribe them for this edition, they feel completely fresh to me. I don’t remember writing them, hence the following graphic shows a higher level of unawareness.


🔷 As most mediums will testify, once a connection is finished, whatever we relayed is often forgotten immediately. That all said, the words are interesting and don’t feel at all in my vocabulary.

🔷 As the cooks often suggest, the truth is in the tasting. I know that Marlene will read these notes and will comment back to me privately. If she allows her words to be printed publicly, I will publish her words for all to read.

🔷 ADDED IN FEBRUARY 2024: Marlene did send feedback after this session. It was interesting, though lacked details of specific mentions in the session.

"What would you do differently if you knew beyond doubt you could not, or would not fail?"

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How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.

"Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by tears once in a while, so we can see life with a clearer view again."

Alex Tan


The WFSIW sessions are usually published sometime after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and ability to critique better.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.