Spirit Insights


Notepad and Pencil


Profound Words With A Twist

|| this summary was written on Tuesday 9th January 2024

My world in this office is often a lonely one. My chosen means of communication with the outside world is through the power of words. But mine are often nothing more than flows of thoughts that I choose to share, to help others in their own spiritual unfoldment.

Yet through my connection with the spirit communicators and my pen, I am privileged to transcribe words that truly contain depth, power and reason. I often have a thought that I could claim their words to be mine to bolster my own work. But of course, that would be against my principles.

A wonderful example of what I’m saying to you can be read from today’s session with a speaker from the world of spirit. Imagine the situation. It is the early hours of a new day when I should be sleeping. Instead, I’m lay in bed, propped up on my elbows, with a digital notebook in front of me, a stylus held between my fingers and a hope that the spirit people are ready to share something with me.

Add to that mix the fact that I have no idea what to write, no subject, no words, no preconceived ideas, just a blank note waiting for words to be written to it. And then I hear the words in my mind. I know I have a connection and I duly listen and write every word in my thoughts.

Several weeks later, as is the case today, I transcribe those very words into this digital format. To me, they are new and as fresh as if I’d never read them before. That’s because I haven’t really. I wrote them, yes. But when the session was over, I closed the tablet with the notebook on the screen and fell asleep, never giving the words another thought again – until today!

As I re-read this session today, I couldn’t believe the power of the message shared with me. Incredibly meaningful, concise and extremely apt. I know that was a lot of superlatives, but that’s because I am taken back by the speaker’s message to me, and to us all.

I often believe that sessions, such as this one today, should be collected together as some form of handbook. Perhaps one day, when I have more time, that would be another project to add to my schedule!

  • I wonder how you would judge this speaker’s personality from the words shared. Would you consider them a tough, no nonsense kind of person, intelligent with a deep understanding?
  • I suspect that this was a male person on earth. The forthrightness of the message lacks a sympathy one might expect from a female. What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments at the end.


about the writing


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

This edition was transcribed whilst visiting Lanzarote in December 2023.

This is the fourth series of WFSIW from that location.


Transcribed on Friday 8th December 2023 at 01:30am

What would you like to hear from me this time? Were you hoping for words of wisdom that might offer you some light on your spiritualist journey? What words do you think would serve such a purpose? Be careful my friend!

I respect how important learning is, and the role it can play in one's development, but you, above all others, should know by now that no matter what words I share with you, or anyone reading them, they become hollow and without depth of meaning, without being acted upon.

Mediumship is easy. It's the medium that makes it complicated. Too many questions act to slow, inhibit, and confuse the individual.

You stopped writing then, because you heard no words. That is because I didn't share any! But that serves to prove how strong your connection to this side is. If only you would believe that a little more.

You have so many talents and abilities. Many are going to waste, because you don't explore them enough. Let me share a lesson with you.

If I were to give you a piece of steel rod, the length of a ruler, and instructed you to rub it on one side, backwards and forwards with one finger until I told you to stop. If I were to leave you to rub away at that steel rod for a number of years before I asked you to stop, you would rub a groove into the bar.

What would that prove to you? That you have the power to overcome even steel? Perhaps so. But the biggest lesson should be that if you keep doing the same things long enough, without change, question or reason, you would only serve to create a groove. A rut for your finger.

Nothing would be learnt by the finger, only to rub. People do this all the time, especially with their mediumship. They prefer the comfort and familiarity of repeating what they feel works best for them. But if they were to approach their mediumship with a more experimental attitude, they might discover better ways, better abilities, new skills, and clearer methods for communication.

You see, instead, they seek words of reassurance. They hope to learn ways without trying themselves of how to better their personal abilities.

You are a good student, as are many of your readers. Your mind remains open to all possibilities and to learning better ways to progress your unfoldment. That is all you need to do.

There really aren't any colourful or rich words that I could share that might transform your mediumship. Only you have that ability.

You are currently reading Glyn Edwards's book again. This great man always talked of potential untapped within yourself. The key word there was not potential. Instead it was 'untapped'.

No matter how long each of you live on the earth, I can reassure you that you'll never find the illusive answers you believe you are seeking. So waste not time expecting to. Just keep experimenting with your mediumship. If you find a technique that works, just don't stay on it and accept it for what it is. Instead, realise you know it works, and bring your attention to finding other ways that work too.

I've enjoyed speaking with you. I hope I've shared nothing of real value in my words, other that that you have all the answers you need. Go find other ways to question us this side. You'll be richer for the method.



Written on Tuesday 9th January - 32 days after session was transcribed

I think this is one of the best sessions for a long time. I am so impressed with the speaker’s words. This session has to be graded high, particularly after what I described in the opening paragraphs.


🔷 The title of this post suggests a twist. That’s because when the speaker described the rubbing of a steel rod would eventually wear a groove in it, I thought that alone was the message. The power to overcome even steel. But that was not the message and what the speaker said next was so valuable a lesson to us all.

🔷 I’m learning how important, not just the words I hear, but the gaps in between are. When transcribing their words, there was a silence at one point. I thought I had lost the connection with them. I hadn’t. The silence was deliberate by the speaker, to make a point. A valuable point, I might add.

🔷 There is a wry sense of humour on display by this speaker. The ending words regarding them sharing nothing of real value was quite a modest statement!

You are currently reading Glyn Edwards's book again. This great man always talked of potential untapped within yourself. The key word there was not potential. Instead it was 'untapped'


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The series of WFSIW has been rebranded to Spirit Insights. A few minor tweaks have been added to the new design for a cleaner look.

The actual sessions remain the same and they will all be indexed together as one collection

How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

"For his television series The Enemies of Reason, the well-known debunker and atheist Professor Richard Dawkins interviewed Nicholas Humphrey, Professor of Psychology at the London School of Economics. Humphrey – also an atheist – stated that, even when using traditional medicine, most of the cure is usually from within the patient’s own body. He went on to say that, for some patients, alternative medicine can be more effective than traditional treatment and that, therefore, people should not be dissuaded from seeing a healer."

Sandy Edwards - 'Spiritual Healing in Hospitals & Clinics


The WFSIW sessions are usually published some time after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and the ability to critique better.


As of January 2025, the original WFSIW page design has been updated, and every session added after that date uses this new format.

The series is initially only available in full to the Spirited Talk Envoys, who are paying subscribers. After six weeks, the page is made available to everyone.