Where Do Pigeons Go When It Rains?

While trying to distract my mind from my elbow pain and in between articles on this website, I stopped to glance out of the office window. It’s wet and raining, dull and dreary, and depressingly darker than it should be.

On the plus side, there aren’t any pigeons lurking in next-door’s tree. I’m not at all keen on these flying rats. I usually use my powerful laser pen to scare them away. This is very effective, to the point where if I show myself in the garden, they all disperse as soon as they’re aware of me. We have an understanding!

Anyway, here I was, sitting and looking through the raindrops running down the window, when I realised I hadn’t needed to use my laser today. Where do they all go when it rains? Are there thousands of pigeons aimlessly tucked in bushes around us, trying to avoid getting their feathers wet? 

There aren’t many bushes big enough to accommodate these great things around here. So, I thought, they must travel some distance to get shelter. But what do they think about in their tiny brains? Are they bothered by the constant wet weather? Do they still carry on trying to bonk each other under the bushes? Not that I’m jealous!

I’m sitting here thinking about our forthcoming trip to our second home in the hot climate of the Canary Islands. Why don’t pigeons fly south and enjoy warmer climates? Why hang around in the cold and wet north of England? 

I can technically answer all of my stupid and rhetorical questions; I’m not entirely thick! But I can’t help but wonder what the point of a life is with no purpose, ambitions, or benefit to anyone. Do they progress to the afterlife after this one is over for them? Can we be certain of our answer?

I would hate a life where all I’m wired to do is propagate with the opposite sex and eat junk food. Actually, on second thoughts, that sounds quite good, really!

One Response

  1. All I can say is Poor Pigeons Trevor! Shame on you, I know we are all different and we can’t all like the same things because life would be so monotonous, but my husband and I rescued a Pigeon that had been mauled by our next door neighbours cat in our garden, it was quite a bad neck wound and luckily enough for us we remembered another neighbour over the road that has an Aviary in his garden, he very kindly took the poor Pigeon and nursed it back to full health (he and my husband thought he wouldn’t pull through, but with Prayers from me and the care given by the neighbour he DID!!!) I have a question Trevor, “What have Poor Pigeons done to make you hate them so?” Now, if you were to ask me why I dislike my neighbours cat (after seeing him a few weeks later carrying a Dead Pigeon in its mouth) that’s another story………………

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