Spirit Insights



|| This summary written on Tuesday 5th November 2024

There are some claims I’ve encountered in my spiritual unfoldment I don’t often talk about. One such claim is that our lives, my life, are predetermined before we arrive on earth.

I have never encountered any personal evidence to substantiate that claim. That doesn’t mean there isn’t any documented evidence from others. There are plenty of tales from others who have chosen to be regressed in hypnotism and have been able to reveal details of their previous lives. Often, these events are accompanied by evidence, such as names, places and dates, and accurate descriptions of clothing, etc, even though they had no such knowledge in this life.

Perhaps because of how I’m made, I can’t accept such claims as factual. They’ve not happened to me, and therefore, my truth cannot accept the word of others without scrutiny. Equally important, though, I’ve never been to a regression therapist, and that is why I’ve no personal experience. However, I don’t rule out any of the claims as untrue. They’ve just not happened to me, and therefore, I have no concrete evidence.

In the same light, I’m uncertain whether this life is predestined. Perhaps it is, perhaps not! Today’s speaker hints that, to some extent, our life journey is known to the spirit world. The way this speaker talks about our unfoldment is rather revealing and opens up a lot more questions than it answers. But isn’t that the beautiful thing about the philosophy of life!

  • I won’t dictate to you what and what not to do. However, this session is one I suggest reading a few times to allow the speaker’s words to sink in. 


Session transcribed on Sunday 26th May 2024 at 01:30 am

May I take up the role of talking to you this time? I'm keen to chat about yours, and others, unfoldment, as you call it. That choice of word is okay for where you are. We refer to it more as feeding the soul. Anyway, I'll use your word when I refer to it.

Your unfoldment started the moment you were born to earth. You possessed everything you needed, as did everyone. Though some people want to believe that their life chances covered the gifts up, that isn't entirely accurate. Your life has been a series of lessons. You might consider them as the practical part of your journey.

Everything that has happened in your life has given you your unique signature of who you are and who you will therefore become. As you now know, much of this practical work happened without you being aware of its importance in your spiritual unfoldment.

Once your practical lessons were complete, you were made ready for the theory and the classroom work. That is when you became aware of this path of life for the first time.

Every person steps into the classroom stage at the time they are ready to, and that is not a chance they knowingly make. The time was chosen by your progress to the point you were made aware of your future role.

Your soul knew its purpose long before you were aware of it. I know all this because my role here is as an advanced teacher, as you might call it. I teach the teachers. Leaders in this work that have joined us here are assigned to advanced teachers. People you might know such as your Gordon Higginson and Glyn Edwards. Harry Edwards, Albert Best and many more such names you know. They have all been assigned advanced teachers here.

I share this with you so you may begin to appreciate that the path you have chosen was done so a long time before you believe it was.

The advanced teaching I'm involved in is very much around helping with the understanding of the true self. You've recently referred to it as your higher self.

There is much to learn. This is beyond the type of knowledge you might be involved in on earth. I teach more about understanding the Self and its part within the universal conscience - the path every soul takes towards final enlightenment.

If I could share one piece of advice for you reading these words, it would be to spend some of your unfoldment lessons on learning to appreciate your Self - the essence of you. Achieve this by using the silence to discover. The silence is the only place you can discover the true Self. As I said, the essence of who you are.

You have taken time to read my dictated words, which means you are already of a state ready to understand your destiny.

I leave my words for you to study, and study well, may I say. The picture you desire to see is unfolding for you. Open your mind and allow the visions to pass through in the silence and the light of the Divine.

I am done. Print my words and share them this day.



Tuesday 5th November 2024
162 days after the session was transcribed

I’m in the same place as you regarding the power of the sentiments shared by this speaker. A lot of days have passed since I transcribed the session, which I’d pretty much forgot from the moment I closed the notebook on the day. So I am amazed at the words and the implications from the speaker’s message. Mind-blowing, in many ways!

🔷 Within the first few sentences, this speaker describes unfoldment as ‘feeding the soul’. Isn’t that the truth!

🔷 A sentence later, the speaker informs us that our unfoldment (feeding of our soul) started the moment we were born. We can’t argue that simple truth. But then the speaker suggests that the lessons of our life have predetermined where our conscious unfoldment should begin. Again, common sense, but quite revealing, nonetheless.

🔷 I love the concept of teachers teaching the teachers. It makes complete sense. It’s just a shame that some of our teachers here on earth didn’t adopt a more student approach to their own unfoldment.

"We refer to unfoldment more as feeding the soul....Your unfoldment started the moment you were born to earth. You possessed everything you needed, as did everyone."

Producing this content for online archives is often a lonely task. I never know who reads it, or whether it helps people in their own spiritual journey. I am aware that the comments section is only available to subscribing envoys, but it would be nice to hear from you anyway! You’ll find the email address in this website. Drop me a line with your comments!


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The series of WFSIW has been rebranded to Spirit Insights. A few minor tweaks have been added to the new design for a cleaner look.

The actual sessions remain the same and they will all be indexed together as one collection

How Writing Is Achieved

During a session of sitting in the power, Trevor opens his notebook and transcribes the words he hears in his mind as a speaking voice. The transcription is exactly as it is heard.

Only a few words are heard at a time, giving Trevor time to transcribe them. Trevor never knows ahead what the topic of the communication will be.

The process is known as automatic or inspired writing, determined by the depth of the connection.


The words are heard as a voice in my mind and written exactly as heard. However, occasionally the translation from voice to words contains grammatical faults. Where these effect the structure and meaning, during the process of converting the notes to this digital form, minor adjustments may be made.

"Courage is a love affair with the unknown."



The WFSIW sessions are usually published some time after being transcribed. This allows Trevor to read the transcription from a fresh perspective and the ability to critique better.


As of January 2025, the original WFSIW page design has been updated, and every session added after that date uses this new format.

The series is initially only available in full to the Spirited Talk Envoys, who are paying subscribers. After six weeks, the page is made available to everyone.