Trevor has been working with the spirit world for 25 years and confesses to still be a student of his mediumship work. He was drawn to this path at the age of 42 after a series of unexplainable events occurred in his life.
By nature, Trev is an introvert and stays away from the spotlight as much as possible, choosing to focus on private clients combine with his writing.
Trevor suggests he is an evidential medium, seeking to prove to his clients that life does continue after this one. His approach is unique and can involve much interaction with whoever is present. He loves the Tarot and occasionally uses them as a source of further information or guidance as to what should be discussed in a reading.
In 2020, one of his podcast guests, Kavya Jaiswal, inspired him to pursue his interest in spirit-inspired/automatic writing. Originally as an experiment, he started sitting regular to transcribe whatever the spirit connect wish to share through his pen. He published the series under a rather long name, now shortened to WFSIW, words from spirit-inspired writing. This has become one of his most popular publications and this work continues to be an important part of his life.
These recordings were made a short time after the covid lockdown was lifted and may contain links and references to websites or information no longer available. The host is Spirit medium, Adam Berry.
Adam (left) & Trevor