|| This summary written on 22nd January 2024
In this session, the speaker from the spirit world is presented with two questions that came from a Spirited Talk Envoy. At the time of sitting with the questions, I had no idea who sent them in. Although Jane might have told me after the session was complete who sent them, as I prepare this presentation, I can’t recall who that was. So I apologise for not addressing you personally.
For what it’s worth, I approve of the answers today’s speaker has given. I would like to add a point worth keeping in mind though. I’ve mentioned this before. Just because the person speaking is residing in the spirit world now, doesn’t necessarily mean that they automatically have all the answers to the workings of the universe. Remember that we are all subject to the process of the continuation of life and just because we move to another dimension, doesn’t mean we suddenly know everything. Part of the eternal life is progression through growth, personal growth.
I’m not convinced that just because we pass to the next stage of our life, we inherit abilities of being able to see into the future, according to our earth timeline. I believe there are powers or forces that can and do influence our future, but I don’t for one moment believe that power is with all in the spirit world.
Recently, I watched a video presented by the leading atheist, Richard Dawkins, who’s arguments depend heavily on our known science. He stated in the video that nothing can or will ever be able to move beyond the speed of life, and that the vastness of our universe should not be underestimated when it comes to time travel. Richard’s entire theory is based on known science on earth.
My belief, however, is that there is much more science than we can ever comprehend. Quantum scientists have already proven that two identical particles can be made to react instantaneously when huge distances apart, beyond being governed by the speed of light.
The biggest issue we forget with time travel is in the mass of our solid body. I don’t for one moment believe that as solid humans we will ever even come close to those speeds of travel. But without the mass being an issue, surely anything is possible?
Think about it, we can already travel back in time with our minds. So who really knows if moving forward in time isn’t possible. Aren’t we doing just that when we revisit a memory, relive the detail and imagine ourselves back in that situation. What do we do after? We move forward in time to the here and now. Just food for thought!
It’s often considered that some of our dreams are actually of our spirits visiting the other side. The events, as real as they can appear, are happening to us as we visit that world temporarily. But I have never had such a dream where time played any role. It’s never part of the mechanics. How about you? Have you ever had a dream where time played a part? Have you ever dreamt and been somewhere where there was a calendar or timepiece? Comment below.
The following questions were sent to my partner’s email address. At the time of sitting for this session, my partner wrote the questions onto this notepad before opening a second blank page where I would commence the sit.
I did not know who sent the questions until after this session was complete. The process of reading the questions and commencing writing is continuous.
You may read the question now. I am ready.
Several of the speakers in the Words From Spirit-Inspired Writing series have hinted at a knowledge of the future. Does this mean that in spirit, we are free to travel in space and time?
Is the spirit world influencing, or have a degree of control over our earth life?
So, let us look at the questions one by one. The difficulty for humans understanding life this side fully is in their attachment to a linear time frame that is the way of life on earth.
Humans find it hard to envision anything other than a time controlled existence. Yet it does exist. Even your animals on earth, some tribal communities, and societies liv unaware of time, in the exactness you experience it.
In our world, everything exists in the here and now. The past and the future are one canvas with the now. Time travel is primarily a romantic notion that humans would like to be convinced exists, or doesn't. Moving in time here in this world is not quite the same in concept as yours. Your time travel notion is always going to exist based on your current timestamp. You think only of going back in time, or going forward in time. But time does not exist for us, so backward and forward are nothing more than now.
If I, for example, wanted to visit the ancient pharaohs, it happens with the thought. If I wanted to visit the future, that is also so. But with future events we are limited as to how far we might conceive, because of the great forces we'd have to overcome. So what you'd call your future days and weeks, we do have the ability to shift our focus. But precise weeks, months and years of your time are not easy for us to experience.
Imagine time as a carpet on a roll. Only so much of the carpet of time is unrolled. There may be higher forces or beings here that may be able to move forward, but my doubts are, they wouldn't. There is no reason to. God's will is for us all, your side and here, to experience life to it's fullest.
You also ask if the spirit world has an influence over your life. Again, the simple answer is yes. You use the phrase, "things happen for a reason," suggesting that there is some Divine forces at work. And you would be correct. But let me make it clear, not everything that happens on earth is influenced by this side. The Divine source wants you to experience life at your own free will.
Before my medium goes off on one here, free will exists, to a point! There are often events that the Divine source wishes to happen for a greater good. My medium today, for example, was aligned with Jane. That was the doing of the Divine source that brought them together.
When you choose to accept my answer, please do so in the knowledge that what little influences that you may have encountered, that were influenced by forces this side and beyond, were never anything but for the greater good of love and advancement of your soul.
Don't ever blame this side for any predicaments you find yourself in. They are on you, so own up and own them.
In Trevor's last sitting, my friend this side knew the questions that were to be asked and used today. He explained to Trevor that the answers would be simply yes, as you have now discovered. But my friend's point was about accepting those answers without needing all the details. I agree with him.
I understand your human ways to question everything, but please don't allow the questioning process to burden you down. Your goal should only be one of seeking enlightenment. With that comes love and trust and the truth of all things. The details matter not, only the pursuit.
I hope I have made sense enough for you today. Even as I speak through this medium's mind, I can feel how he is so impressed that he didn't have to answer those questions!
I have enjoyed speaking to you today, and I hope for a long and enlightening future for you. Keep doing what it is you are doing. Your path is clear ahead.
Monday 22nd January 2024
41 days after the session was transcribed
Honestly, I don’t think we learned anything new from this speaker. I do believe, however, that it is us that gets hung up about time, often only relying on our known science. I believe the topic is unimportant to those in the spirit world. Their lives are not determined by the measure of time. However, when they communicate with us, there is this temporary need to affix their communications to our timeline.

🔷 Some of this communication appears contradictory and broken. For example, the speaker suggests that they can move forward in time with a thought. But the future itself is based on a time stamp, so if time doesn’t play any role in their world, how would they know where they are in time at any given thought?
🔷 I do believe that the forces beyond this world can and do influence us in this world. However, I suspect that it is beyond the call of the normal spirits, instead a power of a greater and more Divine source.
🔷 I conclude this summary with it being my opinion that this speaker wasn’t privy to anything new than we have come to recognise.
“Your goal should only be one of seeking enlightenment. With that comes love and trust and the truth of all things. .“
This article was originally published on the Spirited Talk Substack channel and transferred to this site: 141124
series 4
7th – 18th December 2023